I see it happen all the time.
A marketer or business owner gets so focused on what they’re selling that they forget to think about who they’re selling it to.
This is the kiss of death for a marketing campaign, and sometimes even an entire business.
You could have the greatest product on earth, but if you’re trying to sell it to the wrong person—you’re never going to hit your sales numbers.
What is a customer avatar?
A customer avatar is a detailed profile of your ideal customer. It doesn’t make assumptions or categorize people into groups. The avatar focusses on one person and outlines everything about them.
Let’s face it…
Not every customer is right for your business. Your message can resonate really well with some types of people, but not with all of them.
This one single person is the potential customer who wants and needs your content, your product, or your services. This is also a person that you love to work with.
There are specific ways to really hone in on who this person is:
- Basic demographics:
- Age
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Education level
- Geographic location
- Relationship status
- Household income
- Psychographics: Personality, values, attitudes, interests, lifestyle
- What’s their personality like?
- What are their 5 core values?
- What are their hobbies?
- What do they do for fun?
- Do they have any favorite products?
- Are they a mobile, desktop, or tablet person?
- Biographics:
- What industry are they currently in?
- What’s their occupation?
- Motivations
- What are their main needs in their life?
- What are the challenges they’re currently facing, or roadblocks they’re hitting?
- What’s their #1 personal life goal / #1 professional goal?
- What are their top 3 fears about starting an internet business?
- Buyer Modality
- Competitive: Competitive buyers want to perform smart, quick, and decisive actions as a competitive advantage.
- Methodical: Methodical buyers review all technical information to assure themselves they’re making the right choice.
- Spontaneous: Spontaneous buyers enjoy the thrill of a quick purchase and the perceived emotional benefit that it will generate.
- Humanistic: Humanistic buyers are also motivated by emotion, but want to understand more about the organization they’re buying from and the individuals who comprise the organization.
Surprise, surprise…
When you know all this, you won’t be sitting there frozen at your computer not knowing what to create or to say in your next social media or blog post.
You’ll be happily creating solutions to their wants and needs — something they’ll actually pay for.
You’re not just building your business as a hobby, right? I know you’re not, and that’s why I want you to get laser-focused and know how to serve your customers best!
In this video, I’m going to share the exact steps in how I figured out how to understand my customer avatar.
This is awesome, super like how you personify the customer and shape your marketing efforts around that avatar.
Yes, Chad. If you identify your ideal customer avatar, then you’ll soon understand the best ways to reach them, what marketing techniques work best, how you should construct your content. Thank you for your comment!
You could have the greatest product on earth, but if you’re trying to sell it to the wrong person—you’re never going to hit your sales numbers.
Yes! That’s why understanding your customer avatar (AKA buyer persona) is so important. A marketer or business owner gets so focused on WHAT they’re selling that they forget to think about WHO they’re selling it to. This is the kiss of death for a marketing campaign, and sometimes even an entire business.
Once you have an idea of who your avatar is, you have a place to start. Now can go out and find them and actually talk to them in order to figure out if your business idea and direction are viable.
Exactly, Kathy! Most people will continue to struggle in their business. This should be the first step who you want to serve.
Thanks, Nate! I’ve been looking for something on your customer avatar. Your business has its own personality, and that can be shaped by a number of factors including your founder’s vision, core company values or simply the idea that you’re selling a product or service people want.
It is like “The Swiss Army Knife of Marketing”. It is composed of a lot of different disciplines. Each of those disciplines has its own unique set of skills to master. But knowing how to identify your customer avatar is one of the few skills that apply to every marketing discipline. That’s what makes it the Swiss army knife—you can use it in every single marketing discipline.
Now, it’s time to go out there and start engaging with your perfect customer or avatar. It’s through communicating with your avatar and getting to know them better that you’ll be able to close to loop on whether or not your business idea is a viable one.
You know it! 😉
It is indeed important to know who your target customer is and what their needs are 🙂
Yes! You get this part right, have fought more than half the battle. 😉
I have never even heard of this concept. This is why I am struggling with my online business. Thank you for the video and providing great value.
Creating an avatar is the first step for any marketing campaign. Without knowing who your persona is, you will spend money foolishly targeting wrong audiences.
Discovering your customer avatar is one of the fundamental steps in building a brand and a business. Thank you for sharing this info!
I honestly had never even thought about this and think it is a great idea to try and figure out your ideal client.
This was good advice. Never thought of a customer avatar.
This gives a nice perspective when it comes to dealing with clients. It really helps to know them more deeply than usual.