You joined the Enagic company as you wanted to make a difference in the world. This means bringing healthy and clean drinking water to every household. With filtration systems such as the Kangen water filtration system, you can provide your clients with a solution to leading an active healthy life. The Kangen water filtration system has been engineered, designed, and manufactured in Japan, so that you know you’re getting the highest and best quality water filtration product on the market today.
Since water is the number one source of energy for the human body, with food second, water that is free of chemicals, pollutants, and carcinogens will enable humans to live happier and longer lives. And it all begins with you.
You’ve been really excited to start working with your team, to share the Kangen water filtration systems, but you may notice that your first obstacle is finding leads. You need leads to build a sustainable Enagic business. Interested prospects will convert to sales, and you’ll have just met one of your sales goals for the month.
It’s no surprise that generating leads is the most important aspect of your business. If you can learn how to consistently generate leads you’ll always have potential clients to contact each day. You won’t be tapping your fingers on your desk, waiting for an email or a telephone call to come in.
The Enagic distributor who continues to generate leads is going to be a successful part of the marketing team. Generating leads should focus on a variety of different strategies. You may hate one method, but love another, but it’s best to focus your efforts on one strategy that you resonate with the most.
If you’re new to this venture you may be puzzled. But don’t worry, as an experienced marketer like myself, I know exactly how you feel. I have started where you are—at the beginning.
Here are some tips to help you to generate leads for your Enagic business venture. These tips will help you to generate leads both online and offline. Always remember—success is your number one goal.
Your Important Tools for Enagic Lead Generation
Before we begin on specific tips, there are some important tools that will help you to begin. These are the top eight, but you may think up more as you begin working on your own leads.
Internet marketing definitely works, but you may find it time-consuming. Many people find that they can build their teams through internet marketing. But some people who are old school may prefer offline marketing and forget to tell you the importance of all the tools.
Offline marketing can also be an effective way to generate leads, and it works a lot faster. This is a form of cold marketing. However, offline marketing may not be for everyone. Offline marketing generally involves finding prospects in real life or talking over the telephone. You must be good at conveying information through a telephone call.
Some people don’t like telephone calls or in-person marketing because it feels a lot like confrontation. It may not make you feel convincing. If you have the knack, by all means, do your offline marketing. If not, then work hard online. You’ll still be able to generate new Enagic leads that way. It’s up to you whether you want to work online, which lends itself naturally to sales techniques, or offline where you have to chase people through the telephone.
Perhaps you may wish to try both, but if you do decide to try offline marketing, you’ll want to do it right.
- How To Become And Sign Up As An Enagic Distributor
- Enagic Compensation Plan – How To Earn Commissions With Enagic
- Consumer Guide To Kangen Water Machines
- 3 Dangers You Need To Know About Bottled Water
- Types Of Enagic Kangen Water Machines
- Is Enagic a Pyramid Scheme or Scam?
- How The Enagic Kangen Water Machine System Works
- Should You Become An Enagic Distributor?
- What is Kangen Water?
- Enagic Trifecta – How To Maximize Your Profits
- Enagic Financing Options
- How To Use Ionized Water For Disinfecting
- Anespa DX Review – Is It The Best Shower You Can Take?
- Ukon – Using Turmeric As Anti-Inflammatory?
- The Many Uses Of Kangen Water
- Enagic Ultra-E Pre-Filtration System Alternative
- All Topics Related To Enagic and Kangen Water
Here are some of the top strategies you can use to build your Enagic business.
- Audio Marketing
- Blogging
- Classified Ads
- Forum Marketing
- Offline Marketing
- Paid Advertising
- Social Media
- Video Marketing
How Do I Get Started?
You may find you already have a lot of information and are uncertain where to get started. Remember that the goal is to generate a ton of leads, and to generate a ton of leads consistently. This means that you’ll want to have leads each of the business days that you work.
Email Marketing
Before you attempt any of the other tips on this page, begin with email marketing. This is a form of internet marketing, but instead of knocking on people’s doors, you’ll do it through the net. There are many free email marketing tools on the net. They’ll help you to start building up an email list. This list will help you to build up your email database of potential customers. You’ll be using this list to tell them about your wonderful Kangen water filtration systems.
Email marketing consists of lead magnets, high converting landing pages, and autoresponder software like Aweber.
What’s a Lead Magnet?
A lead magnet is what will entice your potential customer to sign up for your mailing list. It is something that you are giving away for free, in exchange for that potential customer’s contact information.
This lead magnet must be valuable. Generally, it will involve a PDF file that can be downloaded and read. Authors often offer free e-books, but any business can also create a document with valuable information for the consumer.
The information you’ll be exchanging it for will involve their email address and their phone number. The phone number is if you plan on selling them something through the phone, otherwise, don’t worry about it.
Remember that the more information you ask for online, the greater the chances the consumer may balk. Do you really need to ask for their full address, occupation, and date of birth? When it’s that intrusive, you’ve lost the sale before you’ve even begun.
You can create your own lead magnets if you don’t already have some that your team members have shared. Be sure to research it carefully, use your knowledge, and get started. Soon you’ll have a free report, newsletter, or book to give away.
What’s a Landing Page?
A landing page is the home page of your website, but better. It can also be called a capture page. You’ll be directing your traffic to your landing page, from social media pages, a newsletter, or email. This is the page where you place your lead magnet.
If you haven’t already done so, when you create your website, you’ll have access to free or paid templates.
Domain Names
Keep your domain name easy to remember. This is so people can quickly visit your website to look something up, without having to look up the exact URL. Don’t add hyphens.
What’s Auto-Responder Software?
This is special software where you can send regular updates about your products, your team’s progress, or any other type of information you wish to convey to the people on your mailing list. Instead of sending an email one-by-one, it lets you send one email to everyone on your email list.
Avoid the Sales Talk
If your subject line or heading consists of super-sales pitches such as “don’t miss out on this deal”, or “buy now”, chances are your conversion rate will be 0%. Instead, you need to share valuable knowledge.
This is knowledge or information that is valuable to your customers. It’ll make them excited to click on your emails and links. Don’t make them stop because they saw another spammy email in their inbox.
Become an Influencer
An influencer doesn’t happen overnight, but you can build up your appeal. The influencer wants to help people to accomplish goals in their life. Perhaps you want to sell the water filtration system to amateur athletes, or people who are dabbling in the entertainment field. You’ll want to build up a relationship with them. Show that you care!
The value is not just in your email list, it’s also in the RELATIONSHIP that you build with your potential customers.
This is why it’s also important to focus on quality over quantity. Do you want to have 1000 leads who don’t really know who you are, or do you want 20 leads who appreciate that you know their kids’ names?
It’s Time to Get to Work!
You may be thinking, but I did ALL that work creating my website, and setting up my email list! Surely the work is done? Nope, we’re just getting started. It’s your website and your email lists that are the basis for your Enagic lead generation.
Specific Ways to Generate Network Marketing Leads Online
Now the hard work begins—actually driving traffic to your website. This is going to be fun!
There are some free blogging platforms such as Google’s Blogger, or WordPress, where you can write content that provides value to potential customers. This is considered a free “organic” traffic direction. This means that people are searching for specific content, and have happened on your site by accident, rather than them seeing a paid ad on Google or Facebook that has led them to your website.
You’ll need to have engaging content on your blog. And don’t forget, you’ll also have plenty of links to your website so people can visit for further information. You’d be surprised at how many people FORGET to add links to the products that they are attempting to sell. Don’t make it difficult for people to find your site.
You’ll need to learn a bit about SEO—Search Engine Optimization. A lot of “experts” like to make it difficult, so you buy their stuff. But that’s not necessary. You simply have to think up what the customer may be searching for. Perhaps it’s topics such as:
- Is tap water safe to drink?
- What is the best water filtration system?
- How to feel energized.
Feel free to use the topics above in your own blogs. The trick is to think like a consumer and figure out how they will find your blog article from the search engines, which will lead them to your website.
Build Your Niche Website or Blog
If you have a niche blog, you can attract free targeted traffic to your website. Niche blogging means you’re focussing on one topic, such as healthy clean drinking water, rather than being a generic blog for any topic. It may also be a topic that is not widely covered in other blogs.
Healthy drinking water may be a topic that’s not overdone, whereas you’re certain to find a gazillion blogs on the topics of pets, cooking, or fashion.
Having a specific blog can help you to get this targeted traffic. The more specific you are with the articles on your blog, the better the chances that your targeted traffic will be lining up to buy what you’re selling.
How to Use a Blog
Some people may still be puzzled about how a blog is going to sell a customer with a water filtration system. Here is an example.
George, one of the top sellers for the Kangen water filtration system has set up a website and blog focussed on healthy pure drinking water. He has written one topic called “The Benefits of Healthy Drinking Water”. He’s added some keywords to his blog, also known as tags or focuses words: buy water filtration, where to buy water filtration, benefits of clean water.
Google has indexed his blog pages. (Note it happens even faster if he set it up on Google’s Blogger tool.) Now there may be people who are concerned that their city’s drinking water is not the best. Perhaps they are interested in finding out more about healthy drinking water choices. They happen to plug the search terms into Google: “benefits of clean water”. Now your article pops up. They click on the link to open it and read it.
After they read your article, they’re sold. They click on the link to your website where they place an order or sign up for your newsletter for more information.
Now you can see why it’s imperative that you have a blog on your site. If you have a successful blog, it can be a powerful network marketing lead generator.
Guest Posting or Guest Interview on a YouTube channel
You can invite others to do guest posts on your site, or ask if you can provide guest posts on their blogs. This can drive more traffic to your website.
Effective Content Marketing
Don’t just post your blog and expect people to find it. Publish your content everywhere. Sign up for another blog. Post the links to your social media pages. Post it on publishing sites such as Hub Pages or Medium. You can post shorter versions of your blog on these other sites, but be sure to lead them back to your website.
You can also list your content on article directories. Content marketing means that you’re sharing your content all over the web. And it can be any type of content: videos, audio, blogs, photographs, text, etc.
Blog Commenting
Blog commenting is a bit more difficult to do today than ten years ago, as many blogs don’t allow comments, or they are moderated. But you can still find many that will allow you to post comments on other people’s articles. Be sure to add your website in the field provided, or provide links if allowed. Remember that you want your post to be approved, so it should be valuable and not spammy.
Social Media
By now you know that Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are some of the most important social media marketing tools out there. Begin today by creating your profiles on all these sites.
Facebook Business Page
Use a Facebook fan page to help promote your water filtration business. Be sure to add all the links and social media accounts to your “About” page. Be sure to have an attractive cover image. Do post content regularly, and interact with your users when they like or comment on a post.
You can also ask questions of your audience, as people love to offer their own opinions on topics. You’ll be able to generate a lot of network marketing leads over time.
You can also connect with people on Facebook. Be sure to let everyone know that you care about people. You’ll also want to care about the problems they are having and care enough to provide solutions to their problems.
Facebook Sponsored Posts
Facebook will charge you a few dollars so you can have sponsored posts that direct specific traffic to your pages. It may take you a few tries to determine what will engage your audience.
Forum Marketing
Sign up for related forums and soon you could be driving traffic to your niche market. Be sure to act like an influencer. You don’t want to risk being contentious and driving people away. Be amiable, and remember that you care about people.
All forums allow you to have a Signature that is placed at the bottom of each post you make. It will contain a link to your website, which leads to your capture or landing page.
Video Marketing
Creating videos full of valuable content can be beneficial for driving traffic to your site. Be sure that your website has a link at the end. These videos can be posted on Youtube. You can also do live vlogging at Periscope.
Audio Marketing and Podcasts
Audio files can be placed on your website or shared on your social media pages. Podcasts are also becoming a popular way to share information. They are live but can be saved for sharing later.
You can also invite guests onto your podcasts, and perhaps you’ll be invited to theirs.
Paid Ads
These ads can be placed on Google, Bing, Facebook, forums, or anywhere online that posts ads.
Free Classified Ad Sites
Craigslist and Kijiji are popular spots where you can buy a variety of products and services. Don’t overlook their advantage in placing your own ads there too.
Specific Ways to Generate Network Marketing Leads Offline
If you get tired of the internet, and you will, here are some ways to take a break and generate some offline leads too.
Some Quick Takeaways
Here are some ideas which you can implement in your own marketing practices. Add your own ideas to make them work for you.
Try working your contact lists, whether telephone contact book or the yellow or white pages.
- Set up a referral rewards program where if people send leads your way, they get a gift.
- Create a personal launch event.
- Prospect when you’re in stores, restaurants, etc.
- Sponsor a local charity event.
- Attend a local networking event.
- Attend business conventions.
- Hand out business cards.
- Leave business cards in magazines.
- Spread flyers around town.
- Advertise on taxi cab or transit signs
- Hand out car stickers.
- Advertise in local newspapers or magazines.
- Advertise in niche-related magazines.
Get to Work!
Now you have no reason for staring at a blank computer screen or not having anyone to call at all. You’ll now realize that you have many options, no matter how outgoing or shy you may be.
Chances are you’ll find many more ways to do your Enagic lead generation. Remember, it begins with a strategy that you resonate with most and taking immediate action!
In closing…
I hope you found this information useful when it comes to learning how to generate leads with Enagic.
If you made it this far, it tells me that you are looking to join Enagic.
As can see from my blog posts, you can tell that I’m very passionate about Enagic.
I’m also very passionate about the industry and I love helping people.
If you found this information helpful and valuable, I invite you to take a deeper look at the Enagic opportunity.
This opportunity has served me very well and it has not only changed my finances but it has kept me healthy.
If I can serve and support you in any way, you may contact me here.
Aside from that, click here to learn more about the Enagic opportunity.
You will not regret it! 😊