Network Marketing is all about working hard one time and let the residual and passive effects happen over and over. This top-down pyramid based sales model might seem like a scheme at first glance to some, it’s not the case. By selling a legitimate product or actually providing a service, you can set your own MLM Company apart from the competition. Unless you have people selling for you, you’re really not making a lot of money through this kind of marketing.
The more MLM recruiting you do, the bigger your organization will be, hence helping people in need in the process. The more people you help, the great your income potential will become.
You need to be a more active MLM Network Marketer if you want to reach more eyes, ears and most important, wallets. You should be making at least 10 contacts a day if you are part-time, though it is recommended you make many more than this. This doesn’t mean you call 10 businesses or individuals and leave messages; you need to talk to someone in the capacity to make purchasing decisions. If you aren’t talking to that person, then you need to talk to more people that have this type of capacity. Give as many people as possible per day the chance to check out your business and learn what it is about and you will increase your sales and residual income. This type of exposure can be through a home and hotel MLM meeting, one-on-one MLM meeting, conference call, sizzle call, and presentation website to name a few.
Building your MLM Network Marketing business is all about exposing prospects to your MLM Network Marketing opportunity, developing relationships in the process and recruiting them into your primary business. While every person you come into contact with isn’t going to go for it, as a general rule, the more people you call, the more sales you are going to make. This is a numbers game. With this in mind, you must also remember not to push yourself too hard too soon. It is good to do as much as you can to grow your new business but if you are torn between a full-time job and other projects, you will risk burning out very quickly. A slow, steady and stable increase in MLM reps is better than erratic and unstable.
Getting the most out of improving technology is another way to save yourself time and increase your potential to get more leads every day. That means updating your calling programs as necessary to get ones that seamlessly stream you from one cell to the next. Better software is coming out all the time so this is one you need to keep an eye on constantly. Also, consider generating leads through less conventional means. You may not have thought of it, but people looking to buy through your local newspaper’s classified section might just buy from you if you call them.
More than anything else, you need everything you can to support the people in your organization. All the other MLM tips aside, people do this business, not for the money. They do it for recognition and they love to surround themselves with positive people who encourage nothing but success. Those who feel valued are more likely to be motivated to work the business.
Remember though, even if you use all these MLM tips and other advice to perform the best search possible, out of every 100 people you get a call to, maybe 5 of them are actually going to jump on board with you. If you’re not ready to deal with rejection, this may not be the right business for you.