We know how challenging and time-consuming it really is to build a network marketing business. So today, we present several webinars ideas to help grow your business. As you take your first steps in a network marketing business, you could possibly underestimate the power of the webinars and fail to consider it as a marketing strategy.
But this easy tool can be a huge asset – one that can keep your growing network organized while saving time and cutting marketing costs. The reason why a webinar is so effective is that it allows the presenter too in the comfort of their own home, still present the opportunity all while leveraging their time, and costs of doing a regular hotel meeting.
Here are 5 strategies you can use to build your network marketing business using webinars starting today:
Lead Generation Using Webinars
Provide content to your target market with webinars. Participants can hear your compelling message straight from you and also get instant answers to questions. By providing extraordinary webinars, you could generate qualified leads, increase sales and create marketing buzz.
Product Launches
Use interactive webinars to show off the features and advantages of your product or service, even to participants on the other side of the world. Webinar costs are low, especially when compared with other types of promotion, and can make the difference in whether your launch flops or flies.
Product Demos
Provide frequent live webinars that offer a customized walkthrough of your product, so prospects can visualize exactly how it could help them. People enjoy finding out how your product or service works, and it gets them enthusiastic about you and your business.
Interactive Training
What better way to teach employees, volunteers, customers and students than with a live webinar? And thanks to the polling feature, you are able to instantly learn how much attendees are learning, to evaluate the effectiveness of your webinar.
Customer Communication
Through the power of webinars, businesses of all sizes can build relationships with their customers online. You never know when a random comment or question might spark an idea for new ways to serve those in your market.
By building personal relationships with your customers, you can learn more about their needs then develop ways to satisfy those needs profitably.
Give Webinars a try. One I like to use is called Evergreen Business Systems. It’s an automated webinar platform that allows you to do webinars while you are away from your computer. I encourage you to test these techniques. I am certain you’ll quickly discover the benefits of your business.
Now it’s your turn!
Have you used webinars to build your business? What intentions did you use the webinar platform for? Please leave your feedback in the comments section and I look forward to reading them!
Webinars are powerful sales tools. At the end of an informative, exciting and connected webinar, your listeners are going to be exceptionally receptive to a sales offer. Webinars are great for building trust and credibility, which benefits your brand in the long run. In addition, they can also help you bring in more sales immediately. Thank you Nate for sharing!
Hi Liz,
I agree with you in terms of using webinars to build trust and credibility. It does benefit your brand and gives you the authority in your niche. Thank you for the comments!
What’s great about webinars, is that it takes advantage of a whole slew of media at once. This means that you can have video coming in from your webcam and you have audio coming in from your microphone. But you also probably have a slide presentation or mindmap presentation to lead your audience through. This helps add structure and flow to the lesson. In addition, you may have websites or live demos to show.
You may have pre-recorded clips that are all a part of your presentation. Unlike text or podcasts, webinars gives you a whole range of different kinds of media to take advantage of. Great post my friend!
Hey Henry,
Absolutely, my friend. That’s what I love about webinars is that you can be flexible in your marketing and also what you present. Thanks for the feedback!
Hi Nate, webinars are a great customer communication tool because they bring together three powerful elements — customer or prospect interaction, audio, and visual elements including video. Two of my favorite uses of webinars for customer engagement are Q&A sessions and group coaching. Let’s see how both of those work.
Hello Robert,
Yes, they sure are. It’s like a live classroom but it’s virtual and you can reach more people out of your local area. I love the engagement part of webinars. Thanks for sharing that Robert!
I have Nate but so many spots around the world do not have a strong enough connection for me to pull them off. I LOVE them though, so much so that I feel like an absolute natural running 30 or 60 minute webinars. Maybe when I go back home in a few weeks I will do a few with an uber strong connect.
Great points buddy, thanks!
Awesome! Thank you for the comments!
Total value as always Nate… So glad I came upon your blog. I learn more things from you every day…
Thank you Vince! Appreciate the comments!
Thanks Nate for this post,i’ve actually heard about webinars for long, but i’ve not seen a post to give more details about it. Thanks
You’re welcome Asaolu!
Your blog posts are always so informative and interesting, Nate. I always enjoy reading your articles. Thanks so much!
I’m glad Jeanne! Thank you for the comments!