3 Simple Ways To Get The Most Out Of Linkedin To Build Your Business

Social media has completely dominated the Internet in ways that most could never have imagined before – literally rewriting the rules and general use of the most groundbreaking technology human history has ever seen.

And while Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram continue to get all of the “big press”, the truth of the matter is that LinkedIn continues to develop one of the largest social media networks designed and developed specifically for business professionals. With well over 225 million users (from over 200+ countries across the globe), this has become one of the most effective networking tools available – giving you instant access to the kinds of elite-level business professionals you’ve never would have been able to contact before.

All that being said, you need to know exactly how to use LinkedIn to build and promote your business effectively – and that’s far easier said than done. Hopefully, you’ll be able to use the inside information provided below (as well as some creativity and called common sense) to generate the LinkedIn results you’re looking for.

How to use Linkedin.com to build your business

Fill out your entire profile – your ENTIRE profile

One of the biggest reasons that you’re probably not enjoying the kind of Linkedin.com in the success that you could be is because your profile is very likely (in one way or another) incomplete. Without providing all information (and we do mean all information) that LinkedIn asks for – and even some information that they probably don’t – you’re never going to be able to communicate and connect with influential people.

These people value their time more than anything else, and if they’re not able to quickly comb through your information and understand exactly who you are, what you bring to the table, and how you can help them, they’re likely to skip over you and pay attention to someone else.

Don’t be so “stiff shirted” on LinkedIn

Because it’s a business networking platform first and foremost, there is a real propensity to dump just as much “corporate speak” as humanly possible all throughout the platform. Remember that this is a social media network at the same time, and you’re going to want to approach it with a bit more – not much, but a bit more – casual flair.

Those who put their personality on display (obviously in the best light, and always in good taste) are able to generate more views and more influence in LinkedIn – something you’ll want to pay close attention to moving forward.

How to use Linkedin.com to build your business

Always try to be valuable first and foremost

The very best way to generate real connections on LinkedIn (rather than the superficial “accept” that so many people receive) is to become valuable to that other person before doing anything else.

This could be a simple as helping them to answer a question that they posted on LinkedIn, actually doing the legwork for a minor project that will help them further their career, or even connecting them to a third party that you have access to without expecting anything in return.

Becoming valuable – the flame, not the Moss – is the best way to build business success on LinkedIn, the kind of success that you can count done and rely on time and time again.

It’s your turn!

Do you use linkedin.com?  How do you like it?  Feel free to give your feedback in the comments section below and also connect with me on linkedin.com by clicking here!

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54 responses to “3 Simple Ways To Get The Most Out Of Linkedin To Build Your Business”

  1. Ron Killian says:

    Thank you Nate, some great tips.

    Though I hate to admit it, I’ve neglected my Linkedin account. Don’t know if i even remember the log in or password.

    But the more about read about the site, the more I believe I could be missing out. One part that looks quite promising is the groups, and being able to content large groups. Without spamming of course.

    Sorry, I don’t have input, but you’ve inspired me to get off my butt and get to working on my account.

  2. Hi Nate,

    Flling out your full profile is key. Not partial. FULL! This helps busy pros gets to know you. LOL on the stiff shirt comment. Please, be human, I always say.

    Thanks for the powerful breakdown!


  3. Ed says:

    Great post Nate, Linkedin is one site I need to start using more, thanks for the helpful tips.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Thank you Ed. Yes, once you dive into Linkedin, you’ll start to enjoy it’s benefits. Appreciate the comments!

  4. Matthew says:

    Great post LinkedIn is definitely a good place to promote your business, done the right way it can become very powerful.

  5. Zina Solomon says:

    This is a great article! Thank you Nate! Yes, I use LinkedIn and have a huge following. However, I require leveraging it more. It’s funny because I was thinking about LinkedIn the past couple of days. You’re awesome. 🙂

  6. Carmen says:

    I love and use LinkedIn for business. Finding and connecting with speakers, authors, and others who have message that resonates with my clients has been incredibly helpful. Xx

  7. Fantastic tips on how to have success on LinkedIn, Nate!!! Thank you for sharing your awesome value!!

  8. Debasmita says:

    Hey Nate,

    I completely agree that LinkedIn is the best among the social networking sites when it comes to professional business.

    Thanks for sharing the tips of promoting business via LinkedIn!

  9. Matt Ritchey says:

    I love the 2nd tip!
    We have to be ourselves, and then we will attract the right people in our lives to help us along our journey.

  10. Thanks for this great post! I just started using linkedin about 2 months ago and it has served me well! Have a great day!

    Brandon Lukas

  11. LinkedIn can be a very valuable tool that I’ve overlooked. Thanks for the tips!

  12. Somer Nelson says:

    I have an account but honestly have not used it. Love the tips. Ill have to dive into it a bit more:)

  13. Dave Hunte says:

    Very nice article. I’m surprisingly not on LinkedIn. I’ll have to sign up lol

    thanks for writing


  14. I have read and heard that LinkedIn is a great format that must be considered in growing business online. Thanks for the details.

    Best Regards,

  15. Cindy Eidahl says:

    Great Content! I am on linkedin and also empire avenue which is a great to build social status also. I am still exploring Linkedin but I like it so far.

    • Nate Leung says:

      I’m sure the more you use it, the more you will love it. Takes awhile to get used to. Thank you for the comments!

  16. Too many folks don’t get the fact that LinkedIn demands a complete profile. Nice share!

  17. Boris says:

    This is a very useful information on how to build your business! Great post 🙂

  18. Nomusa says:

    Leading with value is the best way to connect with people on social media and LinkedIn is no exception. Thanks for sharing Nate.

  19. I use LinkedIn, I like it a lot. It is a great tool to prospect. Joining niche related groups is the key to finding like minded people, that has been the case for me. LinkedIn is great very simple to use.

  20. Susan Brady says:

    Great post Nate, you have just inspired me to start being more engaged in linkedIn, in fact, I am going to add it to my calendar to make sure I do it. Thanks for the push!

  21. I have LinkedIn so these techniques are very helpful Nate. Thank you for sharing them to us~ 🙂

  22. Greg says:

    That makes a lot of sense Nate. I’ve been slowly improving on my Linkedin profile.

  23. Al Green says:

    Thanks for the reminder Nate. I’ve been away from linkedin for a while. I just never really got into it. I think I might go give it another shot though.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Al,

      Yes, Linkedin is great. Just like any other outlet, takes time to build out the profile and establish those relationships. Thanks for the comments!

  24. pam schmidt says:

    I use linkedin. But I realize now that I don’t fully appreciate all it has to offer. thanks for the encouragement to use it to the fullest potential, Nate!

  25. Nate this was an eye opener and a different way too look at the MLM Market as well.Thank you for writing this blog and sharing your ideas good job!!

  26. Emmanuel says:

    There is one thing I think I’m not doing right with LinkedIn, I think I’m being too stiff!

    • Nate Leung says:

      Yes, I think we all have one way or another. Thanks for the comments Emmanuel!

  27. Luke Blower says:

    Hey, Nate, haven’t commented for too long!

    Funnily enough, I have been thinking about getting into Linked in recently and leveraging it more to build my business. Great timing (and telepathy) on your part.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Luke,

      It’s a great time to get into Linkedin.com. As you can see it’s a very under utilized platform! Thanks Luke!

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