It would be next to impossible for you not to be at least vaguely familiar with the program and self-help system are known as The Secret. Literally a worldwide phenomenon that exploded into the global consciousness just a few short years ago, The Secret has become a revolutionary way of looking at things, the unique perspective of that brings a tremendous amount of abundance and acceptance into a person’s life, and a philosophy that can transcend almost any and every situation or lifestyle to help you move forward in a more positive way.
The only thing is, and it marketers and business people in general debate whether or not it’s able to enjoy attraction style marketing the way that The Secret outlines. There is a real reason for this debate, but hopefully will be able to give you a little bit of insider information I that you can use to move forward with attraction marketing while at the same time getting the very most out of the tangible results it produces.
You won’t find anyone that argues a scarcity mindset is better than an abundance mindset
The biggest factor of the attraction marketing philosophy is that you are specifically focusing on an abundance mindset as opposed to a scarcity mindset.
Where a scarcity mindset dictates that all of the necessary resources (in this case money) are very rare, very precious, and very hard to come by, and abundancy mindset dictates that the exact opposite. Not only is money almost everywhere we turn and look, but there is also so much of it that it would be next to impossible for anyone to corral or corner the market on.
This allows you to proceed forward with whatever business venture you are interested in, giving you the edge and advantage over people who get a little squeamish when they have to ask for fair value for whatever it is and they are selling.
The key to making attraction marketing work for you is to have a laserlike focus and a real “eye on the prize”
The moving parts of attraction marketing will tell you that unless you know exactly what it is you’re going after – and I mean have a real, tangible, almost experiential understanding of what it is you’re going after – you’ll never be able to attract in the first place. For some, this means going out and writing a considerable amount of detailed information about everything that they wish to welcome into their lives, where others will want to put up a video or vision board of pictures and media reflecting all of the things that they want serving as a constant and consistent reminder. Either of these methods is amazingly effective, and you’ll want to leverage both to get the clarity that you need.
Attraction marketing must be followed up with consistent action
The only problem that most business people and marketers have would be attraction marketing mindset is that it is focused too much on the thinking and not enough on the doing. You’ll need to take consistent and clear action to make your dreams a reality, or the attraction marketing will never work. You can’t think your way to purchase – but it doesn’t help to envision yourself as a tremendously wealthy individual.
Interesting idea….
Ocean_Girl Thanks!
Great article on attraction marketing Nate. I have clear, written, detailed information of what I want to attract into my life, and a vision/image board. I believe that along with consistent, daily, forward-moving action attraction marketing does work.
SigridMcNab I agree! Thanks Sigrid!
attraction has the word “action” in it… people need to realize that it’s more than just wishful thinking… you must act on your thoughts. Great write up!
EricMcLaughlin Yes, I agree. Your thoughts become things! Thanks, Eric!
I love what you have here Nate! I only recently (like a month ago) finally watched the secret after hearing so much about it for so long! Its such a simple concept that we all complicate… If we take that shift of mindset and match our actions with that mindset we can be unstoppable! Great Post 🙂
TheBestSanya That’s great! You’re so right about how we tend to complicate things more than it should be. Simplicity is the best way to approach our endeavors. Thanks Sanya!
Agreed. There can be to much thinking, and not enough doing. You cannot expect that sports car to appear just by thinking of it. It must be coupled with action.
nagoyauk75 Well said! Love your input! Thanks!