All our lives, we carry a bucket in which we have a list of things, which we need or want to do in life. However, everyone focuses on the things they need to do very few are those who understand that in the bucket there is a list of things which they have done in the past and those things require cherishing. Therefore, the correct use of a bucket list is when it tells you about what you need to do in the future whilst being memorable and proud of what has been done in the past.
It has come to my notice that there are people who try to hide their bucket list, whether it’s the things they would do in the future or the ones they have done in the past. Today, I’ll be sharing with you the bucket list of things that you should feel proud of.
The first thing that is in your bucket list of accomplished things is your attitude. Your attitude shapes over life, therefore, if you have a friendly, joyful, confident and considerate towards others kind of attitude, then you don’t need to worry about your future and should be proud of your attitude. Therefore, in your bucket list, your attitude towards things and people is the first thing you need to cherish and be proud of.
Lessons of Life:
Life is not only about success and achievements, rather, but there are also all sorts of lessons in life and a person needs to appreciate the failures in life the same way as the victories. One should not be ashamed if he or she has led a life of hardships and faced numerous failures in life, rather one should see them as lessons which have enabled a person to rise to a level where he or she is at present. Therefore, a person must be proud of the lessons learned in life, instead of hiding them or ignoring their existence.
The other obvious thing you should be proud of in your bucket list is your achievements. You need to be proud of your achievements whichever you have. The problem with most of the people is that they think of only big successes as achievements and do not realize the fact that life comprises of small achievements as well, and these small achievements are more frequent than the odd big success. Therefore, it is imperative that you are proud of your accomplishments no matter how rare and how small they are, they still are your achievements and you had to strive to achieve them.
Financial Decisions:
The financial decisions one takes in life have a great role to play when it comes to categorizing life as a success of failure. In this regard, you have to take ownership of all your financial decisions whether they are good or bad and be proud of them. It is your bad decision that serves as an experience for the investment you makes which then turns out to be your good decision. Therefore, don’t make your bad financial decisions orphans by blaming it on others; rather give them the same value and importance as your good financial decisions.
Friends and Relatives:
The last but the most important thing in your bucket list, which you need to be most proud of, is the friends and relatives you have. The people around you have a great role to play in making you what you are. Therefore, if you are successful, then consider the role played by your relations in making you successful and if you haven’t achieved success yet, then appreciate the relations for the role they can play in making you successful. Therefore, one way or another appreciates the friends and relations you have around you that support you in your struggle for success.
Now it’s Your Turn!
What kind of items do you have on your list? How did you manage to achieve the items in your bucket list? What kind of satisfaction did they bring you? Please feel free to share your feedback in the comments section below!
Hey Nate~
Great stuff.
I keep track of these things in my “success journal”, which I do (mostly) daily. It helps to remind me of all my daily successes, things to be grateful for, and it helps me end the day on a positive note!
Great post, Nate. I need to remind myself to SLOW DOWN and appreciate the journey. Often the goal is big . . . but it is made up of so many little steps. Appreciating the accomplishment of each little step is HUGE! Thanks for the reminder!
I think the hardest thing for me to remember is the little successes. It is in the little steps that the bigger picture is achieved. So knowing my plan and working the steps is important.
My bucket list has a lot of accomplishments over the past 7 months and I am excited to be sharing them with my family, friends, and mentors.
Thank you for this honest look at what a bucket list can be.
Favorite accomplishment this week?
Nate – Great post and reframing the idea of our bucket list. It is important to look back at what we’ve accomplished both good and bad. I love you list.
One I’d add is the people who I’ve helped, made a difference in their life. For example I was a big sister for several years. I’ve lost contact with my little sister but I know I made a difference her life as she did in mine.
I love this. I have a bucket list as well that I am slowly getting through. I love the idea of the bucket list cause it’s your accomplishments that you are getting through and achieving.
What a fantastic bucket list focusing on the REAL and wonderful things in life!
My family is high on mine, enjoying every day, every moment.
My bucket includes the “wisdom of age”: I find that everything I experience now has been built on the foundation of lessons learned before. Growing up with a father who suffered a head injury before I was born helped me prepare for having a brother in law who is developmentally disabled. It is amazing how something experienced years ago can lay dormant until you need it. I’ve learned patience, and the knowledge that something that seems hopeless on the surface may not bet, because I’ve seen things like that before.
I loved this post! I never thought of dividing up my bucket list into those areas. Now I’m feeling pretty grateful that I’ve accomplished quite a bit in my life. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Very amazing post, more lovely friends and more of Nate’s. That’s what i have on my list.
I intend to be POSITIVE each moment and to cherish my pos nature. The attitude thing is huge Nate! Power note that will change your life for good when you embrace the idea.
Awesome man keep up the great work!
Beautiful Nate,
it is interesting that just today I have been thinking of things like this .
A lot of good things and other ones which seemed to be bad at a time ,but looking back where important for who I am now 🙂
I think nothing is really bad everything has a reason.
Thank you for this great post 🙂
Bucket list, I had not thought a out this. I can imagine it would include those above . Attitude making sure I am pleasant and kind, learning to walk I the fruit of the spirit. Building relationships that are lasting. This one require so thought. Thank you Nate
I never really gave this a thought, I will now! I will be stealing some of the items on the list! 🙂
Love it Nate and have to say I have never thought of making a bucket list but you have put the idea into my mind now. Great post and thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the tips Nate. I have lots to think about!
I like this post because it highlights the positive. There should be more positive than negative in one’s life and business. Attitude sets the tone for everything you do, so I loved seeing it as the first thing you wrote about!
Hi Nate,
I don’t have a “Bucket List” physically written down but I am working on some of the things I have always dreamed of doing now.
I am very proud of my accomplishments you listed above but not very proud of my financial decisions. They need a lot of work. lol
Have a great afternoon, Monna
I love your suggestion of creating a bucket list of what we are proud of and happy about in our life. It is a list of our successes and creating the goal of enjoying more successes, rather than merely thinking about all the things we have not yet done in our life or places we have not yet seen. Each day I am doing what I love and I do not often take the time to acknowledge myself for my good attitudes, hard work, or earlier successes. I am often only looking toward what I have not yet accomplished. This is like stopping to smell the roses, in this case it is to see with our eyes in writing what we can be proud of.
Dr. Erica
My bucket list of accomplishments is also my list of things I’m grateful for. It’s important to acknowledge our success, for it’s often times remembering those successes that get us through the tough times in life and in our business.