How To Fail Forward To Success

If you are a successful entrepreneur, then by now you must have tasted failure or failures during your career. However, if you analyze your failures and their outcomes, then the one thing that you would come to know is that all the failures have contributed to your success and if it weren’t for your failures, you would have not achieved what you have achieved now. This is what is called ‘failing forward’.

For common people in general and entrepreneurs in particular, failure is an inevitable part of their life. Therefore, sooner or later you have to face failure; however, it is upon you that how you deal with this failure and fail either forward or backward. Being a successful entrepreneur myself, I would like to share some tips with you on how to fail forward to succeed.

How to Fail Forward To Success

There Is Always A Need For Training:

Once you fail in your venture, the thing that you should keep in mind in order to make the failure moving forward is that you need more training. When you associate your failure with the lack of training, then post-failure you train even harder and the next time a failure-inducing situation comes, you are ready to tackle it and achieve success in it.

Millionaire Mindset:

Failures primarily happen because of the poor mindset. If you have made up your mind to do trivial things and enjoy success in trivial matters, then I am afraid to say that you will never succeed to the level you desire. Thus, the next time you face failure, make a millionaire mindset where you are willing to go the distance and aim high for success.

Success Is a Journey Not Destination:

Another major reason why people fail backward and not forwards are the fact that people consider success as a destination only, thus, they try to achieve success and if they fail they give it up because the destination is not achieved. On the other hand, when you consider success as a journey then for your failure will be a part of this journey which makes you move forward in the journey. Thus, consider success as a journey and not a destination.

How to Fail Forward To Success (2)

It Will Be Arduous And Long Journey:

People don’t fail forward because they are used to easy way out and want easy success in whatever they undertake. Thus, when things become hard and they face failure, they give it up and never move forward. In this regard, you will have to change your mindset if you wish to fail forward. You need to think that nothing good in life is easy to let alone the taste of success, thus consider the journey to success a hard and arduous one and you will keep on striving no matter what.

Perfection Will Never Be There:

Every business owner wants perfection in his or her business. Due to this craze for perfection, the slightest of failures strike them hard and they lose their cool, which eventually starts their journey down the hill. In order to fail forward, you need to realize the fact that nothing is perfect and all the little failures and discrepancies are the part of the success and these discrepancies are what make you perform better in the next undertaking.

How to Fail Forward To Success

Difficulties Are A Must:

The major reason behind all the caution and care in business is the fact that people want to avoid difficulties, however, what people don’t realize is that difficulties are not a onetime thing, rather they are gradual and with the passage of time they keep on coming. Hence, instead of worrying about avoiding them, one should be open to their existence and strive to do better with them a part of the struggle.

Now it’s Your Turn!

How many times have you faced failure in your ventures? Did you fail forward or another way around? What factors helped you fail forward? What success have you achieved from your failure? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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24 responses to “How To Fail Forward To Success”

  1. Failure isn’t fatal; in fact, it is actually REQUIRED for innovation success—as long as you don’t freak out, make catastrophic mistakes or (ironically) fail to learn from it.

  2. Samir says:

    wonderful post, I really love the quote in the above post. Failure is kinda thing which will make us learn lot things.

  3. Nick says:

    Good points raised here!

  4. Debra Jason says:

    I tend to be a perfectionist and have had to let that go. It’s not always easy, but fortunately I have support systems in place (i.e. colleagues & friends who remind me).
    All the points you bring up are certainly valid. Sometimes, you can’t see it “when you’re in it,” but as you suggested failure can be a step toward success.

  5. Hi Nate,
    Awesome post. I had to read your title twice to make sure I read it right. I agree with you 100%. If you don’t see it as a journey, then it ends at your first failure. So sad that many do this.

    Have a great day. Monna

  6. Doug Johnson says:

    Nate my man, love this article.

    The one thing I’ve stressed so many times to students and fellow marketers who get disgruntled is to never give up.

    If a squeeze page didn’t convert of a product you’re promoting isn’t converting. It’s not a failure. It’s just a reason for you to re-evaluate what you need to do make it right.

    Glad to see the new host is treating you well! 😀

  7. Hey Nate, awesome post! Tons of fantastic value here!! Failure is a must to find true success 🙂

  8. Misty Spears says:

    Excellent post Nate. Couldn’t agree more about needing more training. I recently did this exact same thing after a failure, took some time off and really took a step back to re-learn what I thought I already knew.

  9. Jeanne Melanson says:

    Your article speaks the truth, Nate. Life and business are full of trials and tribulations. Nothing is ever perfect, as you say and when we fail we must learn from our mistakes and keep moving forward. Awesome post. Thanks, Nate!

  10. Priya says:

    Great post and love your tips. We learn a lot from from our failures and they are just foot-steps towards success.

  11. Great title. You caught my attention. I think failure is a part of gaining success. I don’t think we can avoid all failure. It is a great teacher if we allow it to be one.

    You sound wiser than your age. I assume you’re still in your twenties. =) I’m wise because I’ve made many mistakes already. LOL

  12. Edie Dykeman says:

    Good points, but also lets those of us who have failed know what we can do in order to succeed. Well worth reading more than once.

  13. Nate,

    I love your concept of failing forward rather than failing backward. In my experience, all those little “failures” I have experienced on the web or in other aspects of my life, have actually been lessons learned. Now when I come across a situation that used to floor me, if I have learned that lesson, I can breeze through the situation, moving forward.


    Dr. Erica

  14. Bonnie Gean says:

    What about the person who never reaches success because they fear getting there? This happens quite often.

    What happens once they reach success? It puts them in the spotlight and some people just can’t handle the pressure, so they purposely fail under the pressure of fear.

  15. Merle says:

    Excellent post and yes I had many failures over the years but as you say you learn from your mistakes and my biggest one was from not having a mentor or being part of a team

  16. Vicky says:

    Well I too faced failures in my life but I also got good outcome from the failures. So for every failure we would learn something.

  17. Hey Nate,

    I would say that I failed laterally quite often LOL… I start using a strategy and don’t go forward or backwards. This was definitely a mindset issue that had to be change so I can get more of the results I want. But I have seen this time again with a lot of people that enter business! This was a great post to think about! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Arleen says:

    I try not to look at things that don’t turn out as I predict as a failure. Whether it is business or life there will always to hurdles. Success is definitely a journey not a destination. We can always learn from our mistakes and grow.

  19. Hi Nate

    Failure can propel you ahead or give you self pity.
    Sometimes the failure is exactly what you need to go on the right path for success. At least I am counting on that!
    It is all about the journey and the lessons one gathers as they continue through life.


  20. Liz Delaney says:

    Thanks Nate. I have had a few failures in my life but my father was always a positive person and taught me to look on the ‘bright side’. This attitude has come in handy. Not always successful as the thoughts and opinions of others has always bothered me. However, since studying to improve my mindset, I am overcoming many things and moving forwards – slowly, but steadily. Great thought-provoking article.
    Take care.

  21. I would rather learn from other people’s mistakes rather than making my own. LOL But while that is valuable, I still have to make my own in order to fine tune things.

    I like the quote from Henry Ford. Napoleon Hill said the same thing in different words in Think and Grow Rich. If your plan doesn’t work, find out what needs to change, and do that. Keep changing it until it does work.


  22. In my opinion there is no failure,
    if something does not work , we learn from or we have to change our way.
    Failure is a word I do not like .
    Thank you Nate

  23. Great concept Nate. Im a big fan of taking action 1st, and learning from my actions. Keep bringing it because Im learning a lot.

  24. I like to think that I fail forward more often than not lol. I agree completely with what you say about it being an arduous and long journey. Its sad that people give up and never look at small wins along the way as successes. Thanks for a great article.

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