Online Tips: How To Get Noticed By Online Influencers and Boost Credibility

Online Internet Network Marketing can be a complex game. Not only do you have to have sharp skills, but you also have to have serious intuition as a psychologist and networking agent. On top of that, you have to put everything together, which is itself no small feat. One of the best ways to get your networking done is to appeal to the people who will make the biggest change in your credibility in the shortest amount of time – online influencers. Getting noticed can be challenging and there are many ways to do it. Here are 3 simple tips on doing just that, in ways that will be beneficial for your business in both the short and long term.

How to Get Noticed by Online Influencers and Boost Credibility

Connect With Your Partners

The best way to get noticed is to be a top performer. But, in order to be a top performer, your entire team has to perform well. How do you accomplish this? Well, the best way to go about it is to talk with your partners frequently and in-depth about your sales performance,  opportunities, and the like. This keeps you all on the same page and allows you to be held accountable for your own performance, and similarly, to hold your partners accountable for doing your work.

It also shows that you’re willing to offer help where it’s needed. This is a key distinguishing feature that marks the successful – it’s not enough to have a huge network. You need to actually engage that network. Doing so will definitely bring some attention to your name.


Another way to boost sales and performance is to follow-up with your customers. This way, you can get feedback on how they like the product or service; how they’re enjoying the opportunity if they went that way; how things align with their expectations; what they would like to see that they’re not getting, and what was a pleasant surprise; etc. Knowing these things will surely help you generate a larger, more connected, more driven network. This is obviously just what you need to do well, which is, of course, what you need to do to get noticed. Also, following up makes you look like a much better business person – so stick with it, and reap the benefits.

How to Get Noticed by Online Influencers and Boost Credibility

Polish the Message

When you’re making sales, your pitch is everything, If your potential customer isn’t hooked in a second, they never will be. Which means you’ll never make the sale. Fail. This is obviously not the way to get the attention of online influencers. Rather, what you need to do is polish your pitch. Every time you make a sale, follow up (as detailed above). Every time you do, ask what worked about the pitch. Over time, you’ll figure out how to make a perfect pitch for the product, and for your opportunity. That’s when influencers will notice how fast you’re growing and how much business you’re going – easily the best way to boost your credibility.

It’s your turn!

Is there anything you can add to the list?  What do you do to boost your online credibility?  Please leave your feedback in the comments section below and I look forward to reading them!

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35 responses to “Online Tips: How To Get Noticed By Online Influencers and Boost Credibility”

  1. You not only have to connect on a personal level with your partners and your prospects. They have to consider you as an authority. That is someone who teaches them how they can move forward. The only time they will CONSIDER you as an authority is when they got results based on what you taught them.

    NO other way around.

    Lawrence Bergfeld

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Lawrence,

      You are absolutely right my friend. The authority figure is the expert and that gives you leverage to help others.

  2. Waoo! Nate this is an explosive and great informative post that every online business owner should read. A lot of people violate this points because if they connect, they refuse to follow up and if they are type that follows up… they create a wacky message. Thanks man this great post. i believe it only comes from great thinkers.

  3. Esha says:

    This is one thing I’ve been looking into and need to collaborate with others.

  4. Nate, I agree with you the follow up is very important. To boost my online credibility Nate, I just focus on delivering content that will help my target market, and connecting with people. Making myself available as a resource to people.

  5. Kim Steadman says:

    From my experience in Network Marketing another key component is consistency. Developing a daily (weekly) plan of action and being consistent to work that plan, EVEN when you don’t feel like it. Connect with your partners on a consistent basis, not just at the end of the month sales push. Do daily actions to build our business, daily consistent actions. Great guidance from you!

  6. The tips you gave here for people in the MLM industry are good tips for entrepreneurs in any line of business.

  7. Jason Power says:


    In order to have a sustainable network, you have to be engaging with your network. Great Advice!

  8. Awesome tips here Nate!!! Thank you for sharing! All three of these tips are very good to know! Love your value, my friend!!!

  9. Cindy Eidahl says:

    Great ideas to get noticed. I will definately be trying some of these tips. Thank you for sharing

  10. Hey Nate! I love the paragraph about feedback. It’s so important to personal growth to know how you’re doing. And the only way to know, is to ask!

  11. Matt says:

    Always great value. The follow up is essential. The more value you can follow up with you will set your self apart from other marketers who always send back to the sales page. This gives your audience a chance to get to know you and the more they trust you the more ssales you will make.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Yes! Fortune is in the follow-up. This is where many marketers fail to do. Thanks for the comments!

  12. I agree with your advice here, especially in regards to keeping communication open with your team and follow-up. Thanks for the value you always provide!

  13. Hey Nate,

    this is another great post that I totally agree with. It’s actually all about engagement and showing that you’re willing to put forth your energy to make sure your customers and partners get what they want. If they can feel that, then up goes your reputation between them and also those influencers!

  14. pam schmidt says:

    Polishing the message via follow up is a great idea to reaching more prospects!

  15. Great topic.. There are a few things that I believe will get you noticed and boost credibility quickly:

    1. Teach what you learn – positions you as a leader and solidifies the knowledge in your toolbox
    2. Make some money for a leader (take massive action). Quickest way to get their attention. Guaranteed to give you recognition and more credibility.
    3. Helping others to get results. Proof that not only you can produce, but can teach others how to do the same.

    Great post Nate!

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hey Greg,

      Love the list! #2 hits is important because if you surround yourself with a leader, you will not only help build their credibility, you build yours as well in the process. Thanks for the contribution. 🙂

  16. Great tips as always, Nate. Much appreciated

  17. Viola Tam says:

    Hi Nate,

    What a great post!

    As a relative new online network marketer. I believe that online credibility has to be earned by continuously providing value to the marketplace, like what you are doing here.

    I have found Linked-In a great platform to boost online credibility. The testimonials and endorsements sessions allow others to get a idea of our expertise.

    Thanks for sharing, Nate.

    Viola Tam – The Business Mum

  18. Hi Nate,

    These are 3 simple tips and it’s great that you’ve chosen to share them with us. Each is critical to our success. Connecting and building relationships help drive people to us.

    I also recently did an article on Followup and how we lose about 80% of our contacts because we give up with the followup. It takes 8 to 12 times before someone will buy or connect with us. So follow up is critical to continuing our business.

    Getting our pitch together is also important. You have given us all the tools we need to move forward to success.

    Thank you,


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