You are doing research on iMarketsLive because someone approached you about it and you want to know if this company is legit or a scam. That’s what we’re about to find out.
If you have been here before, welcome back!
Thank you for taking the time to check out my iMarketsLive review!
One of the common questions I get asked often is if iMarketsLive a scam or not.
We’re going to take the next few minutes to take a look and get some answers.
The main concern I have for people who are researching this opportunity is that I don’t want them to get burned. In the profession of network marketing, anything could happen.
A company ends up shutting down in a few months due to bad business decisions for being non-compliant, compensation plan change, or the company not paying it’s distributors.
Even worst, your direct sponsor or upline leaves the company. Leaving you hanging to dry.
I understand that many of you are new. Sometimes we are not in a position to make a solid business assessment due to inexperience.
Additionally, I am going to offer you a way for you to escape the ‘9 to 5’ if you decide that this company is not for you.
More information about this program will be at the end of this post.
You landed on this blog because you are thinking about joining iMarketsLive because someone approached you about it or you just want to try out their products.
Unlike all the other iMarketsLive reviews on the internet, this is completely third party unbiased. I have no relationship with this company what so ever so when you read this blog post all the way through and pay attention, I can assure you that I am not going to ask you to join or buy.
By the time you have read this unbiased review, you will be able to decide if iMarketsLive is a fit or not. I do not promote, nor I am affiliated with iMarketsLive. I stand neutral in the current development of the iMarketsLive business.
With that said, let’s dive in!
iMarketsLive, or International Markets Live, is an MLM company that specializes in Forex/Futures trading. The company runs an MLM compensation plan for its members. The company is run by a professional trader named Christopher Terry.
Long before Terry got involved with iMarketsLive, he was involved with two other MLM companies: Amway and Zeek Rewards.
IML was founded in 2013 and it’s a financial trading software company with FOREX education platform designed to take anyone from complete newbie to learning straight from the experts that have over 20+ years experience. Inside their software, you get to watch these guys’ every move. Every sale & trade and even have the software make the same trades as these experts on auto-pilot.
The headquarters is based in New York and they are currently available in 120 countries.
The company’s business model is similar to Global Prosperity Solutions, Organo Gold, and ByDzyne.
iMarketsLive Product
They provide training and software designed to help traders learn about Forex trading. At the time of this review, their services are divided into four main categories:
- Live Trading Room – successful traders do live webinars and training
- Harmonic Scanner – software that shows traders patterns in the forex market
- Training Room – a library of forex articles, videos, and webinars
- FX Signal Live – automated software that trades on your behalf
The iMarketsLive Compensation Plan
The iMarketsLive compensation plan pays affiliates to sell Platinum Packages.
Retail volume is mandatory, with commissions paid out weekly based on rank and residually via an infinity bonus.
iMarketsLive Affiliate Ranks
There are ten affiliate ranks within the iMarketsLive compensation plan.
Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:
- Affiliate – sign up as an iMarketsLive affiliate ($15)
- Platinum 150 – recruit and maintain at least three affiliates and have a total downline volume of 435 PV a month
- Platinum 600 – recruit and maintain at least twelve affiliates, generate 290 PV a month in retail sales and have a total downline volume of at least 1740 GV a month
- Platinum 1000 – recruit and maintain at least thirty affiliates, maintain 290 PV a month in retail sales and have a total downline volume of at least 4350 GV a month
- Platinum 2000 – recruit and maintain at least seventy-five affiliates, maintain 435 PV a month in retail sales and have a total downline volume of at least 10,875 GV a month
- Platinum 5000 – recruit and maintain at least two hundred and twenty-five affiliates, maintain 435 PV a month in retail sales and have a total downline volume of at least 32,625 GV a month
- Chairman 10 – recruit and maintain at least five hundred affiliates, maintain 435 PV a month in retail sales and have a total downline volume of at least 72,500 GV a month
- Chairman 25 – recruit and maintain at least one thousand two hundred and fifty affiliates, maintain 435 PV a month in retail sales and have a total downline volume of at least 181,250 GV a month
- Chairman 50 – recruit and maintain at least two thousand five hundred affiliates, maintain 435 PV a month in retail sales and have a total downline volume of at least 362,500 GV a month
- Chairman 100 – recruit and maintain at least five thousand affiliates, maintain 435 PV a month in retail sales and have a total downline volume of at least 725,000 GV a month
Note that no more than 40% of required monthly GV can be sourced from any one unilevel leg.
Also unless a uni-level leg’s volume is made up of at least 55% retail GV, non-retail GV counted from that leg is reduced until the retail GV equals 55%.
PV stands for “Personal Volume” and is sales volume generated by retail Platinum Package sales and an affiliate own package purchase (retail volume requirements exclude affiliate purchases).
GV stands for “Group Volume” and is PV generated by an affiliate and their downline.
Platinum Package Retail and Recruitment Commissions
iMarketsLive pays the same commission on all Platinum Package purchases, be it retail customer purchases or that of recruited affiliates.
- Platinum Directors earn $35 on level 1 (personally referred customers and recruited affiliates)
- Platinum 600s earn $35 on level 1 and $10 on level 2
- Platinum 1000s and higher earn $35 on level 1, $10 on level 2 and $5 on level 3
Guaranteed Monthly Income
iMarketsLive pay Platinum 150 and higher ranked affiliates a guaranteed monthly income:
- Platinum 150 ranked affiliates receive $150
- Platinum 600 ranked affiliates receive $600
- Platinum 1000 ranked affiliates receive $1000
- Platinum 2000 ranked affiliates receive $2000
- Platinum 5000 ranked affiliates receive $5000
- Chairman 10 ranked affiliates receive $10,000
- Chairman 25 ranked affiliates receive $25,000
- Chairman 50 ranked affiliates receive $50,000
- Chairman 100 ranked affiliates receive $100,000
- Chairman 250 ranked affiliates receive $250,000
- Chairmain 500 ranked affiliates receive $500,000
Chairman Infinity Bonus
Chairman 10 and higher ranked iMarketsLive affiliates receive a percentage match on downline volume.
Sales volume in iMarketsLive is calculated at a rate of 145 GV per Platinum Package sold (145 GV per subscription month).
- Chairman 10 affiliates earn a 1% bonus capped at $1000 per unilevel leg
- Chairman 25 affiliates earn a 1% bonus capped at $2500 per unilevel leg
- Chairman 50 affiliates earn a 1% bonus capped at $5000 per unilevel leg
- Chairman 100 affiliates earn a 1% bonus capped at $10,000 per unilevel leg
- Chairman 250 affiliates earn a 2% bonus capped at $20,000 per unilevel leg
- Chairman 500 affiliates earn a 2% bonus capped at $40,000 per unilevel leg
The iMarketsLive compensation plan documentation doesn’t state whether the above leg caps are weekly or monthly.
Note that the Chairman Infinity Bonus is paid down each unilevel leg up until an affiliate of the same or higher rank is found.
Rank Achievement Bonus
iMarketsLive rewards affiliates with a one-time bonus when they qualify at the Platinum 2000 and higher ranks for three consecutive months.
- Platinum 2000 – $500
- Platinum 5000 – $1500
- Chairman 10 – $5000 over two months
- Chairman 25 – $10,000 over two months
- Chairman 50 – $25,000 over six months
- Chairman 100 – $100,000 over twelve months
- Chairman 250 – $150,000 over twenty-four months
- Chairman 500 – $200,000 over twenty-four months
How to join iMarketsLive
There are two options to join iMarketLive in order to take advantage of their membership program.
1. Platinum Package – $195 One Time Fee & $145 Per Month
2. IBO Platinum Package – $200 One Time Fee & $150 Per Month
Here is what you get with the membership programs:
• FX Signal Live
• Live Training Room
• Harmonic Scanner
• Trading Education
My Final Thoughts
Before you decide to join iMarketsLive. I would recommend that you try out the products first. See if it’s a fit for what you’re looking for.
If you don’t believe in the products that you are selling, chances are others wouldn’t. Makes sense, right?
If you’ve decided that you want to join iMarketsLive, you must have the following if you want to succeed:
- A support team and system that will help build your business.
- A mentor that will take you by the hand and help you reach your dreams and goals.
- A constant flow of new leads and prospects that want to join your business.
It is not easy to be successful in the iMarketsLive business and which is why more than 95% fail.
If you feel the person you are going to sign up with is not going to be able to give you the necessary tools to help you succeed…
You might want to check this out by clicking here!
iMarketsLive Is Not A Fit For You?
Now, if you feel that iMarketsLive isn’t for you. But determined to find a home-based business so that you can create a legacy for you and your family.
I would suggest that you check out my number #1 recommended program.
This program is the reason why so many people are having success with a ‘work from home business’.
Last but not least (drum roll please)…
I would love to hear from you if you are looking to join iMarketsLive or if you were an affiliate.
Please share your experiences by leaving your feedback below.
The feedback will help out those who are doing research on the company.