The number one cause of procrastination is ambition.
You come up with a new, better vision of what’s possible, but you don’t have the skill sets to complete it.
So, what ends up happening is that you procrastinate and you put it off.
Sounds familar?
The problem is that when you had the new target that you want to hit, ask yourself the wrong question.
Start to ask ‘who’, not ‘how’
How much value are you leaving on the table because you don’t have a who or because you are caught in the middle of implementing a project?
As online marketers, each of us has a constant stream of ideas and new projects that might add massive value — if they ever get implemented.
The idea that as soon as I come up with an idea, my sole responsibility is to ask, “Who am I going to reach out to help me implement this project?” It has been an absolute game-changer.
Ultimately, asking who, not how, has transformed my ability to have success and get things done in my business.
Why doing it yourself may put you in danger
Most online marketers are “do it yourself” types of people. They enjoy building things from scratch and will ultimately embrace the hardships that they need to overcome in order to be successful.
They feel as if they need to do:
- Podcast editing
- Graphic designs (logo, images and banner creation)
- Video editing
- Content creation
- Facebook ads
- Website coding
- Sales funnel design
- Lead generation
This leads them to enjoy overcoming adversity and facing challenges head-on. These types of people will generally look at the best methods of solving the problem in order to apply it to their business, usually taking factors into consideration like how much something will cost vs. what are the benefits to doing it.
This “do it yourself” mentality is a bonus that helps the business succeed. There are certain types of challenges that businesses face that may not be appropriate for this type of attitude to be applied to. Trying to wear all the “hats” is one of them.
Do not play every role in your business, your business will die!
Our upbringing caused us to be this way
As you may have noticed looking back, our education system plays a major role in why we ask how, and not who from the get-go. The education system engrains asking how and discourages asking who.
If you want to create a massive impact, you need to overcome old habits and begin to view human capital as an abundant resource. From there, curate a strong and passionate team to support you and act as your who.
By delegating the how to my whos, my productivity and my overall passion go through the roof because I can remove myself from the mental weight and obligation of unfinished projects, allowing me to focus on what I truly love to do.
How to move forward
As online marketers, we have to stop trying to figure out the how, how, how, which is what our brains are wired to do, and start thinking who, who, who.
So if you have this big, better vision, you never should be thinking, ‘how do I do that?’ you should be thinking, ‘who already knows how to do this?’
Figure out who already knows how to do it, and then they’ll just go do the thing.
Procrastination disappears instantly. And if they already know how to do the thing, they’re just going to do it way faster, way easier.”
Final thoughts
Start thinking through all the projects where you may find yourself procrastinating.
Look at your to-do list, and ask yourself these questions:
- I’m trying to figure out how am I going to do that?
- How am I going to do that?
- Am I getting so stressed out because I don’t know the how, and I’m angry because I’m like, I should know this?
It’s not your duty to figure out the how on everything. It’s to figure out the who, who already knows the how. Figure out the who and then let them do it, and that’s the key.
Finding your whos will make your hows happen faster and cheaper than ever before.
At the end of the day, while it’s really important for you as a leader to be smart, driven, ethical, and visionary, the only way for you to scale your impact is to build an incredible team of whos behind you.
Right now is the greatest time in human history to find your whos.
What are you waiting for? Let’s go out there and make it happen!