Everyone wants to be financially free. But that takes work – and a special kind, at that. There are a number of things you should do to run a successful business, and a number of these things are specific to the world of MLM, Network Marketing, and Internet Marketing. Here, we’ll take a quick look at five things you can do to be more productive in your MLM Network Marketing business. These five things should be more than enough to take you from zero to hero faster than you thought possible.
Set Aside Time
The most important thing you can do for yourself when chasing success, in MLM or anywhere, is to set aside time to work. Everyone knows that the only way to learn a language is to practice, and the only people who ever successfully learn a language are those who set aside time and . . . Well, practice. It works the same way with business. If you don’t set aside time to do your work, there’s no way you’re going to do it well, if at all. If you have an hour of the day that you dedicate exclusively to working, however, you’ll force yourself to do something. And over time, that hour will grow to several, at which point you’ll be raking in money no problem.
Streamline Your Workflow
After you’ve set aside time to do your work, it’s time to streamline your workflow. This means you should take time to make sure that the things that take the most time – such as printing or cropping advertisements – are automated. This way, you can spend time doing the hard intellectual work, and not waste time doing the grunt stuff.
Write an Agenda
It’s cliche, but writing out an agenda or to-do list is one of the most important things you can do to keep yourself on track. Having a list of things you know you have to get done before a certain time is a great way to pressure yourself. In order to make this more reliable, you should attach something you want o your success in finishing the list. For instance, get your best friend to hang on to your concert tickets until you finish your work – this way, you’ll be motivated to do it, and do it right.
Stay Consistent
It’s easy to convince yourself that it’s okay to take a break or deviate from your standard schedule, especially if you’ve been relatively on track recently. However, the most important thing you can do once you get going is to stay consistent. Keep the ball rolling – it’s the only way to take full advantage of your working momentum.
Bind Yourself
Finally, you should be open about what you’re doing and what you plan to do. It’s crucial that you let everyone know what your goals are – this way, you’ll be held accountable for actually meeting them.
Now it’s Your Turn!
What are some of the things that you do on a daily basis to stay productive in your business? Do you find one particular strategy better than the other? Please leave your feedback in the comments section and I look forward to reading them!
Hey Nate,
These tips are very important if you’re going to move forward with your business. I know I like to procrastinate and I look at the fact that it keep me stagnant.
Having an agenda and staying consistent with it seems tedious but it will mean the difference between you not going anywhere in your business and you seeing the results you want and achieve your goals. One thing I do, which you notice, is that I make an big effort to publish and blog every other day, share it, and comment on others. It has made a big difference between me not knowing anyone and not getting traffic, to getting a really low alexa, getting leads, sales and traffic.
This is a great reminder and thanks for sharing!
Hey Sherman!
I have noticed! You are doing a phenomenal job, helping others that are looking for help.
You and I both can agree that we’re still learning, we’re still growing and at the same time we’re sharing this journey together.
We’re not perfect we tend to procrastinate at times but at the end of the day, if we’re consistent regardless we’re still further ahead than most people who sit on the couch eating pork rinds.
Appreciate the comments Sherman!
Nate- It is so easy to get distracted and procrastinate. I think most of us are guilty of that. But you need to take a step back every so often and take that break and get away from the computer. I laugh sometimes because I feel like I sleep with my computer.
After you regroup it is easier to stay on track and get that momentum going and you will find you are not as distracted. I created a plan and each day I check off what I have accomplished. That has been one of the biggest boost for getting things done.
Have a good weekend
Hi Arleen!
It sure is! It’s easy to do, and it’s also easy not to do!
Sometimes if we find ourselves getting distracted, we just need to be consciously aware of it, take a break, do something that isn’t work related and then re-group.
Appreciate the comments and you have a great weekend as well! 🙂
Hello Nate,
I try and stay productive by doing two things. First I always time each of my activities this way no one job dominates my time. Second I try and balance short term money making activities with long term ones.
Thanks for the thought provoking post.
Hey Luke,
Those are great ideas in terms of getting stuff done. Using a stop watch and focusing on your tasks and not allowing any distractions to come in. Appreciate your comments Luke!
Own it all Nate! Love the binding note and the tone here. Thanks!!
Thanks Ryan!
Hey Nate…
Thanks for sharing the little secrets of being more productive in the business…
All the five tips are undoubtedly effective…
Time, proper planing,consistency, dedication is all that a successful business demands…
A great post!! 🙂
Hi Debasmita!
Great! I’m glad it helped! Have a great week ahead. 🙂
Hi Nate,
I think not only in MLM business, but in anything you do, if you want to be productive, you need to follow these 5 ways you mentioned.
Planning out your work or making an agenda as you mentioned is the key because it’s only with a goal that you can move ahead. And yes, consistency is essential, especially if you are a blogger. Other than that you need to ‘create’ the time to work, time is actually never there or always falls short – but that’s no excuse, isn’t it?
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend 🙂
Hi Harleena!
You’re right, not just in MLM but in business and life as a whole.
Goals move you forward, and with consistency, and desire, you get the results you want. Appreciate the comments!
You too! Have a great weekend!
Hi Nate,
All these are great points! I specialize in helping busy mums to get things done. Blocking out the time for the tasks needed to be done is very important. One important strategy is to have all the prospecting calls bundled together at a time when the children are at school.
I agree with Arleen that it is easy to get distracted and procrastinate. It is therefore very important that we focus our TASK GOAL instead of the outcome goal. Connecting, prospecting and follow up calls are non-negotiable tasks.
Awesome sharing, Nate! Keep up the great work!
Viola Tam – The Business Mum
Hi Viola,
Yes, get things done while you have the time. When you do have the time, focus and prioritize the workload.
We can all relate to procrastination.
It is very important to focus on the task at hand versus the outcome goal. I agree with you there!
Many get confused between the two and they are different. You focus on the task at hand and focus on what needs to be done today!
Appreciate the feedback! Thanks Viola!
Hi Nate!
You emphasized the importance of writing an agenda for yourself. Writing an agenda can really help to get our work done on/before time thus improving the productivity. Thanks for sharing these tips with us.
Hey Pramod!
Yes, I’m glad it helped! Thanks!
John Maxwell equates success to our daily agendas. So many struggling networkers are treating their businesses like a hobby. The good news about networking marketing is that you can set your own schedule. The bad news about network marketing is that you can set your own schedule. Calendar time is the key. If it doesn’t show up on my calendar, it doesn’t get done. I have discovered that giving every activity a time and a place on my calendar ensures that it will get the attention it deserves.
Hi Nate,
Great tips you have here, but the most powerful one to me is consistency, because no matter what you do, if you are not consistent, nothing will come to fruition.
If you blog once in a while your blog won’t be successful, not if you are still trying to get traffic anyway. Only HUGE blogs can play that game 🙂
If you use social media only when you think about it, no one will know you and read your stuff either.
So, consistency is a biggy in my book, but all your other tips are very valuable too.
Good tips Nate! I can definitely relate to consistency and accountability. I find I work more efficiently when I have a partner or group to get accountability and after reading The Slight Edge I realize how important consistency is to reaching any goal.
Yes, and like what you read in the “The Slight Edge”, be consistent and overtime your progress will compound. Appreciate the feedback! 🙂