Why a Lack of Structure Will Get You Nowhere in Your Business

If an architect tried to build something without first establishing some sort of structure, do you think that the building project will go as smoothly as they would like?  Of course not! The target objective of the average architect or contractor is to first establish a structure for the building so that they will be able to basically fill in the gaps and not have to worry about any future instability.  The same principle applies to your multilevel marketing (MLM) business.  How so?

Why a Lack of Structure Will Get You Nowhere in Your Business

The Value of a Foundation

In order for you to build a successful MLM organization, you need to have a solid foundation created first and foremost.  After the foundation has been established, you will have a base on which you can build.  For example, make sure that you have a full understanding of the products, services and overall business opportunity that you will be offering to your prospects.  If you have not created this type of foundation for your MLM business, why would you expect your team to do anything differently?

The Value of a Blueprint

Studies have confirmed that MLM professionals that create a plan and put it in writing are more likely to stick to it and do what is necessary to make that plan work for themselves and their organizations.  Simply talking about a plan or spending countless hours in a state of wishful thinking will not provide you with the long-term commitment that you will need to achieve the level of success for which you have planned.  Just like an architect needs to follow a documented blueprint when they are developing a new building, you are only going to get the results that you are expecting from your MLM organization if you first develop a detailed blueprint and plan of action for it.

The Prevalence of Chaos

Within any organization, if you do not make room for structure then you are going to leave room for chaos.  This principle applies whether you have an MLM business or not.  Whenever you have established a team or organization, the structure is an essential piece of the puzzle because it prevents chaos from finding a way to fit in.  Once the chaos has entered into an MLM organization, it will spread like wildfire and eventually burn the entire organization down.

There has been an excessive number of teams and organizations within the world of multilevel marketing that have been forced to meet their untimely demise simply because of leaving enough space for chaos to enter.  By making sure that you have established a well-developed structure, then you will never have to worry about this potential catastrophe.

Why a Lack of Structure Will Get You Nowhere in Your Business

The structure is All That Matters

It truly does not matter what type of potential you have within your MLM team.  Without any developed structure, it is only a matter of time before your team achieves inevitable failure instead of long-term success.  Make sure that you do whatever it takes to establish and maintain a solid structure. Even if that means that you have to burn bridges with the dead weight within your MLM organization just to make sure that your boat stays afloat within this competitive industry, you need to be willing to do just that.

It’s your turn!

As you have read, the lack of structure gets you nowhere in your business.  Are you currently experiencing a lack of structure in your business?  What are you doing to overcome them?  Please leave your feedback in the comments section and I look forward to reading them!

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29 responses to “Why a Lack of Structure Will Get You Nowhere in Your Business”

  1. Jason Power says:


    Well written article about structure. I feel like a good business plan is half the battle to set up at first. The other half being the action and implementation.


    • Nate Leung says:

      Hey Jason!

      Yes you are right, having the foundation set in stone, you’ve done have of your work. The other half is taking action on what you have set up. Thanks for contributing. 🙂

  2. Having a structure is great way to build your business. Depending upon what kind of compensation one has. I always recommend no less then 20 active distributors that are receiving bonus checks and 10 repeat customers. That helps lay the foundation for a balanced business. In regards to your team, I believe having cardinal rules in place helps everyone on the team grow, and maintain their team. Yes, I am all for having structure.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Right on Karl! You and I are both in agreement. Thanks for the comments!

  3. Gena Livings says:

    I’m all about structure! You made some excellent points here today! Thanks Nate!

    Healthy blessings,

  4. Megan says:

    I’m totally experiencing lack of structure! I need to implement these ideas. I like the concept you introduce of “leaving room for chaos”. Makes perfect sense, but I had never thought of it like that. Thanks!

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Megan,

      Start small, make small baby steps, and don’t try to get your structure right the first time. Take action, put it into play and you can also go back and scale up. Thanks for the comments!

  5. No matter what type of business one operates, one must have a structure and a plan so that things will run at optimum levels.

  6. John Rusk says:

    Love how you mention how after the foundation has been established, you will have a base on which you can build. You have to be the first to do it before anyone else does. Thanks Nate!

  7. Ryan Biddulph says:

    Hi Nate!

    Good points 😉 Build an orderly plan. For yourself and your team, then follow your duplicable success to promote everybody’s success.



  8. Cindy Eidahl says:

    Great tips. It’s like building a house
    one step at a time. The first step I did was working
    my myself with personal development. Reading and listening
    to audio daily.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Yes, it is very much like building a house. You have to have walls and a foundation before you can put up a roof. Good for you! Keep listening to personal development! 🙂

  9. Greg says:

    That’s right Nate. Everything starts with the goal in mind and then build the foundation or structure.

  10. Irene Franzese says:

    Hi Nate, I can understand what you are saying about structure. When you first start putting your team together, that is when you have to lay a solid foundation of duplication. Thanks for sharing Nate.

  11. pam schmidt says:

    Planning makes such a difference in life, business, and in entertainment. Without writing it, somehow the plans just aren’t solidified.

  12. Hey Nate,

    You definitely have to have a plan in order to know where you and your team want to go. Just doing guess work will have you running around in circles, but having a step by step plan, you have a better idea of how to get to your destination. This is why having a sound structure is needed. It may not be pretty at first, but it doesn’t mean you can’t make the necessary adjustments to get you and your team where you want to go! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Nomusa says:

    Not having a plan is planning to fail. The plan gives structure and direction as to hoe the project will be done to completion.

  14. Leo Deleon says:

    You definitely don’t want to start any journey without first mapping your course. It’s too risky and costly if you at it blindly. That goes the same with your business, in this case, your home based business, you need something that’s proven to work, something that would leverage your business, that something is attraction marketing.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Leo,

      Taking action is the most important step. Mapping out your course is good but sometimes people get stuck and hung over on the mapping part. I believe in taking action first, then worry about the mapping second. From there you can scale up and tweak from there. Thank you for the comments!

  15. Rachel says:


    In some respects, I’ve now reached the pinnacle of this tendency. I have my own business (with some partners), doing what I/we decide to do. I work from home and don’t need to be somewhere at any particular time, dress a particular way or live up to other externally mandated criteria… and we’re doing relatively well.

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