Personal Development: 5 Secrets To Living a Long and Happy Life

Even though we are living in some of the most exciting times in human history, it feels like the overwhelming majority of people are anything but happy.

Everywhere we turn and look someone’s telling us about how the economy is in the dumps, global issues like war, famine, and natural disasters are exploding from all of our screens on a regular basis, and we’re getting sucked deeper and deeper into a social media and technology “fog” – escaping from real life and an almost alarming rate.

However, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t certain people – enterprising people – that have been able to pull away from this almost tractor beam of destruction, leading happy, healthy, and long lives in the process. We’re going to give you some of their insider secrets right now, hoping that you’re able to take advantage of this information as well.

5 Secrets to living a long and happy life

Outline exactly what you expect – and then accept nothing less

The amazing thing about our world is that when you set almost “too high” expectations, it’s very often what you get. The problem with our modern world is that we set expectations that are too low, for any different number of reasons, listening to people who tell us that our dreams are two wild and we need to be “more realistic”.

If being more realistic means living a life of crippling debt, being overweight and unhappy, and basically pushing through our lives on a day to day, hour by hour basis then who would want to be realistic?

Always shoot for the stars – and though you may not reach them, you won’t come up with a handful of mud either.

Treat your body will respect

Though there certainly time to get out and get wild, the truth of the matter is that your body is a finely tuned machine and needs to be treated as such. If all you’re pumping into your body is trash, that’s exactly what you’re going to get as far as output is concerned – rippling your future from the inside out. That the gym, start eating right, and eliminate as many bad habits as possible (though not completely – that would be living at all) and watch as your entire life changes.

5 Secrets to living a long and happy life

Be present

One of the most impactful ways that you can change your life overnight is to stop trying to multitask everything and instead focus on being as present as humanly possible. Focusing on each and every task as deeply as possible – whether it’s working on a project, cooking a meal, or having a conversation with someone – completely changes the game and allows you to get all of life’s juices that you would have missed out on otherwise.

Smile more

You cannot imagine right now how much your life would change just by smiling more – even when you don’t feel like it. Scientists have found that there is actually a psychological response to the physiology of just simply smiling, allowing us to generate happy thoughts even when we are in the midst of a nightmare.

Take a bit of time to appreciate everything you have

Regardless of where you are in life right now, appreciate and understand that you are the only “version” of yourself that’s ever going to enjoy this specific spot in time. Regardless of how you feel about an afterlife or what happens after we’ve passed on, all we know for sure is that we have the time we have right now – and nothing more. Appreciate that you are a one-of-a-kind creation, filled with one-of-a-kind feelings, emotions, and thoughts, and you’ll find that you’re able to live a one-of-a-kind life.

Now it’s your turn!

What are your secrets to living a long and happy life?  Please leave your feedback in the comments section and I look forward to reading them!

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25 responses to “Personal Development: 5 Secrets To Living a Long and Happy Life”

  1. Greg Brown says:

    Hey Nate loved the article you continue to add value.
    every since that free training you gave me in las vegas you have continued to inspire me to grow.
    by the way I robbed you for that
    you rock Nate!

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Greg,

      Glad to see you on my site! I’m glad brother. You have grown so much and watching you grow has been a pleasure. Thanks Greg!

  2. Linda Bomba says:

    Happiness is apparently infectious, so surround yourself with positive people. That doesn’t mean you should break up with your Debbie Downer friends, say the researchers. You can help spread happiness by doing things to improve their lives.

  3. Judy Garey says:

    Great tips to living a happy life Nate! In 2010 I made a commitment to myself to only allow what makes me happy in my life. If it doesn’t make me happy, it’s gotta go. If it must stay temporary, I choose to change my perspective about it so that it doesn’t contaminate my life. 🙂

    • Nate Leung says:

      Yes, eliminate the things that do not matter in your life. Use the law of vacuum. Wipe out the trash and make room for growth! Appreciate the comments Judy!

  4. I like the one, “smile more”. When I walk to and from the school taking my kids there and back, I try to smile at 5 or more people. It just makes the journey that much better when we smile at each other.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Yes, smiling at people is infectious. Love the way you are spreading love! Thanks Stefani!

  5. Leah Lambart says:

    I love these ideas for a happy life! I try to be present and smile a lot. Going outside helps too!

    • Nate Leung says:

      Awesome! Glad you enjoyed them! Yes going outside is very helpful. That’s why I tell people to get outside, enjoy life. Don’t get cooped up inside the house! Thank you for the comments!

  6. Lana says:

    Great article, enjoyed reading. Thanks for the great tips

  7. Varian Brandon says:

    Great article, I love the part abut being specific about what you expect.

  8. Hi Nate

    Absolutely agree with what smiling can do for you, even when you don’t feel it. It works wonders and you can’t help but feel happier. Cheaper than chocolate….which also can make a person feel better.

    We should shoot for the stars, but so many get disappointed so quickly in the game and give up. Things will come to you, when you are ready to receive them. So don’t ever fret the small stuff if you want to be happy.


    • Nate Leung says:

      Hello Mary,

      Smiling does wonders. What you want out of life depends on what you give. The more you give, the more you will get out of it. Yes, don’t sweat the small stuff, and we’re in agreement about being more happier that way. Appreciate the comments Mary!

  9. Hi Nate,

    Great tips! Being present is a biggie with me. No rush. We have now. So focus on your task at hand to get more out of life. I love smiling too. Being happy helps you ride out the dark moments, and when you are living in a nightmare simply embracing the misery and then smiling changes your feelings instantly.

    Smile, smile, smile your way into a long and happy life. Also, helping folks makes you feel so good too 😉

    Thanks Nate!


    • Nate Leung says:

      I agree with you Ryan. Being happy does ride you out in the dark moments. Helping folks, taking yourself out of the picture to help others is very gratifying. Appreciate the comments Ryan!

  10. David John says:

    Good advices and methods are given here that how to live a long life. If you are fit and healthy then you can definitely live a long life.

  11. I think the more we like and respect our body the more we can FEEL better and perhaps the BETTER we feel the better we react to things around us? The environment can have a huge impact on us if we attuned to it 🙂

  12. Stop believing in the fear! Our world has become a world of fear-mongers. Stop believing that the world is FULL of boogey-men and crazy, evil people. Turn off the 24-hour news channel and live your life! Embrace the joy that is awaiting you and just be!

  13. Kay Thomas Brown says:

    A nice positive post Nate. I also liked your FaceBook page.

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