The Right Way To Do Content Marketing To Make Money Online

The question that is on everyone’s mind, do you really need good content?

Content marketing is the intersection of advertising and publishing. When you create great content you create value.

The forms of great content come from education, inspiration or entertainment. These are the three values you need to bring to the table when it comes to creating content. This applies to your blog, social media or videos. Keep that in mind as you’re creating content for your audience.

When you create value, you will create an audience. When there is an audience, people gravitate towards value.

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When there is an audience, you can advertise!

To build your online business, and nurture prospect/customer relationships the right way, you must deliver “value in advance.” Content is how you do just that.

It’s important to know how to craft and execute a content strategy that utilizes social media, a blog, or YouTube videos. Using these high-yield strategies, you’ll spread your brand’s message to new audiences and existing prospects alike, by providing genuine value in advance.

Pretty simple, right? Let’s not overcomplicate it.

The content marketing strategy

Say you have people driving up the freeways you have some advertising on the billboards and make no mistake this is every effect. Any place you are finding an audience (or group of people), you’re more than likely to find a platform to advertise on.

Here is how it works online. Facebook for example which has over 3 billion people and 1.2 daily active users. They created a massive audience on their platform. Now, because there is an audience, now they can sell advertising as their business model.

Any place you can find an audience, you can find advertising. Here is another extreme example. If you ever been to a sporting event, obviously there is an audience there and you can advertise to that audience when they use the restroom.

When you create an audience, you can advertise, and when you advertise you are driving awareness for your mission, product, or service. You can advertise all day long.

When you have awareness, you have the possibility of making sales. To make sales, you need to create great value.

The reverse is true as well. If you create poor content, you create no value. No value = no audience.

It doesn’t educate, it doesn’t inspire and certainly doesn’t entertain.

The thing to keep in mind is that creating great content isn’t enough. Great content is table stakes. You have to come to the table with great content.

The perfect customer avatar

There are specific ways to really hone in on who this person is:

  • Basic demographics:
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Ethnicity
    • Education level
    • Geographic location
    • Relationship status
    • Household income
  • Psychographics: Personality, values, attitudes, interests, lifestyle
    • What’s their personality like?
    • What are their 5 core values?
    • What are their hobbies?
    • What do they do for fun?
    • Do they have any favorite products?
    • Are they a mobile, desktop, or tablet person?
  • Biographics:
    • What industry are they currently in?
    • What’s their occupation?
  • Motivations
    • What are their main needs in their life?
    • What are the challenges they’re currently facing, or roadblocks they’re hitting?
    • What’s their #1 personal life goal / #1 professional goal?
    • What are their top 3 fears about starting an internet business?
  • Buyer Modality
    • Competitive: Competitive buyers want to perform smart, quick, and decisive actions as a competitive advantage.
    • Methodical: Methodical buyers review all technical information to assure themselves they’re making the right choice.
    • Spontaneous: Spontaneous buyers enjoy the thrill of a quick purchase and the perceived emotional benefit that it will generate.
    • Humanistic: Humanistic buyers are also motivated by emotion, but want to understand more about the organization they’re buying from and the individuals who comprise the organization.

In this video, I’m going to share the exact steps in how I figured out how to understand my customer avatar.

The customer value journey

When there is no awareness, there is no desire for a customer to purchase a product or service. The goal is to drive engagement and getting the perfect avatar to raise their hand and say, “I’m interested”.

This is what we call the “left turn” method, starting with awareness can you can see below. Having a lot of great content is great, but if you are not leveraging great content to make sales, building your list, taking them through a sales funnel, it’s a waste of time.

The “Content Baton”

Using content to move the customer to the next stage in the customer journey. When you create content, you’re driving awareness and the perfect avatar is becoming an avatar that your product or service exists. This creates value and there is an audience around the piece of content that you create.

Because you have created an audience, you can advertise in the next step of the customer journey.

If you fail to provide the next step in the customer journey, it’s not just bad marketing but it’s also bad user experience.

Let’s take a look at Wayfair. They have an awesome blog for those new looking to buy furniture and home-goods. They have a great piece of content and below the piece of content, if the visitor wants to buy something, that is considered to be the next step.

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