7 Kick Ass Marketing Strategies to Use on FaceBook

It is not an overnight phenomenon; rather, Facebook marketing has developed over time. With a diverse range of offerings that attracted the users across the globe, it eventually became a market for the businesses. Thus, now Facebook marketing is an integral part of the business’s marketing plan and businesses develop proper strategies for effective marketing on Facebook.

The problem with businesses that take Facebook casually is that they think that their mere presence on the platform is enough for marketing. Such businesses are wrong and you need to properly strategize Facebook marketing. Let me tell you of 7 kick-ass marketing strategies to use for Facebook.

7 Kick Ass Marketing Strategies to Use on FaceBook

Use Website Traffic:

Although your Facebook business profile would be generating a lot of buzz on its own, however, increased traffic never hurts. In this regard, the thing you can do is, use the organic or inorganic traffic that comes to your website and direct it to your Facebook profile with the help of a Facebook icon on your website. Thus, this way, the traffic that would have only come to the website and be gone from there, now gets to see your profile and the chances of leads generation increase exponentially.

Utilize The Email Signature:

Another great strategy that can help in increasing the outcome of your Facebook marketing is the use of your email signature. On daily bases, you would be interacting with hundreds of people, and those hundreds of people would be forwarding your email to their contacts as well, therefore, the signature you use in your email is of grave importance. In this regard, you need to add the URL of your Facebook page in your signature, this way all those who are willing will easily know about your Facebook page and would go there to learn more about your brand and offerings.

An Email Blast Can Help:

I am sure that most of you would be having more than a couple of hundred contacts in their contact list. These contacts in your list are the traffic which you are not aware of and which you haven’t targeted. Pertaining to this, nothing works better than an email blast, where an attractive and well-written email can invoke all of your contacts to visit your profile and view your offerings.

Facebook Ads:

If you have a little extra money and want instant results against your marketing efforts on Facebook, then I recommend you utilize Facebook ads. The ads like Google ads provide you a chance to set and manipulate all the requirements regarding their display, this way your ads only appear to the target audience hence helping increase the chance of leads generation and greater brand identity.

Facebook Contest:

Another great way of Facebook marketing is thinking out of the box and utilizing Facebook contest. The use of contests on Facebook is a great way to engage the target audience and get them to converse about the brand. Besides the conversation of the brand, the contest is a great way to create buzz and brand awareness to the audience that has not yet been targeted directly by the brand.

7 Kick Ass Marketing Strategies to Use on FaceBook

Integrate Other Social Media Networks:

Integrating your other social media profiles for mutual benefits is also a great strategy that could be deployed for Facebook marketing. If you have a better Twitter or LinkedIn profile, then you can integrate those profiles with Facebook and have the traffic come to Facebook. While on the other hand, if you have a Facebook profile strong, then you can direct its traffic to your other social media profiles as well. Thus, profile integration leads to a win-win situation.

Videos and Images:

Although you can share news and have status updates as a means of generating discussion and engagement. However, videos and images have proven to be more effective with regards to generating discussions and greater engagement. Therefore, share videos and images in your posts as well.

Now it’s Your Turn!

What kind of Facebook marketing strategies do you follow? How effective have they proven to be for you? How do the strategies reflect in your leads or sales figures? Please share your insightful thoughts in the comments section below.

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46 responses to “7 Kick Ass Marketing Strategies to Use on FaceBook”

  1. Eng Tinkham says:

    Good information! I haven’t tried the contest on Facebook. But I will love to create one.

  2. Waiwai says:

    Thank you for sharing. I notice that photos have better engagement as compared to status updates. However, is it true for video? Especially if it takes some time to load the video.

  3. Salma says:

    Great list. I’ve done some of these, but not all. One thing I would like to try in the near future is a FB contest.

  4. My daily blogs about news items get plenty of attention, but doesn’t result in book sales. I post links to my facebook pages as well as several blog groups. You make it sound so easy.

  5. Sophie Bowns says:

    Thanks for sharing this Nate!
    I don’t think Facebook is all that useful though…..

  6. Hi Nate,

    Glad you wrote on this topic about Facebook. I’m loving the changes they made. I’m using FB ads to market and it’s doing quite well.
    As a serious marketer, I am willing to pay to play on this platform. I learned the how-to’s and am testing different paid strategies as I write.
    As long as we set a realistic budget, business can explode now. I love it!
    I also am building up my FB page. Weeding out people who never pay attention and bringing in new folks that want to be there. I do a $5 boost on my post each week so my reach is good.
    I engage with other people’s FB pages and am making great connections with like minded people.
    Oh boy can I go on…It is just that to me, Facebook is now a Marketer’s dream!


  7. Roslyn says:

    good tips and easy to implement

  8. Great tips and strategies for Facebook. Easy to use ideas that help to grow our business.

  9. Great information Nate. I do find engaging in Facebook Groups and challenges really helps get new followers and learn. #FanFriday is a example. There are many people doing it, I’ve learned to plan an hour to go to new pages that I want to follow, that are relevant for me. I’ve created new friendships and followers.

  10. Christy says:

    Great list of tips and tricks for getting more traffic from Facebook. I know that my posts don’t reach very many people and it is frustrating. I don’t invest too much time into and use other social media platforms that work better for me.

  11. Tina says:

    Your marketing strategies are right on. Thanks so much for sharing them with us. Right now I’m centering my attention on SEO. Then I’ll move on to other things.

  12. Robert says:

    This is very cool Nate… Sometimes we all need to hit the phones in business. The internet is great but, a lot of time we need to do things the old fashioned way in businesses. Most great businesses were built over the phone!

  13. Robert says:

    Great Marketing strategies… I also like the idea of the email blast!

  14. Ryan Biddulph says:

    Smart tips Nate! Thanks 😉

  15. Jeanne Melanson says:

    Informative post, Nate. I use Facebook more than any other social network. It’s convenient, fast and, well, familiar. I interact with quite a few facebook syndication groups and traffic to my site has increased 10-fold. Thanks for posting this article. Take care!

  16. Hi Nate,

    Great strategies for marketing on facebook.

    Facebook Marketing is a very good marketing strategy and the Facebook platform is a wonderful place to build leads and a following, but it must first be a place to share true value by really connecting with people, and then offering them value on a Consistent basis.

    It needs Consistent daily action to build a following on facebook, such as commenting and sharing people’s content within your niche. It all grows with time and consistent action.

    Thanks Nate for a great post!! Have yourself a great rest of the week.

    Be Blessed,


  17. Hi Nate,

    Thanks for sharing. Your post reminded me that I want to give facebook ads a try. I have friends who swear by facebook ads and have it on my things to do list. Thanks for sharing this list. Love your site.

  18. Merle says:

    Great tips and advice Nate. I also find that posting videos and images – especially with quotes on them – do attract more people than just putting an opportunity on Facebook. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Veronica says:

    I honestly don’t have a strategy. I post as things happen and I find that my audience likes it that way. I do plan to add some videos and paid promos. But for now I am focusing on redesigning my website. You shared some really good tips and ideas

  20. Ashley says:

    Great tips for engagement. I will definitely be implementing some of these that I’m not already.

  21. Arleen says:

    Nate- Of all the social media platforms I dislike Facebook the most. I don’t think Facebook is geared toward business but more to people connecting with other people. Facebook changed how they allow a business to create a Facebook page. It has to be a page under a person’s name and then it is a page within Facebook.

    I do post my blog and add pictures and updates but the jury is still out for me.

  22. Great tips Nate. I have used the email blast and have gotten a surge in my facebook page followers through the link on my signature. Yes, it works.

  23. Pat Moon says:

    These are very good marketing ideas. I need to work on implementing more of them. I’ve been implementing more pictures and I believe it is helping with the interaction.

  24. Hi Nate,
    Great ideas and tips to use on Facebook. I already use some of them but not all. I am tempted at times to pay but just not too sure about it yet. Thanks for the great information.

    Have a great night. Monna

  25. Nate,
    Facebook is huge for marketing. People spend a lot of time there and are attracted by certain images and topics. If you can consistently get the attention of your friends and then provide links to your products and events occasionally, you can gain a lot of free traffic. I have not thought of putting my Facebook link into my email signature. Good idea. And it is also good to lead people from your web site to your facebook profile and from your profile and business page to your web site.


    Dr. Erica

  26. Bonnie G says:

    Thanks for posting this. This is a lot of great information I can use.

  27. Hey Nate,

    It’s been a while. One of the strategies that I’ve had the most success with was with Facebook Ads. With just using this strategy I was getting about 3 to 5 leads a day on average. This is pretty good I believe for just using one strategy pointing to your offer. And on top of that, it was with one marketing campaign within facebook… Imagine if it were a couple of more campaigns as well as using other paid strategies pointing to the same lead capture page? Thanks for sharing and i hope you have a great weekend ahead!

  28. C.J. says:

    Excellent tips! I am going to share them with my mastermind group. Thank you!

  29. Hi Nate,
    This a re great tips ,some of them
    I did already ,like the signature for example.
    Thank you like always a informative post
    and good advice .

  30. What I like about Facebook is commenting on other peoples blogs and sharing them! Also I like commenting on pictures.

    The main thing is to have a dialogue with others because the more dialogues you have the more likely you will build a big business. Remember it is all about the quality of your relationships!

    Lawrence Bergfeld

  31. Gina says:

    Images seem to get the best response on my business page.

  32. Don says:

    I like to ask stimulating questions or controversial ideas sometimes. It gets the conversation going and people tend to interact on other posts more readily as a result.

  33. I haven’t used contests yet, and I have only done one Facebook ad. It went well. I thought it was a pretty good value. The tip I really like that you give is to maximize the email signature. I see a lot of missed opportunity here from folks that do not use their signature to the full potential. Great post!

  34. Lesly says:

    Hi Nate,
    Informative… I think I’m at the point where I can take on learning Facebook Ads… they seem to work for quite a few people. A little overwhelming but so was coming online! Thank you for the suggestions …

  35. Sharon O'Day says:

    Thanks, Nate, for doing such a great job summarizing the strongest tactics to get the most out of Facebook in an business environment!

  36. Diane Bester says:

    Hi Nate! Great article with some wonderful tips on driving traffic to your site, getting more engagement from your readers! I know that video sure boots engagement and helps by bringing in other media.
    Thanks for the great tips!

  37. I haven’t used Facebook ads at all, because I’m really not marketing anything. But this looks like a great strategy, Nate! And from the comments, it sounds like it works. Thank you for the clear instructions.

  38. Dexter Roona says:

    A very professional looking blog and a great Facebook article… i really found it useful to read so thanks for taking the time to create it
    Regards Dexter Roona

  39. Sonia says:

    Another awesome article Nate! I have shared on my profile page as I believe you offer great value with your content 🙂

  40. Hey Nate

    After all this time and we still have not talked on the phone/skype..we really should.

    Anyway traffic generation can be hard. My team are playing with something we have delivered which will give us laser targeted sign ups into our business.. Most people pay for traffic but is that really a good thing or a bad thing?


  41. BIll Garner says:

    Thanks for the information. Great value Nate! Too many people are misusing Facebook and posting their businesses on Facebook walls. I like to think of Facebook as a virtual barbeque. It’s a time to get social and build relationships.

  42. Dawn Golden says:

    Lots of great info here Nate. Thanks for the clear outline on some FB options. I didn’t know you could do contests and I have yet to try the ads. You have given me something (else) to thin about!

  43. Nate, I love Facebook for my business. I do not place ads but I am very active on pages, both for myself and for my clients, in addition to having active groups. I create warm environments where people genuinely care for one another and in this way use the social network to be social rather than promotional. The rest takes care of itself. Come and visit me at https://www.facebook.com/elise.ho.5

  44. Merle says:

    Great tips Nate, thanks for sharing.

  45. Hey Nate

    Another great blog. Where did you learn to write so good? my blogs are no where as good as your… Maybe one day.

    You write things that people want to hear.

    I like your style. You always give out value to people you don’t even know.


  46. Sue Bride says:

    My Facebook Page wasn’t getting nearly as much exposure as it did so I’ve started to pay to boost some posts and not just promotional ones.

    I’m starting to concentrate on Google Plus partly because of it’s increase in popularity for business and how well your posts can do on Google.

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