Aluva Review – Another Weight Loss MLM?

Thank you for taking the time to check out my Aluva review!

We’re going to take the next few minutes to take a look and get some answers.

The main concern I have for people who are researching this opportunity is that I don’t want them to get burned. In the profession of network marketing, anything could happen.

A company ends up shutting down in a few months due to bad business decisions for being non-compliant, compensation plan change, or the company not paying it’s distributors.

I understand that many of you are new. Sometimes we are not in a position to make a solid business assessment due to inexperience.

Additionally, I am going to offer you a way for you to escape the ‘9 to 5’ if you decide that this company is not for you.

More information about this program will be at the end of this post.

By the time you have read the review, you will be able to decide if Aluva is a fit or not. I do not promote, nor I am affiliated with Aluva.

With that said, let’s dive in!

What is Aluva?

Aluva is an (MLM) company based out of Salt Lake City, Utah that markets health and wellness products.​

Their mantra is dedicated to simplicity, transparency, and inclusion so that anyone that wants it can find success here…physical and financial success!

It was founded by Gavin Dickson

The company is similar to Plexus, Zurvita, and Ziya.

Need To Generate More Leads ASAP? Check out My #1 Recommendation Here!

The Aluva Product Line

Currently, Aluva has three products. That is Ignite, Life Greens Tub and G / Burn.


The company says that ALUVA Ignite is the perfect pack to test their amazing products.

This product was made to give you the same amount of energy as the competition just a healthy version without a crash.

Life Greens Tub

This product has probiotics, prebiotics and vital minerals that support digestive health, better nutrient absorption for prolonged energy, immune health, wellness, and vitality.

G / Burn

The company aims to provide solutions to the world’s biggest problems has made a major shift from the unsustainable model of charity work to a revolutionary new business model for change called social business.  

According to the company “Social business” combines the unique product technologies and cash flow of a for-profit company with the heart, passion, and purpose of a not-for-profit organization, to provide solutions for the world’s biggest problems while creating sustainable income for entrepreneurs.

Aluva’s compensation plan

There are five affiliate ranks within Aluva’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • A1 – generate and maintain 50 PV a month and recruit and maintain one affiliate
  • A2 – generate and maintain 90 PV a month and recruit and maintain two affiliates
  • A3 – generate and maintain 155 PV and 15,000 GV a month (max 7500 GV from one unilevel leg and 2500 GV from two other legs), and recruit and maintain three affiliates
  • A4 – generate and maintain 235 PV and 50,000 GV a month (max 25,000 GV from one unilevel leg and 10,000 GV each from two other legs), and recruit and maintain four affiliates
  • A5 – maintain 235 PV a month, generate and maintain 100,000 GV a month (max 25,000 GV from four unilevel legs each), and maintain four personally recruited affiliates

How to join Aluva

Aluva affiliate membership is tied to a monthly subscription:

  • Entry Subscription – $90 a month for two product credits
  • Premium Subscription – $155 a month for four product credits and one sample credit
  • Premium Plus Subscription – $225 a month for six product credits and two sample credits
  • Business Subscription – $425 for twelve product credits and six sample credits

Product credits appear to be good for one Aluva product. Sample credits are presumably the same products but in smaller sample amounts.

My Final Thoughts

Before you decide to join Aluva. I would recommend that you try out the products first. See if it’s a fit for what you’re looking for.

If you don’t believe in the products that you are selling, chances are others wouldn’t. Makes sense, right?

If you’ve decided that you want to join Aluva, you must have the following if you want to succeed:

  • A support team and system that will help build your business.
  • A mentor that will take you by the hand and help you reach your dreams and goals.
  • A constant flow of new leads and prospects that want to join your business.

It is not easy to be successful in the Aluva business and which is why more than 95% fail.

If you feel the person you are going to sign up with is not going to be able to give you the necessary tools to help you succeed…

You might want to check this out by clicking here! 😊

Aluva Is Not A Fit For You?

Now, if you feel that Aluva isn’t for you. But determined to find a home-based business so that you can create a legacy for yourself and your family.

I would suggest that you check out my number #1 recommended program.

This program is the reason why so many people are having success with a ‘work from home business’.

Last but not least (drum roll please)…

I would love to hear from you if you are looking to join Aluva or if you were an affiliate.

Please share your experiences by leaving your feedback below.

The feedback will help out those who are doing research on the company.

Did you get value from this blog post?

If so, please leave your comments below and share this on social media 😊

P.S. Want to make money online? Click here to learn more!

P.S.S. Click here to see what people are saying about working with me. ❤️

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One response to “Aluva Review – Another Weight Loss MLM?”

  1. Ash Ram says:

    My design company created the name ALUVA, all of the design work and packaging design. Gavin the CEO of this company still has not paid his design bills. It’s also unfortunate that he says he believes in integrity and decided to not only forget paying his bill with our firm but also poach my lead designer and hire him without even talking to me.

    I’ve messaged him for months and he continues to promise that he will make payment but fails to do so

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