Entrepreneurs are different from the masses. They are not only different in their thinking; rather they are different in practice as well. An entrepreneur thinks differently from others and when it comes to action, the plan of action of an entrepreneur is different as well. Therefore, if you are an aspiring entrepreneur, you need to do the same as experts do in addition to thinking differently.
Doing occasional things differently is the trademark of an entrepreneur; however, most of you won’t be aware of the things that an entrepreneur does or must do differently every day to be successful. I’ll be discussing with you the five things which an entrepreneur can do before the start of the day to make the day count and worthy of an entrepreneur.
Although this is what every one of us should do after waking up, however, the importance of it is great when it comes to entrepreneurs. Exercise in the start of the day ensures that the body and mind both have a healthy start. When both the elements that are required to have an optimal day receive a healthy start, it reflects during the whole day. Moreover, from empirical perspective, exercise helps release happiness hormones and increases the endurance of the body, thus with a happy mind and a strong body, an entrepreneur is able to endure more pressure and more workload with a fresh mind compared to other individuals who start their day without exercise or any kind of physical activity.
Map Out Your Day:
The other important thing that an entrepreneur must do before starting the day is mapping out all that needs to be done during the day. An entrepreneur needs to make a list of things in mind that need to be done. The advantage this brings to an entrepreneur is that when things surface or the time comes to act the mind of an entrepreneur is already prepared for the possible actions that need to be taken. Therefore, it is imperative that an entrepreneur makes a list of things to do and the goals that need to be achieved in doing so so that things could be done with optimal efficiency and effectiveness.
A Healthy Breakfast:
There is absolutely no denying the fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, the common notion among professionals is that if you skip breakfast it means that you give importance to your work and there is no room for a time-wasting activity like a healthy breakfast in your life. The entrepreneurs think differently and are aware of the fact that in order to perform at their optimal during the day, they need to have a good breakfast that provides energy to the body. Therefore, an entrepreneur must not be a conformist and should give importance to a good breakfast for optimal performance.
Tackle The Big Things First:
The problem with ordinary professionals is that they don’t start their minds early in the morning, so they do things haphazardly during the day. As a result of this abrupt activity undertaking, they sometimes don’t have the energy left to do the difficult things later in the day, which consequently leads to underperforming. On the other hand, an entrepreneur is smart and should keep the difficult or heavy activities at the start of the day, as during the start of the day the body has energy and the mind is fresh. The lighter tasks can be performed in the latter part of the day as well. Therefore, it is imperative that an entrepreneur keeps the heavy things to do at the top of the daily activity list.
Visualize The Day:
Early in the morning is the best time when the mind is fresh and is open to greater and better thoughts. Therefore, an entrepreneur must make use of this opportunity and use the mind to visualize the day. In visualizing the day the entrepreneur must see the optimistic things that can take place during the day and how an entrepreneur can benefit from every opportunity that comes to the door. Therefore, during the start of the day an entrepreneur can infuse positive thoughts into the vision and then try to materialize the vision by acting in the appropriate manner.
Now it’s Your Turn!
What things do you do before the start of the day? Which things do you things need to be included in the list to be done before the start of the day? Which things before going to work help you perform the best? Please share your ideas in the comments section below!
I agree with what you’re saying in this article, Nate. Exercise, prepare, do. I operate my day somewhat differently. I’m not a morning person. I’m a night owl. So I start my day with light stuff like walking or light exercise, then I get the emails and correspondence out of the way. I actually begin my real work around dinnertime and continue until the wee hours. At the end of that day, I will make a list of the things I didn’t get done so that I can continue tomorrow. I always have the list done before I go to bed. It seems to work better for me that way. And, oh, I work from home, so that’s how I can do this. Thanks, Nate! All the best!
Got to get some exercise in to help me. LOL! Thanks for the information Nate!
As a hobby writer and blogger, I try to write a couple of pages in my notebook every morning. Whether it is brainstorming or just freewriting, it helps keeps my creativity going and keeps my writing fresh.
Great post, these are all key points that I try to follow!
Nate great tips. Man I caught this on Google + and it was very inspiring. This tip might go along with visualization but personal development is a key one for me. Thanks for the value have a great day!
Helping people become Game Changers,
Sean and Lynn Wyman
Lovely tips..Its always interesting to read your articles..
You always have a straight to the point tips Nate! I always do exercise first thing in the morning and then take a healthy breakfast, this can help me to stay up working for donkey hours without breaking down.
Great advice Nate and I always start the day with breakfast then clear my emails, do my blog post then on to Facebook to do my syndicating and commenting. Thanks for sharing.
I do all of the above. I find the routine of exercise and healthy eating works well for me. Every day, I do the same thing. It takes concentration and commitment to write a new blog every day, keep up with social commitments and write a novel. Thanks for sharing.
Visualizing is a key to success. See things how you want them to be. Then follow each of your accurate tips to start the day off right. We are free to schedule our day around the tips. Excellent stuff buddy.
I could maybe do with exercising more; but I try my best to eat healthily 🙂
Hello Nate
Thank you very much for inspiring and motivating Tips. I need to focus on getting more exercise in the morning.
Great Advise!!!
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. To be smart they say eat like a king, lunch like a prince and sup like a commoner. Going to bed on a stuffed tummy is also not good for a great start to the next day.
Great post Nate. In addition to you great list I’d add 2 more.
1) Wake up at the same time each day. It doesn’t have to early, it has to be the right time for you.
2) Get enough sleep the night before. Like breakfast sleep get sacrificed by the busy we create. The best start to any day is at least 7 hours sleep the night before.
Having a map for the day is very important and I like it when you brought it up.
I try doing that each and every day even tough there are times I don’t follow it every day.
I think tis was an excellent list! It’s always good to start your day off on a positive note. It sets the tone for the rest of your day.
Great tips, Nate. I start my day with a healthy breakfast. I started doing that because I was losing weight but now I’ve seen how good it is just to help with getting the motivation and energy to get on with the day. I save my exercise for the evening though, as that’s my best time personally.
My day always starts with clearing out the emails and then mapping out what I’m going to do. If I don’t map it out, there’s always something that doesn’t get done!
I love to take the first bit of my day to visualize and prioritize how the day will go. It allows me to set a schedule, keep on task, and if things don’t go according to plan, provides valuable feedback for planning out the next occurrence of a similar task.
I’ve never been a big breakfast person, however I have started a metabolism boosting system which I do before I head out the door, ensuring I get the right amount and type of protein at the very start of the day…. and I’ve never felt better!
Thanks Nate!
Excellent tips here Nate! These are some fantastic things to do before starting your day as an entrepreneur 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Good to know I’m already doing and being your list of great tips! I would add – get a good night’s sleep. This is the most important thing that helps me the next morning 🙂
Hi Nate,
Great post and good advice. I do start my day a little differently but that can always change. My first thing is to check and see if I have important email to respond to, check my sites to see that they are up and running and then delete junk mail and then start with my “To Do List” for the day. Works for me.
Have a great day. Monna
Hello Nate!
I love “EVERYTHING” on your list! I’m going to add a few in addition to yours:
Feel Good
Think happy thoughts
Speak kindly
Get some fresh air
Have fun
Appreciate Everything!!!
Thanks for the GREAT post with all kinds of inspiring wisdom for healthy living and a winning action plan for business !
Healthy blessings,
Great advice and thanks for sharing Nate. I do 3 out of 5 of these things, gotta get my butt in gear and tackle the other 2….
Thanks for the tips! So simple, yet so powerful. I find myself doing some but not all regularly. Thanks for the reminder!
i think am guilty of not doing some of the listed things in the article but i never miss the health meal 🙂 lol . I will try to do all you have written in the article, thanks for the post, it is really useful
Excellent tips. I like to map out my day the night before, and arrange my desk with materials so I can get going in the morning. I am a chronic list maker and love to cross things off the list as I accomplish them. It is a great feeling, isn’t it?
I don’t agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I have noticed that breakfast is usually the meal that can people down and makes them sluggish. Harvey and Marilyn Diamond, in FIT FOR LIFE book say that fresh fruit is the best breakfast because it does not require a lot of energy to digest, if eaten alone (that is not with proteins and carbs). I say you should experiment to see what works best for your own body and go with that.
Hey Nate,
These are the things I do every morning. These are simple but yet powerful tips the fills out the day, so by the end of the day you feel more accomplished because of all the tasks that you checked off. Thanks for sharing!
Great tips Nate! I think everyone would benefit from starting their day in this way. I meditate each morning, which includes a visualisation of a successful day. If I can I go for a walk too, and can’t function without breakfast. I find that meditating and walking help set me up for the day and it always runs much more smoothly when I do. I tend to do things I don’t like doing so much first to get them out of the way so they’re not hanging around like a bad smell all day! Andrea
Nice one Nate! I like mapping out my day, makes a lot of difference!
Good tips ,Nate
for me it looks in winter different than in summer.
But I do exercise regularly which is very important to me .
I start making healthy breakfast ,baking my bread fresh every morning .In summer my schedule is very tight ,because of this I take it easier in winter and have more time to write and learn new skills .
I agree that these are great ways to start your day, Nate, but putting them into practice is the problem for me. When I was out working and had children’s schedules to cater for I was really organized.
Now what with working from home and children grown my own routine has changed – I don’t really have one! I am trying to change so that I am more productive again so thank you for reminding me of what I should be doing.
I am doing blogging as a full time career since last one year. I started my day with some little Exercise because I am setting in front of computer full day.
First we need to do list after leaving bed because it will help little to work fast. 🙂 and complete full day task.
I recently watched an incredible webcast by Robin Sharma who wrote the book “The Leader Who Had No Title”. and suggests these three things to do daily. He calls them the 3 “magic drugs”: meditation, exercise, and sleep. I like to add journaling which I think has many benefits.
Loved your points here Nate. One thing I do to reduce my list of tasks, often before the big tasks – is to pick the ‘Quick Wins’ – meaning small less time consuming items which are bugging me or will facilitate a bigger task later, or something I don’t want to do which will make me feel better and be more productive!
This clears some stuff away ready for the Big Action 🙂
Great post, I love it!! Thank you 🙂