How To Choose The Right MLM Company

If you are going to devote 50-60 hours per week, your money, your resources and your energy towards becoming successful in an MLM company or network marketing opportunity, you better be sure the program you’re joining is worth it and is the right company for you. 

There are numerous factors and qualifications you can read about for each company to determine if that company is worth your time and energy.  While there are numerous MLM companies who offer genuine products and services and want to genuinely help people succeed, there are also numerous MLM companies that don’t care about anybody else except the top few leaders.

Evaluate the MLM product / service being offered

The cornerstone of any MLM company or network marketing opportunity is the product or service being sold to the customers.  Does the company sell a digital product or a physical product? 

Digital products are easier to distribute and handle, but physical products are oftentimes easier to market and can sell for higher values.  Does the product or service solve a genuine problem or concern that people are currently facing? 

Popular products that typically do well are health products, household products, and self-help and motivational material.  If the company is attempting to sell a far-fetched type of toothbrush, stay well clear as the competition for this type of product is much too high.

Evaluate the leadership

When I say leadership I’m referring to the people who have recruited you.  Another word to describe “leadership” then would be upline.  Are the people in your upline helpful and willing to answer your questions, listen to your comments and concerns, and give you helpful advice when it comes to becoming successful in the business?  Or, like some marketers do they ignore your phone calls, treat you like a second-class citizen, or are simply not there?

Finding an upline that is responsive and willing to help you succeed is of paramount importance.  All too often prospects get suckered into a program just because of a good sales pitch, but once they are in they are left to fend for themselves, which often causes them to leave the program and it gives them a negative feeling towards MLM and network marketing programs in general.

How to Choose the Right MLM Company

Company experience

Because the nature of MLM companies dictate they could be here today and vanish tomorrow, it’s important to invest in companies that have at least five years of experience being in business.  While there is no guaranteed way to know whether or not a company will vanish one day or close up shop, having many years in business will greatly decrease the chances of that happening.

Does the MLM Company have a lot of capitalization?

Does the company or program you’re thinking about joining have the extra money in the bank that they can use for expanding business operations, purchasing new technology, hiring experienced management, and most important of all, paying your commissions on time each month?  A publicly-traded company is often a good idea as all of their financial information is open for investigation.

I hope this blog post helped you out in deciding and choosing the right MLM company.  If you are unsure of a company or want to discuss a new potential company, please contact me here.

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5 responses to “How To Choose The Right MLM Company”

  1. I like the focus on capitalization Nate.
    Public companies tend to be more stable due to increased cash flow.
    You want to join a prospering, nimble organization, as there will pretty much always be room for growth as long as you are a hungry and creative marketer.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. wrcosentino says:

    I like the point on capitalization. In my opinion, the company should be debt free with capital that can sustain a long while.  I don’t particularly care for the companies that are owned/backed by venture capitalist or investors.  At any point, those people can pull the plug on the company and if they do not have any funds to operate without the help of others, then they become another statistic.  Of course it’s no guarantee with any company, but I prefer sole ownership companies that have the other qualities you spoke of.  Good stuff Nate!

  3. SigridMcNab says:

    These are great points Nate. I think that it is important that the company be solid and have a credible, proven track record – by 3rd party accolades as well, not just something that is written on the company website.

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