Is it Possible To Be Shy and Build a MLM Network Marketing Empire?

No. That’s what most people will tell you about shy people in sales – that it’s just not possible. And there is an element of truth to the statement – being shy certainly doesn’t help your MLM or sales operation. On the other hand, it doesn’t preclude you from making bank as an Internet marketer, either. It just takes somewhat different strategies and a little bit of extra work. Here, we’ll take a look at some of the things you’ll need to do differently to get things going the way you want them to.

Is it Possible To Be Shy and Build a MLM Network Marketing Empire

Give Up on the Hard Sell

I frequently give this advice to anyone going into multilevel marketing, or Internet marketing in general. Now, if you’re shy, you probably aren’t the type to go straight to the hard sell tactics anyway. But, if you’ve been trying to force it, stop. There are a few reasons this is a bad line of play for you. First of all, if you’re shy, you’re probably not good at up and pitching things to people. Second, if you’re shy, it’ll show. People only buy from confident, persuasive people. If you’re not confident, you won’t be persuasive. This means you won’t make the sale.

MLM 6 Figure Formula - Network Marketing Get Leads

Learn to connect with people

Instead of a hard sell, try a more attraction-oriented approach. This means you should spend more time networking with your potential customers, and less time trying to sell things to them. Listen to their needs and wants, and when it becomes clear that they need your product or opportunity, present it to them as a possible solution. At this point, they’ll trust you enough to actually consider it, and, with reasonably high frequency, will come to you over anyone else. This is a great way to get around in MLM as a shier seller. It takes more time to set things up this way, but you’ll have a more solid foundation, and once things take off, it’ll grow faster because you have actual connections, not just faux friends in the business.

How to Get Free MLM Leads1

People buy people not companies

This notion of personalizing your marketing is especially important for success in general, honestly. The richest MLM moguls were lucky enough to be first people on board. Unfortunately for the rest of us, that’s not so much an option, so we have to stick with the strategy, and this is the strategy you need to employ to build an empire. People like people, not salespeople, so the best way to combat your shyness is to talk to people one-on-one (this works even through email, by the way) instead of in intimidating groups, and to keep their personal desires as your primary considerations.

So what’s the ultimate answer to the question, is it possible to be shy and build an MLM networking empire? In a word: Yes. It can be.  Like I had mentioned, if you can give your prospect value and benefit in their life, then it’s easier to build an MLM Network Marketing business.  It’s definitely possible.  Increasing confidence and communication will play a vital role in overcoming your shyness.  Don’t let your timidity keep you from being wealthy.  The key is to take your uncomfortable feelings to become comfortable.  How do you do that you ask?  Take small steps to overcome your fear.  Little by little you will increase your confidence.  When this starts to happen when your shyness will start to fade.

It’s your turn!

Do you consider yourself to be shy or timid?  If so, has it affected you and your business?  Please leave your feedback in the comments section below.  I look forward to reading them!

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22 responses to “Is it Possible To Be Shy and Build a MLM Network Marketing Empire?”

  1. Maggie Owens says:

    Great post. Thank you. I am somewhat shy. Not as much as I was in younger years, but still shy. Really working on the “people won’t like me” thing.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Maggie,

      Yes as we grow older and we choose to step outside of our comfort zone the shyness begins to fade. Working on the “people won’t like me” thing is fear that many of us have faced one way or another. Great comments and thank you for stopping by!

  2. Liz McGeee says:

    Hi Nate,

    Being shy can be an issue for lots of folks. But there are degrees of shyness. For example, I can be shy in some circumstances. I’m definitely not someone that can use hard sell tactics, I clam right up. That’s not me but I don’t want to be that way either.

    I think internet marketing or MLM, just like with any marketing, is about the relationship. It’s about helping your audience see below the surface of who you are and why you do what you’re doing. That adds an element of trust for your buyers.

    If you don’t like the person you’re buying from, a good example might be an obnoxious used car salesman, then that salesman better be really good at hard sell persuasion. Not all of us can take that approach, nor do we want to, but anyone can be honest, genuine and help others see the value and benefits of something in a softer more personal way.

    That’s where our words come in. Through our writing we have the opportunity to develop our content so that we can reach out to our readers, help them get to know us, connect with us on a personal level and learn more about what benefits and value our recommendations have. It may take a little longer than the used car sales hard sell but it’s an approach I much more prefer.


    • Nate Leung says:

      Hey Liz,

      We are in agreement here. If you get the feeling that you’re being sold you’re not going to buy. In business whatever it is that we’re offering we need to make it about the customers, not us. Make it about them, how you can offer value and make their life better goes a long way in any type of business. Great point you mentioned there.

      Through our writing, we have a wonderful platform so connect with our readers on a personal level and again like I said earlier, it’s about giving value.

      Appreciate you stopping by with your feedback!

  3. Hi Nate,

    I used to be SHY! lol…..incredibly shy. After a few years of online work I came out of my shell but I do not consider myself the ultimate extrovert. Nope. I love your tips because each focuses on using attracting marketing principles.

    You can succeed in mlm as a shy guy or shy gal if you learn to create value and attract prospects instead of pushing them into hard sells. Even confident people look silly at times with this approach, so a shy person looks weak, and quite pathetic, trying to do something they are ill equipped to do.

    Help. Each day. Connect. Each day. Sales will flow to you as your trust factor goes through the roof.

    Thanks for sharing your spot on insight Nate!


    • Nate Leung says:

      Hey Ryan!

      Love it brother. Help each day, and connect. The know, like and trust factor kicks in and goes through the roof beyond your wildest dreams. Love your feedback!

  4. This post is for me! I’ve been working on my “shyness” forever. Working in retail really helped because it was my JOB to talk to people. I realized that most people aren’t mean and scary. What’s the worst thing that can happen? They’ll say no! That’s not so bad.

    Attraction marketing is a great point you bring up, Nate. It really works for those of us without the A Type personality.

    Thanks for your awesome (as always) post. 🙂 Your words today really go along with my post (and hangout on Tuesday) about fears.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hey Stefani!

      I appreciate you coming forward and sharing that with me. Just like how I talked about in my other blogs, that overcoming fear is no different than overcoming shyness. All it takes is the decision to overcome it and when we do overcome it, it’s not so bad. Thank you for the comments!

  5. Lyn Morris says:

    Thanks Nate as usual your blogs are always inspiring and helpful.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Lyn,

      Glad to see that they are giving you value. Have a great day ahead. 🙂

  6. a BIG help to me Sir,i’m always following your posts cause of this same problem of me. I hope you always help us and may GOD always help you too!


  7. pam schmidt says:

    Your message is so important for a lot of marketers. Many may think they are in the wrong business because they are shy. But like you said, it just means they must turn to attraction marketing. You’ve provided a lot of value, Nate.

  8. I use to be real shy but now I’m more introverted LOL.. it may seem like the same but it’s totally different. To overcome the shyness, I just made myself to get people to talk about themselves and pretty much pace myself according to their conversation and take the lead. I learned this from reading some NLP books.

    I believe that’s what shy, introverted people have over the extroverted, loquacious people. We listen more than we talk, although sometimes now that can be hard for me too LOL.. but other than that, getting other people to talk did much justice for me.

  9. Le-an Lacaba says:

    Although I am not business minded, this can be really helpful for a lot of people. sadly i have had a very bad experience with MLM, so i don’t think i’d try it again for a while.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Le-an,

      Network Marketing isn’t for everyone. Some will do it, some won’t. Some that do Network Marketing will not do what it takes to succeed. It takes a desire and willingness to fall through. I appreciate you coming on sharing your feedback.

    • Phil Byler says:

      Hi Le-an,

      I felt the same way after “failing” with my first MLM opportunity. But then I learned that without the proper mentoring and training, and without a duplicatable system that anyone can plug into, my lack of success was not my fault. MLM is a relationship business and nobody, regardless of how slick a salesperson they are, or how determined they are to “blow it up”, can succeed on their own. Don’t give up!

      “Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.”
      ~ Napolean Hill

  10. Luke Blower says:

    As always, really valid points made here, Nate. I think people think that to be a successful entrepreneur, you must be a smooth talking golden salesman/woman. Of course this isn’t true, as long as you are personable and believe in your self, you will be fine.

  11. Prashanth says:

    I greatly appreciate your idea of how shy guys can succeed in MLM or network marketing. Please tell me more. Regards. Prashanth.

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