How to Find Your Purpose in Life

Every one of us lives our lives the way we want to live them. Some like doing the same job so they continue on doing it, while there are others who want to do something of their own so they become entrepreneurs, however, there is a large majority of people who do not know what they want to do in life. They are neither satisfied in a conventional job nor do they want to try out the rush of being an entrepreneur. Thus, such people are missing the purpose of their life.

How to find your purpose

Finding the purpose of life is easier said than done. Some know from the day they come to senses that what they want to be while there are others who spend their whole lives finding the purpose. Therefore, finding a purpose is imperative and psychologists have explained different ways of finding purpose. In the lines below I shall discuss the simplest way of finding purpose in life and making it worthwhile.

The way of finding purpose in life starts by making three lists. The type of the lists and the kind of content they should contain are as under:


The first list should be about your passions. The passions refer to the things that you enjoy the most. These are the activities that make you happy and spending time on which is your first priority when selecting between different things to do. Thus, the first thing you need to do is list down all your passions, the games you play, the kinds of books you read, the topics you discuss, or the things that your mind and heart support simultaneously. Write down all these things and make a list of them.


The other list that you need to make pertaining to finding purpose in life is the genius list. This list must contain all the things that you do without thinking, or in other words, all your talents. In this regard, you can take help from others, as they are more aware of the talents of a person compared to the person himself. Therefore ask them about your talents, it can be your sense of humor, the eye you have for beauty, the attention to detail, hard work, smart work or good managerial qualities. Therefore, try and identify your genius elements and list them down.



The third type of list that you need to make is that it consists of names of all the people you idealize and the actions they did which inspire you. Thus, sit for a while and first recall the names of all the people that inspire you. Once you have listed down their names, and then against their name write the particular actions or attributes of theirs that inspire you. Thus, this way makes a list of all the actions that inspire you in a person.

Once the lists are in front of you, the next thing which you need to do is to make a combination of different components from every list. For instance, you can take a passion, relate it with some genius of yours and try to act upon it in a way you like. Thus, create your combinations and try all the components of the lists. Once you have tried a particular combination, take some while off from your routine and think over the kind of feeling that particular combination brought you. The more exhilarated, happy, joyful and enthusiastic you feel in pursuing a combination, and then know that very combination is the purpose you need to take on in life.

Now it’s Your Turn!

Have you ever struggled to find a purpose in life? How did you find your purpose? How did you manage to pursue it? What kind of feeling did pursuing the purpose bring you? I look forward to reading your comments.

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44 responses to “How to Find Your Purpose in Life”

  1. Casi says:

    During college I thought I knew what I wanted to do, but right after college, as I started down that path, I found something completely different. For awhile I was torn between both paths. Until I decided on the new one that I discovered.

    Otherwise, I’ve always known where I wanted to head. I’m sure some day I will have this feeling of complete disconnectedness with what I want to do. It comes to most people. When I do I will use your plan to figure out how my passions have changed (because right now I know what my path is).

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Casi – As long as you are aware that you will find your purpose, it will happen. Sometimes, it takes longer than others. You’ll eventually find your purpose in life, when you are ready. 🙂

  2. Hi Nate.

    Well done article! Although I think I know my purpose and am pretty sure of it, I like the ideas you have given because there is always room for more growth.

    I know my passions very well and do act upon them. But I like the idea of Genius. Going to make a list to see if I am really being true to myself.

    I never made a list of people who inspire me, but I think it’s time to do so. Putting this all together will surely help me see if I’m on the right track.

    I love this stuff!

    -Donna Merrill

  3. Maggie Owens says:

    Great post. I believe I know what my purpose is but I am going to do your list and see if I’m on the right track. Thank you.

  4. marilyn cada says:

    thanks for providing these insights nate. this is very useful for people who do not know yet their purpose in their lives
    in my case, i know my purpose now. in addition to being a mom, i am born writer and a cook since i love cooking and writing

    • Nate Leung says:

      You bring up a good point. Sometimes your passions become your purpose. Glad it ended up working that way for you. 🙂

  5. Ryan Biddulph says:

    Doing stuff that makes your heart sing is the only way to live. Any other life guarantees that you are dying more each day.

    Great share Nate….thanks!

  6. Samir says:


    Well it’s really important find the purpose of a life, that can be done either by religious way or our goal of a life.


  7. Tami says:

    This 3-piece combination just might be a winner. I need to find a way to make my answers to these three mesh.

  8. Dr Wixy says:

    Sadly, too many people have lived their lives without ever realizing their passions or their purposes. I am happy that we live in a time where living with purpose and passion is not only accepted but is encouraged.

  9. Merle says:

    Excellent post Nate and yes you need to have a purpose in life. I identified mine a couple of years ago and working to achieve that dream. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Nikki says:

    This is a great post. Have you ever read The Purpose Driven Life?

    • Nate Leung says:

      I have, and it’s an awesome book! Everyone should read it. For those who have not heard of it, you can do so by clicking here.

  11. Sophie Bowns says:

    I need to do this ASAP…. but I do feel that my purpose is to be a writer. It’s my passion!

  12. Nate: I love the 3 list. I think people tend to do the 1st, some get to the second but very few do the third. How do you want to act on your passion, your genius to live in purpose.

    Great post.

  13. Hi Nate,

    Love this post!! Tons of value here!! Thank you for sharing on how to find your purpose in life!! Excellent!!!

  14. Hi Nate,

    Excellent post. I’ve struggled for quite a while to “find my purpose” and although I think I have found it, I will be doing as you suggest above to see if I have made the right choice.

    Have a great evening. Monna

  15. Amar Naik says:

    i have not struggled finding a purpose, but sometimes i think if i chosen the right purpose. I just need to reboot myself to go back to my chosen purpose again. thanks for inspiring.

  16. Krystle says:

    I don’t think I have every struggled finding my purpose in life. I am always appreciative of my life no matter how hard or what struggle I am in. I take what I have and make the best of it. To do this I always tell myself that no matter how the situation I am in that there is always someone else out there who has it a lot worse than me. So I am thankful!

  17. David Haines says:

    Hi Nate, great advice and a great topic on helping people find their purpose. I struggled with that for a long time before I found out what it was, and used a similar system to figure it out. I wish I had your article back then, would have made it easier. A lot of people will be helped by this. Good job!

  18. Mohammed Ali says:

    Hi Nate, You always been a great blogger.
    I think Passion makes all the difference.
    Such an Inspiring post.

    Thanks for sharing…

  19. frank joseph says:

    You are always on-point Nate and you will be a good motivator speaker!
    I know a lot of teens/youth are always looking for what life have for them and you stated clearly what one needs to do.

    I think passion is a must have as well as ACTION- finding what your ‘mentors’ are doing and then implementing it in your life/career.

  20. Its always great to read your posts, its always full of inspirations and motivational talks to gear one up for the day, week, year and life generally. you are indeed a prolific writer and i will always admire your work. Keep it up Nate.

  21. Hi Nate,

    Your writing has always inspired me. This article is no different. Thoroughly enjoyed reading it!

    I’m very much aware of the importance of having purpose in life. Because, some time before, I was on the other side- without any purpose and aimless.

    That’s such a negative thing! No energy, laziness and gloomy days. Frustrating, it was!

    After finding purpose, days have changed. It feels like I have got infinite energy to achieve my goals!

    As you said, the key is to pursue ones passion. That’s what I’ve been doing!

    Good write up Nate 😀


  22. Mandy Allen says:

    Like the blog, Nate, very sleek! I don’t think I’ve ever struggled finding a purpose, but I know plenty of people who have. I enjoy life to the full and feel sad for those who simply don’t know how to.

    Enjoy the journey.


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