Online Tips: How To Stay Focused

Running every business requires commitment and dedication, the need of which increases substantially if someone is running his or her own business. All the home business owners agree to the fact that both dedication and commitment are a byproduct of Focus. If one loses the focus, the level of commitment goes down and the magnitude of dedication begins to decline as well.

The biggest tragedy with any type of home-based business is that people start losing focus, thus the enthusiasm with which they started begins to go down and eventually people commit. There is no denying the fact that there is great potential in any type of business when it comes to making money, if and only if one is able to keep focus. Below I’ll be sharing the three best tips for staying focused that is commonly knowing in all home-based businesses.

Why having a mentor is critical to your success in Network Marketing

Find A Mentor

Every successful home-based business owner will agree to the fact that a good mentor is a cornerstone of success. Those who have good mentors achieve success, while the others who start doing things on their own without any guidance lose focus in the way. Therefore, it is imperative that before starting any kind of business, you find a good mentor. As far as the traits of a good mentor are concerned, firstly, he should know about the process and the key features of the business inside and out, because if he doesn’t know about it, then surely he won’t be able to guide you properly. Secondly, besides telling you the ways to stay focused, a good mentor must also be able to tell you the factors from which you need to refrain. Hence, in order to be successful, you need to find a good mentor and visit him once or twice a week so that you could discuss your progress and align your resources with absolute focus and certainty.Β  Having a good mentor also keeps you accountable.

Personal Development

The other key factor that is required for improving focus and becoming successful in this niche is personal development. It’s all about talking with others, building relationships, inspiring others and being a good communicator. Your initial success can be because of the enthusiasm you had for a new thing, however, enthusiasm declines if you aren’t able to keep focus over the long run. Therefore, it is imperative that you develop yourself in all the ways possible so that when you are with other people convincing them or presenting your case in front of them, you never lose focus of what you are there to do and never for a second doubt yourself or deviate from the route. In other words, if you wish to succeed in your business, you need to learn how to focus, and if you wish to improve focus, then you need to work on developing your skills and refining yourself so that every decision you make is without a doubt and in the right direction.

How to stay focused

Just Do It

The biggest mistake made by many home-based business owners, which makes things complicated and confusing for them is too much thinking. No denying the fact that any business requires mental agility and constant thinking about how things need to be done and what comes after what, however, taking no action against all the thinking is what serves as an impediment in the way of the success of an entrepreneur. When a person thinks too much, doubt starts to kick in, and when this happens, the person never implements or takes action on what they planned to do. Therefore, it is imperative that once you have made up your mind, you don’t overthink it, rather just go for it.

Now it’s Your Turn!

The three things that I mentioned helped my focus when it pertains to a home-based business, what do you think? Do you agree that lack of focus is the key component in people not achieving success in their business? What steps can you add to the list of steps to be taken to improve focus? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below and I look forward to reading them!

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40 responses to “Online Tips: How To Stay Focused”

  1. Hi Nate,

    I agree! I agree! I’ve hired coaches along the way in my business. I remember when creating my product I hired a coach that was wonderful. He cracked that whip and kept me on my toes.

    Now, I just hired another one for my marketing plan. We will meet every day and I have to do and re-do so many things. But that is great because when it is released, I need it to be beneficial to others.

    As for personal development….I’m always hiring a coach, a therapist, etc. There is always room to grow and I love it.


    • Nate Leung says:

      Awesome stuff Donna! Having a coach in every aspect of your business is important. It’s good that you have coaches also that will help you grow and take you to the next level. Thanks for sharing!

  2. James says:

    Hi Nate,

    All successful people that I know and come across have one thing in common, and that is having mentor.

    Mentorship is good and great and that is why I chose to have mentors when I started my new blogging consult business. I chose mentors from the SEO niche, traffic generation and building relationships through social media.

    Thanks Nate for sharing this useful tips, they are meant to safeguard one from failing in business.

  3. Liz McGee says:

    Hey Nate,

    I like the personal mentor idea. I’ve paid for mentors in the past, in fact I wrote my first e-book using a mentor. It’s amazing what you can do when you are held accountable to someone.

    But as you mentioned in your post, a mentor needs to have the skills to keep you focused, understand the process and keep you away from doing the things that aren’t unnecessary.

    Finding a good mentor can be a challenge. You want someone you can trust that will be effective. But once you find one they can be such a blessing πŸ™‚


    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Liz,

      Having a mentor and someone kicking your butt every single day is a good thing to have. They will push you in ways you cannot push yourself. The value alone if you pay for a mentor or a coach is well worth it because the value you get in return is so much more than what you paid for them.

  4. Jason Power says:

    Hello Nate,

    Great value here, a great mentor can help to motivate you and keep you focused. It is similar to people who have a gym partner and they can help motivate you to stay focused on working out.

  5. So true. These are great tips and I hope people get value out of it. Staying focused, having a great mentor and getting out and doing it is so important for a business to grow. Being afraid holds so many people back from what they should be doing to moving their business forward.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Anita,

      Being afraid doesn’t benefit anyone and yes it helps move anyone’s business forward.

  6. Esha says:

    I agree Nate, a mentor plays a significant role in keeping us charged up.. I’m learning something everyday thanks to your blog but I do miss having a mentor πŸ™ Let me make you my guru πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  7. Renee says:

    Nate you are a genious. It can be really hard to stay focused and determined in the world we live in. Everything is so fast paced and we forget to set priorities. I have a hard time focusing sometimes at work, at home, and in doing my blogging. What helps me is to make a schedule of posts for the blog, and keep an appointment calendar for work and home. I like the find a mentor idea though, that is a great one. Thanks so much for this post, it is a great one.

  8. Luke Blower says:

    This was an inspirational post Nate. Nice to see Karate Kid, a blast from the past and great analogy!:-)

  9. Great post Nate, one thing that really helps me stay focus is an accountability partner. I have the same one for several years. We are very good at know what each other needs and we can cut through each other “crap” to get the really issues.

  10. Awesome post Nate!!! Focus is so very important!! Great tips and value πŸ™‚ Thank you!

  11. Vince says:

    Fantastic post Nate.. I find myself not losing focus but I sometimes find myself focusing on other things that may not be what i should be focusing on. I need to make sure I stick to my routine especially the ones that are working for me.. Great value as always..

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Vince,

      Yes, stick with you know that works. Don’t over complicate things like most people do and no need to re-invent the wheel! πŸ™‚

  12. Mike says:

    Great Tips, I’ll def. have to put some of them to use!

  13. pam schmidt says:

    Focus needs to be upon a narrow path of the right activity. Sometimes I get distracted with too broad of a focus….which isn’t focus at all. πŸ™‚

  14. Tony C says:

    Nate I apologize in advance for the length of this comment I hope you will edit as necessary.

    Thank you for your excellent article on staying focused in a new business venture. I believe you touched on three of the MOST important factors to a successful business. By remaining focused on these three elements you are building a strong foundation for a successful business.

    Mentor-ship is an incredibly important factor. You need someone to talk with; someone who has been in the business and someone who is willing to be a mentor. This is invaluable. How many β€œHow to be successful in business” sites are there? About 729,000,000 by my last Google keyword search. Yes! That is millions. Finding one you can trust and has the experience may take some time. I check out forums in my niche, talk to friends, reach out to the local Chamber of Commerce or Small Business Association mentor-ship program.

    Developing yourself and your network is an important building block. Continually building your experience so you become a voice of authority becomes an important position to achieve. Only through focusing on strong development with your potential audience will you be able to convert them into customers or readers.

    You last point on action should not be lost on the reader. The information on starting a successful business is overwhelming. If you get lost in the details you will never take the first step.

    Nate, I have been reading your articles and following your wisdom for some time now. This is my first time to comment. I apologize for its length. I thank you again for your wisdom, focus, mentor-ship, willingness to develop yourself and others and your fearless ability to take action.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Tony,

      Thank you for taking the time to comment on my site. It’s always nice meeting a new visitor. Feel free to stop by anytime and would love to engage with you more. Thanks Tony! πŸ™‚

  15. Ryan Biddulph says:


    Personal development is the key cog for your inner world mirrors back to you via your outer world.

    Focused people meditate, visualize and affirm to choose apt mentors and move into inspired action immediately.

    30 minutes daily and no less to develop laser like focus.

    Thanks for sharing!

  16. Kenee says:

    I couldn’t agree with you more! Those tips you gave is something I started for myself and it WORKS! Thanks for sharing =)

  17. Lately i’ve been fighting the the word staying focus, because of some little challenges that i’m going through. Actually i took my time to read the post and it has helped me alot. Getting a mentor is just one of the best, because it has really help me in my blogging career. Thanks Nate.

  18. Turn off Facebook and eMails. That’s the first thing I need to do if I want to focus. Then it’s a matter of dedicating myself to the task and not stop until it is completed. Thanks, Nate!

    • Nate Leung says:

      Smart ideas Jeanne! Social media and e-mails can be a bad distraction.

  19. Reginald says:

    Hi Nate,

    Great tips especially with the find a mentor thingy. For me, I don’t really have a mentor but I have many influencers to look up to. Yes you are one of them!

    Stay focus is actually tough in the sea of competition but it is NOT impossible. Great write and certainly, deserve a share mate.

    Have a great week ahead.

  20. Arleen says:

    Nate- Focus can be hard when you are working from Home.

    I find that if I take breaks even if they are for 10 minutes every hour I am able to focus on what I am doing. I have a plan and I work on social media certain days and not everyday. I would say having a plan and sticking to it will be rewarding.

    When working at home, treat it as if you are going to an office. Get up shower and get dressed. Eat a breakfast and then get started.You would not be doing wash if you were at the office, then don’t do it while you are working.

    Take a lunch break and go for a walk. When you come back it is easier to start focusing on what needs to be done. Don’t let clutter pile up on your desk. I have an office to go to but working from home I get more done.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Arleen,

      I agree with you on working from home. It has so many advantages but yet, it’s easy to get distracted. That is one thing that most home based business owners need to be aware of. Thanks Arleen!

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