How To Use SoundCloud To Get More Traffic To Your Site

The one strange and perhaps a good thing about online marketing is that it is very dynamic. The strategies and platforms that worked a decade ago for online marketing are not working the same now and every now and then there is a new platform a new algorithm change which causes online marketers to do things differently.

The reason why this dynamic nature of online marketing is good for marketers, as well as businesses, is that it keeps them on the toes and when they are on their toes, it means that they are looking for new ways and new methods of targeting their audience. In this regard, the recent recommendation which I have for you is Sound Traffic Mojo. Before moving on to a brief review of Sound Traffic Mojo, let me start with the basics, and tell you something about Soundcloud so that you are better able to understand the way Sound Traffic Mojo works.

Sound Cloud Traffic Mojo Review


Every music lover at present is familiar with Soundcloud. It is an online platform where everyone can make an account and upload the music of liking and then have it shared with people. Music and audio lovers from all over the world are creating their audios and upload and share it with others using this platform. Therefore, time is not far when Soundcloud would become a universal audio platform where everyone will be able to find audio of their liking.

Sound Traffic Mojo:

Sound Traffic Mojo is basically an invention of Mark Harbert and Frank Marino who like true marketers did not stop at the ordinary marketing platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, rather they thought out of the box and considered Soundcloud as a potential marketing platform that can help increase traffic in addition to providing higher ranking in search engine results.

As the name indicates, the Sound Traffic Mojo helps in gaining marketing advantages with the use of Soundcloud. It is a training program wherein it is revealed to the participants how Soundcloud can be used to gain quality traffic and results in no time. The videos in the program have step by step enlisting that shows what you need to do in order to win marketing benefits from Soundcloud and how it can assist in your overall marketing objectives achievement.

With this training program in addition to knowing everything about Soundcloud such as creating of account, making of audio, it’s uploading, and writing of an article with target keywords in it are all described in a comprehensive manner.


If you are worried about whether Sound Traffic Mojo is for you or not, then let me give you the types of people who can benefit from it and you can analyze whether you fall into the given people or not. People who can benefit from it are:

  • People who are home business owners and want to make the most out of their business yet lack investment. Thus, with this training program, the Network marketers and Click bank people can easily increase their revenue in a passive way.
  • Affiliate marketers are the second group of people who can benefit from this training program. An affiliate marketer can know about another platform that he or she can use to increase the number of sales and leads in addition to the already and old marketing platforms being used.
  • The third group of people who can benefit from this training program is people who love music and want people to listen to their music. With this program, the music enthusiasts will be able to know the things they can do to spread their music and perhaps monetize it as well.

Now it’s Your Turn!

I have used Sound Traffic Mojo and it has worked wonders for me. Have you also tried it? If not then I highly recommend it and you should use it if you wish to add another platform to the list of platforms you wish to target for marketing benefits.

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31 responses to “How To Use SoundCloud To Get More Traffic To Your Site”

  1. Great article, Mark and Frank come out with some excellent stuff. Thanks for sharing this you reminded me I need to check this out.

  2. Aditya Singh says:

    Hi ,
    This is sometime new for me and I will sure use this tips to increase my site traffic. Your Post was really good and Today I learned something new thanks for sharing this.

  3. Yippeedaniel says:

    I don’t listen to music online so i have’nt login that site, i will do that right away,since you talking from expirience i know it will be cool.

  4. I have never heard of Sound Traffic Mojo, Nate. I’ve heard of Sound Cloud, but have never really looked at it closely. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll go investigate and see if it’s something I’d like to use. Take care! Jeanne

  5. It’s certainly worth thinking about. I wish my brain could latch onto technical things like this, but it’s hard for me at 72 years.

  6. Hi Nate! I have used Sound Cloud and uploaded some audio CD’s I made. Then, noticed a few people subscribed or followed me there. I uploaded my audios there almost on accident when I couldn’t figure out how to load it on fb. By loading it on Sound Cloud and then linking to facebook, it worked. You reminded me that I need to go upload more audios there. I haven’t tried the sound traffic mojo but no doubt, I’ll be checking that out soon…once I get the instagram figured out!

  7. Isaiah Joe says:

    Hello Nate Leung, this is a wonderful article, and i must say you’re writing what you do.

    Getting traffic from Soundcloud would be much tricky, but seriously, using this your guide, i think it’s worth it.

  8. Hi Nate, will definitely have a look at this and see how I could use it, thanks for bringing it to our attention

  9. Amy says:

    I’m a techno-idiot and have never heard of this wonderful thing! Thanks for enlightening me, it sounds awesome!

  10. Mohammed Ali says:

    Hi Nate,

    Great idea, Like facebook this would also be a great tool to increase traffic.

  11. Sound cloud I receive my sounds music from this platform. There are so many great designed websites unknown thanks for sharing traffic mojo wishing you the best Nate.

  12. Clara says:

    Never heard of SoundCloud before so thanks for introducing me to it.

  13. Sophie Bowns says:

    I haven’t used it before, but I know plenty of people who do!

    • You have to try this out I started this and got good response with cloud sound. 🙂

  14. Nate,

    Thanks so much for making me aware of Soundcloud! Now I’m pondering how it can help my business.

  15. Frank Joseph says:

    I have heard a lot of Soundcloud but never took a look at it since am not into music.
    But I guess everyone can benefit from it.
    Thank you for the post.

  16. Cindy Eidahl says:

    I have never heard of SoundCloud til now and I will definitely check it out and see. Thank you for sharing!

  17. Ryan Biddulph says:


    Smart review 😉 Frank and Mark are pros; I met them a few years back – online – when they ran the twitter automation tribe on Facebook. Always thinking about innovative ways to drive traffic, those 2 are.


  18. marilyn cada says:

    thanks for sharing this nate as i am searching for other sources of traffic. even though i post everyday, my alexa stopped increasing. perhaps it needs new networks to increase traffic

  19. David Haines says:

    HI Nate, you keep bringing me more and more work my friend! LOL, but it’s all good. I’m anxious to check this out and see how it works. Thanks for bringing it to our attention! You Rock!

  20. Esha says:

    Whoa, I didn’t know a lot about this!! Thanks Nate!

  21. Charmie says:

    Never knew SoundCloud can help us gain traffic through this. But here we’ll be confined to music only.

  22. I’ve been wondering how to utilize Soundcloud into my home business and marketing strategy! I may have to check this out! Thanks for sharing!

  23. Sharyn says:

    Thanks, Nate, I’ll have to check that out!

  24. Sophie Bowns says:

    Thank you for the great tips Nate!

  25. Manny says:

    Love the blog Nate So is this Sound Mojo only for music sites?

  26. YES, YES, YES

    There are no co-incidences – only cosmic appointments that we set for ourselves by our decisions.

    A business partner recently added Soundcloud to his communications repertoire and it got me to thinking – should I or shouldn’t I.

    Then up comes this blog. QUESTION ANSWERED.


  27. Dilip Win says:

    Its seems to be very new for me and i wounder we can get traffic in such ways. I am going to implement this method in my website. I hope this will get me more traffic.

  28. Honestly Nate I never think before that sound-cloud is provide the traffic to the site. Because I still can’t believe that it’s really possible.

  29. Perry Jefferies says:

    Hi Nate –

    In today’s high-tech, high-speed, high-stress world, communication is more important then ever, yet we seem to devote less and less time to really listening to one another. Genuine listening has become a rare gift—the gift of time. It helps build relationships, solve problems, ensure understanding, resolve conflicts, and improve accuracy. At work, effective listening means fewer errors and less wasted time. At home, it helps develop resourceful, self-reliant kids who can solve their own problems. Listening builds friendships and careers. It saves money and marriages.

  30. Vijay Park says:

    Awesome post Nate! I have just upload a music on SoundCloud so that this post is really helpful for me.

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