3 Reasons Why Obstacles Will Help Your Business

The objective of all the business books, guides, and audiotapes are to help run a smooth business without facing any obstacle until you achieve your business goal. That being said, isn’t it strange that people have been writing books from the time when business was conducted on a barter system and now when all the business has become mere debit and credit?

The fact is that from the beginning till the present business has progressed, and during each era, people wrote books to overcome the obstacles faced by businesses at that time. In other words, it’s the existence of obstacles that guarantees progress and growth for a business.

If I analyze my life and see where I am standing at present, then the only conclusion I come up with is the fact that it is the obstacles that I have faced at different points in my life the overcoming of which has lead to what I am today. Therefore, if there were no obstacles I wouldn’t have known what I am capable of or the path I need to take in life. After facing plenty of obstacles in life in general and business in particular, I think myself capable of telling you a thing or two about obstacles and how they contribute to prosperity in business. In the following lines, I’ll be discussing with you the 3 major reasons why obstacles will help your business.

3 Reasons Why Obstacles Will Help Your Business

Imperative For Growth:

The first and perhaps the foremost important reason why you need obstacles in your business is the fact that they bring growth to the business. For a business, it is imperative that it takes on new challenges, because if it does not take on new challenges it would continue with the same profitability and soon some other competitor will beat the business in the market. Therefore, in order to keep on rising higher, a business needs to find the obstacles in its processes and in the market so that it can overcome them and make the business grow and soar to a higher level.


Perhaps the biggest yet mostly ignored the reason, why obstacles are important to a business, is the lesson they bring. The common trend is that when a business comes across some obstacles, people start finding ways of overcoming it. Although it is the rational way of dealing with the obstacle, however, it is merely superficial and the underlying lesson that the obstacle brings goes unaddressed. To me, every obstacle brings a lesson, and if that lesson is learned by the business, then nothing can stop the business from becoming a success and avoiding inconvenience in the future.

3 Reasons Why Obstacles Will Help Your Business1

New Path:

It happens most of the time that a business decides upon a particular goal, then devises a specific path to reach that goal in a given time frame. Although the path selected by the business is the best as per the calculations, however, in some cases it happens that some obstacle surfaces during the path that causes the business to change the route, and to the surprise of the business, the new path selected proves to be more effective and efficient for the business. Therefore, the presence obstacle signifies the possibility of a new path, which the business might take in order to avoid or overcome the obstacles. Hence, for the possibility of finding a new path a business must appreciate the existence of obstacles.

Now It’s Your Turn!

What kind of obstacles have you faced in your business? How have the obstacles impacted your business? Do you think that obstacles are good for business? Please share your precious views in the comments section below.

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25 responses to “3 Reasons Why Obstacles Will Help Your Business”

  1. Nomusa says:

    One of the challenges that i faced in my network marketing business was running out of people to show the opportunity to because my warm market were not receptive. So I went online and learned how to generate leads. In the process of learning how to deal with the cold market I improved my human relations skills and now my previous warm market are coming on board.

  2. Lynda Lippin says:

    So true, Nate. Overcoming obstacles is how we get stronger and move forward!

  3. If we had stopped writing or publishing at any point where there were obstacles, we would have no books out, let alone two. Overcoming obstacles is key to success and forward mobility. Great post!

  4. Sophie Bowns says:

    Thanks for the helpful tips Nate 🙂

  5. So true, we won’t be who we are now if we hadn’t been challenged by obstacles. We learn the most from them.

    I strongly believe that failure is the best teacher, I remember during school failing a few exam and learning that wasn’t the end of the world, just a bump in the road, an opportunity to do it over, learn it better and move on.

  6. Hi Nate,

    Overcoming obstacles in business is very important.

    Thank you for sharing these 3 reasons why obstacles can help your business 🙂

  7. Hey Nate,

    In order to get anywhere in our business, we need to overcome obstacles or else we’ll be stagnant with our business and personally. I like the three reasons that you gave, especially the last one about finding a New Path. Sometimes going into a new direction will help propel our businesses even more so that staying on the same one!

    Thanks for sharing!

    • Cindy Eidahl says:

      Overcoming Obstacles is a part of business and one way to be ready for them is to have a positive mindset. I read and listen to audio everyday which helps me deal with obstacles in my business
      Thank you for sharing

  8. Great advice as usual Nate. There is always a lesson to learn and then that produces growth.

  9. Great article, Nate, and so true. Without obstacles we wouldn’t grow. I relate to “New Path”. I recently had to totally change the direction I was going in because of certain obstacles, which made me re-think things through, and then I came up with a different and better way. Thanks, Nate!

  10. This is so true. I have had many obstacles and trails over the years and have learned so much from them. I have grown from them and bettered myself from them.

  11. Krystle says:

    I have obstacles in my business, however I feel like I am the biggest one getting in the way. I have to improve just getting over my fears and move forward with the task at hand. It’s coming along slowly but surely. Thanks for the post Nate!

  12. Great article, the whole premiss of learning from your mistakes is very true, Like the pics as well.

  13. Yippeedaniel says:

    Hi Nate,

    Obstacle strenghtens the mind, presently i don’t run any business but i still face obstacle at some stages of my life but i never let them knock me down i over come them i and i feel stronger.

  14. marilyn cada says:

    hello nate. in my case, obstacle also helps me create new courses of actions in order to overcome those obstacle 🙂 i think new courses of actions belongs to the New Path category

    thanks for sharing

  15. Hi Nate

    Since being in business I seem to have faced nothing but obstacles … it has been an uphill struggle that almost cost me my sanity. I’m still in recovery now. I have to say that this time I nearly didn’t get back on my bicycle and I’m still not sure I’m on the right path but reading yours and others’ blog posts are really helping me to re-focus so thank you. xxx

  16. David Haines says:

    Hi Nate, one of the lesson I always try to teach is that obstacles are there as a test to see if you’re willing to do whatever it takes to push through. It’s those of us that actually push through that become successful. Great post my friend!!

  17. charu sharma says:

    Here I always get to read something very inspirational and interesting!! Wonderful 🙂

  18. Tina says:

    Most of the obstacles in my business have been of my own making. Learning to overcome them has been a matter of learning to get out of my own way.

  19. Esha says:

    Awesome post Nate! These three that you have mentioned has held me back for sooo long!

  20. andrew ben richard says:

    I’ve been through a lot of challenges, such as going through brief spurts of depression. I’ve felt like I wasn’t good enough, and that life wouldn’t work out the way I wanted it to.

    In every one of these cases I let my thoughts run wild. I started focusing on the negative instead of on the positive, and I think many people have the same tendency.

  21. Overcoming obstacles that come our way definitely make both us and our businesses stronger, although admitedly it may not seem like it at the time

  22. Aditi says:

    Great Read!

  23. Poorva says:

    very nice post 🙂

  24. Hi Nate, loved this post as it is really on point. It’s not something I really thought of before, but yes, we must all face adversity in our business to adapt and change and improve. Thanks for sharing.

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