Many people dream of being able to work from home on the internet either part-time or full-time. There are literally hundreds of different training and affiliate programs on the market that promise to help you earn additional money from home. Futuristic Marketing is a new program created by Jonathan Budd and Mark Hoverson. The entire course includes numerous bonus materials as well as 2 distinct coaching programs as well as 2 software solutions, all packaged into the same program and sold together.
The program includes two distinct coaching programs that are designed to help jump-start your internet marketing efforts, generate more leads for your business, affiliate program or service, and ultimately earn more money online.
Futuristic traffic
The futuristic traffic coaching program includes 8 separate learning modules that go in-depth when it comes to generating traffic for your website. The methods discussed in this course have been proven to increase the amount of traffic you receive on your website, increase the number of leads you are able to convert, and ultimately earn more income online. The course also discusses how these methods can be implemented in the future for residual online earnings and income.
Futuristic influence
This course is also comprised of eight distinct modules that discuss how you can use the power of the internet, software, and technology to influence people into taking action with your programs. The course discusses various methods that are currently being used by the top earners in the internet marketing community including various webinar strategies, how to get the highest conversion rates, and how to close on your internet deals properly.
The coaching programs are available in video format, making them easy to watch and learn from them.
In addition to the coaching programs which are designed to teach you new methods and strategies for internet marketing, the Futuristic Marketing course also includes two pieces of software that you can implement to generate more leads and get better conversions on your landing pages.
Advanced Facebook lead generator
This piece of software allows you to create high converting and super-efficient landing pages within the Facebook interface. It has been proven time and time again that advertisements are more effective when they stay within the Facebook platform, meaning your landing pages will be more effective when you use this program because your potential leads will be in familiar territory.
Futuristic influence machine
The futuristic influence machine is a piece of software that allows for completely custom, automated webinars which you can automatically integrate with your existing Facebook account and pages. The basis behind the software is that you can set up an automated webinar sales funnel platform within the Facebook website. Everything is automated including creating capture pages, registering prospects, creating confirmation pages, following up, creating events and closing the deal. All actions are completed within the Facebook central app station.
The software programs included with the Futuristic Marketing review are very efficient when it comes to generating additional leads, finding more prospects and earning more money using the popular Facebook platform.
In addition to the two coaching programs and two pieces of software you receive with your purchase of the Futuristic marketing program, you will also be granted access to four online video courses that are provided free of charge when you purchase the course.
- The first video is a type of self-assessment quiz. After watching the video you are prompted to take the self-assessment to see where you stack up with the internet marketing competition on various levels including skill, knowledge, and experience.
- While watching the second free bonus video you will learn the exact tips and tricks expert marketers use for driving large volumes of traffic to their websites. The video also teaches you the best tips and tricks in regards to convincing people to purchase your products or signup for your list.
- The third video in the series is devoted towards teaching about the power of webinars, and how you can use fully automated webinars to cash in on the internet marketing community and the millions of potential un-tapped customers.
- Finally, you will learn how to tie all the pieces of the program together to start earning big bucks online. The final video in the series gives you step-by-step instructions relating to using webinars to earn additional money, and how to gain additional leads using the power of Facebook.
The Futuristic Marketing program is one of the most comprehensive internet marketing courses available today.
Inside the program, you will find hours upon hours of new, updated information that cannot be found anywhere else or inside any other program. The program revolves around generating traffic and converting that traffic into leads which you can use for earning additional money online.
If you are looking to purchase the Futuristic Marketing program, I would highly recommend it. It will put you 10 steps ahead of everyone else in your niche.
You can get your copy by clicking here.
Jonathan Budd definitely over delivered on this one with the amount of value given and the webinar software alone was worth the price! Great review!
LilaArma Thank you!
Thank you for sharing this Nate. Jbudd is an amazing person.
CoakleyLincoln1Â He sure is!
A no holds barred, straight to the point post. Great post. I went through this and everything you need to know about Internet Marketing is all right here.
DearosiMayheme Agreed!
Great review and congrats on the contest!
JoseFaryan Thank you!
Jonathan Budd is a great leader. I went through this course and definitely helped me understand how Internet Marketing works.
AlodiaShinta Jonathan Budd is a great ambassador for our niche.  I’m glad you got value out of it.
I am part of the Futuristic family and glad to be part of it. Thanks.
MeriamSecciLodovik Thanks!
With so much crap out there its refreshing to see good quality products from someone who is already achieved success in the industry. Great review by the way.
JenniferArnolds Absolutely, Thanks Jennifer!
I loved the Facebook course. Learned alot there.
LauraPatrick Thanks for sharing!
I own Get Traffic 3.0 and purchased this as well. Great course to own and reference to.
DiannaAshton Sure is, I agree!
Learned about Jonathan Budd last year, bought the course and purchased it. The event they had in San Diego last year was a life changer for me.
PamelaOrton Awesome!