How To Keep MLM Retention In Your Downline

While most people spend a tremendous amount of time prospecting, recruiting, and influencing people to become a part of their downline, they spend very little time actually attending to all of the different needs of the people that are currently in their downline.

How To Keep MLM Retention in your Downline

And once you understand that the overwhelming majority of the money that you’re going to be able to enjoy from MLM comes from the people already in you’re downline – you know, the people that are working for you to increase their commissions and your payouts – you’ll see just house cute these efforts really are.

Of course, the blessing that you’re going to have is one half happen is to have any of the people that you have already influence to join your MLM downline skipping out and abandoning your money-making efforts entirely – which can happen if you don’t focus a significant portion of your time on retention.

The first thing that you need to understand about keeping people in your MLM downline (and keeping them active and inspired) is to focus on the fact that retention is an ever-present process

There is no such thing as just doing one or two quick hits to create retention across your MLM downline – retention is an ever-changing, ever of all the process that you’ll have to continue to test, tweak, and implement on a round-the-clock basis. And while this seems like a tremendous amount of work upfront, nothing could be further from the truth.

There are thousands and thousands of different ways that you can boost the retention of your downline dramatically in just a few seconds, some of which we are going to share below.

You’re going to want to increase the amount of communication you have with all of the people in your downline

How To Keep MLM Retention in your Downline

The key step to creating real affinity with your downline and all of the people in it is to constantly and consistently communicate with them as often as you possibly can. I this could be something as simple as reaching out to those that are having real success in giving them a bit of a pat on the back to the rest of the group, sending out email blasts to hear about everyone’s unique experience, or sending personalized motivational messages to each and every person in your downline – whatever works.

As quickly and effectively as you can you’ll want to shift the MLM focus from the mechanics of whatever the business endeavor is to the relationship that they enjoy with you and all of the other members

To be honest, I think that we all understand that even though those things we are most passionate about and interested in at first can have their flames start to flicker and die out without a constant refresh of motivation and interest. You’ll want to try to shift gears to make the relationship with your downline all about the actual feelings between your downline members and yourself, as well as their other people within your MLM downline.

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21 responses to “How To Keep MLM Retention In Your Downline”

  1. EricMcLaughlin says:

    to build a big mlm business is to build deep and not so much wide.  building wide is important but it doesn’t make any sense to have 200 people on your frontline doing nothing.  building deep with as many frontline reps is where the business will take on a life of it’s own.  great article!

  2. nagoyauk75 says:

    More good advice Nate. Well-written. I liked the emphasis on communication. There are a variety of ways to do this. Thanks for sharing your expertise.

  3. wrcosentino says:

    you can recruit all day long but if you don’t keep them, what good is it?  This is a really good subject Nate.  Keeping them “over the line” is what Eric Worre teaches.  Keep track of the producers and constantly check in with them.  As long as you don’t become a manager of your team. Give attention to those who are kicking butt.

    • nateleung says:

      wrcosentino I agree, be there to support your group and mentor them in areas that you can be of help.  I also agree with you on not going management mode on your group as well.  Thanks for the input!

  4. SigridMcNab says:

    Nate, what a great reminder that it is so important to stay in constant communication with the team members that we do have already. It is so easy to focus on always getting leads and prospecting that we forget about the gold that they are.

  5. donnylem says:

    Hello Nate, great post as usual. Keeping in constant communication with your downline will definitely increase your retention. We all have to work towards becoming better leaders because this will attract other leaders to us. The more leaders you have in your organization, the less you would have to motivate and micro-manage your team’s activity.
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. ElishaLynn says:

    Amazing post! I always learn so much by reading your articles! 😀

    • nateleung says:

      ElishaLynn Hi Elisha!  Awesome.  I’m glad you are getting value!

  7. By opening up communication channels you naturally inspire people to work. Folks want a leader and a listener 😉 
    Thanks Nate!

  8. TheBestSanya says:

    Staying in communication with your active downline is  a crucial component of network marketing, hence the name “network marketing”!  This is important to stay connected to them so you can see where they are at and so that they know your door is open.  Much of the time our downline will hesitate to call or communicate cause they 1) don’t want to bother you or 2) don’t want to sound dumb 😉  great reminder Nate!

    • nateleung says:

      TheBestSanya I agree, keeping the lines of communication open with your group.  I always endorse that policy.  Thanks for stopping by Sanya!

  9. lukeinnagoya says:

    This is something I struggle with and I am sure others do to. Staying connected is the key. Thanks

    • nateleung says:

      lukeinnagoya Hi Luke, in time you will get there, as long as you don’t quit.  Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, and when you stay focused, everything else will follow.  Thanks for stopping by!

  10. sks_success75 says:

    communication is like the bloodline of your network marketing team. Without it, you won’t have a high retention. Great post Nate!

  11. Chuck Holmes says:

    Recruiting will make you money, but retention will make you rich. No matter what you do you won’t retain everyone. That being said, you can improve retention by training your team properly and by building depth. Building depth and taproot legs is the key because it gives everyone something to lose. The fear of loss is the greatest motivator that I know of!

    Great post, Nate.


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