There are numerous ways to go about obtaining leads and prospects for your network marketing opportunity or MLM company. One of the time-tested and truest ways of finding new leads and prospects is to tap into your “warm market.” A warm market consists of the people you know personally, or at least have talked with in the past. This is different from a “cold market” which consists of people that you don’t know and have never talked to.
Approaching your warm market and asking them to join your business or opportunity is much easier than approaching the cold market. This is because you know the person you’re approaching, making it much easier to start up a conversation that eventually leads into a discussion of the program or opportunity. One consistent problem that network markets face is they tend to burn through their warm market fairly quickly. While almost everybody will be at least be receptive to hearing about your opportunity the first or second time, by the third or fourth time you will likely be speaking with the voicemail machine versus the actual person.
This presents a very difficult challenge for any network marketer. After you have exhausted the list of people you personally know, where do you go next? While there is no set rule or guideline that establishes a “guide” to follow, you will find some success when you exhaust your warm market by following the tips below.
Warm Market Tip #1: Ask for “Friends of Friends”
Rejection is a normal part of network marketing, and being faced with rejection is no reason to hang your head in sorrow. If you approach your friend, who for this scenario will be named John, and he politely declines your opportunity you can turn the tables by asking John if he has any friends that are hurting for money and be interested in your opportunity or program. John will be likely to offer the names and numbers of friends who he knows may be struggling for money, because as a friend he genuinely wants to help them out. Convincing his friends to join your program is up to you, which is why you need strong interpersonal skills to be strong in network marketing.
Warm Market Tip #2: Ask your Upline for Help
The people above you in the program, known as your upline, have the responsibility of helping you, mentoring you and giving you advice when it comes to succeeding in the program. They should have an interest in helping you because the more money you make, the more money they will make as well.
If you find yourself in the precarious situation of having no warm market, one of the best things you can do is ask your upline if they know anybody that has shown interest in the program in the past, but for whatever reason has declined to join. Contacting these people may seem redundant, and be prepared for quite a few rejections, but it’s much better to ask these people than to contact the cold market.
Good post Nate. Agreed about asking upwards! Always seek the advice of those who are your mentors and be prepared to channel that advice down.
nagoyauk75 That’s absolutely correct, my friend!
Thanks for this Nate, good, simple steps here that can serve people well.
lukeinnagoya Absolutely. Thanks Luke!