People always use social media every day, whether they’re logging into Facebook or Twitter. Nowadays, a fairly new social media site resides right with Facebook and Twitter as one of the most used social media websites — Pinterest.
Pinterest is accessible from the web and mobile platforms, opening up its reach to an incredibly wide audience. According to many recent social media studies, Pinterest showed the most ‘year-by-year growth’ out of all social networks over the past three years.
Pinterest brings people together through photo-sharing, which opens up a wide variety of marketing activities affecting how people perceive a business. What about an MLM Network Marketing business?
Most MLM Network Marketing businesses, when translated to a platform like Pinterest, might flounder first. Unlike Twitter and Facebook, people are more likely to see through a ruse—and think you’re trying to find ‘just another recruit.’
MLM Network Marketing, however, isn’t only about recruits and making money. It truly helps people for whatever reasons they get into the business and connecting with other like-minded individuals. It’s that reason why Pinterest just works as a marketing tool for any MLM Network Marketing business.
How exactly does Pinterest work for MLM Network Marketing businesses?
To understand that, here’s something you should know: successful social media marketing revolves around branding, giving value, sharing, engaging on a social network. With Pinterest, balancing these four ‘elements’ can seem harder than you think—but, it’s not. Just think about it.
You have your Pinterest account, your MLM business running, but you’re not exactly generating money every day—and you want to promote on Pinterest. You’re already pretty much ahead if you already have the aforementioned. So, what’s next, you ask? Promoting your MLM Network marketing business through Pinterest!
If you’re especially curious, here are three awesome ways you can use Pinterest to give your MLM business the boost it needs.
Actually advertise your MLM blog and/or company replicated website.
If you have a picture or several pictures on your blog or company replicated website, you can Pin it. Each picture that you post on each platform should have an associated Pin button, which links back to your Pinterest board—and likewise back to your site. When visitors start ‘Pinning’ your pictures to your board, it more or less creates a backlink for your website.
You can even create a themed board for your Pins, displaying your consistently updated photos. Remember—don’t stop posting photos, since these same photos can and will get pinned by interested visitors.
Engage and inspire your followers.
When it comes to Pinterest, get visitors to become more involved with the ‘construction of your board.’ If they’re interested in you and/or your website or blog, they’re going to start pinning their favorite pictures to your board. They’ll come back and keep pinning your site photos if you keep them updated and engaged.
Eventually, they’ll become inspired enough to share with friends and family. Sometimes, you can introduce product incentives and/or offers with your photos, encouraging people to take advantage through your Pinterest content only.
Show that you’re real.
Sometimes, people on Pinterest might mistake an MLM business account as just another ‘bot’ account, trying to shill a product. To avoid visitors making such harsh assumptions, start actually participating on Pinterest the moment you register your account.
The easiest way to start is by pinning photos yourself, placing them into boards that correlate with your personal and business interests. Once people see what you’re passionate about, they’ll start becoming more interested in what you might have to offer.
People like seeing a face behind the things that they might like. That’s a step you have to take if you’re building an MLM business through Pinterest itself. Now it’s your turn. Are you currently using Pinterest to build your business? If so, how are you doing it? I would love to hear your comments!
Hello Nate I enjoyed this article on Pinterest. I will be using the tip about creating a board to promote my business on Pinterest. I like that I can pin about my passion which is fashion so that people can see that I am a real person. How about joining together to create a board. What do you think? Also I love your logo so professional
Hey Vanessa!
Pinterest is an under utilized site when it comes to business in my opinion. I think that Facebook overshadows many social media sites out there. Pinterest is growing faster than Facebook did when it first started. Thank you for the comments Vanessa! Feel free to stop by and also reach out!
I’ve got to say that I’ve not been using Pinterest to build my business because simply didn’t understand how it works. Yes I pin a few things here and there but that’s it. After reading this post, Nate, it has opened my eyes to a lot and I now see how it can be used to build a huge business, as long as one stays consistent and interesting.
Thanks for sharing buddy!
Pinterest is pretty cool once you get into it! Thanks for the comments!
Great, Nate!
I am already implementing your suggestions to my Pinterest page yet find it awkward to continue pinning. I don’t want to overload my page with ‘mindless’ quantities of…
I hesitate to repin from a lot of my colleagues pages as they have ‘their’ links & I think I may lose potential customers to them.
Forever Yours
Hi Martin!
You sound like you’re getting the hang of it. It’s pretty cool when you start pinning. You never know who is looking at the Pins and not every single board or pin says the same message to each visitor. I would just pin away! Have fun! 🙂
Hey Nate,
Pinterest is an interesting one… There is a book that I have yet to purchase but it was a recommended one from some resource (I’m all over the place so I can’t remember where.. LOL).
It’s called “Ultimate Guide To Pinterest for Business”.
I have a ton of books to go through before I get to that one, however, I believe that it should be a good thing to pick up. After all, we can learn from anything and everything as long as we keep an open mind.
I never knew that you could pin pictures on other peoples’ boards so I will have to check that one out, although it might seem more like a spammers tool.
Keywords are important here as it also helps with SEO. Sort your pictures into categories by keywords and they actually help with the rankings of your page via baclinks. 😉
So that’s one of the more useful techniques I’ve found from pinterest.
Pinterest should definitely be one of the essential tools that one uses for their businesses.
Darren Spruyt
P.S Because of this post, I decided to pin your post! 😉
It is interesting. That’s why I like it so much. I love that the fact you can attach links to the pins and like you said, helps with backlinks. Thanks for the input bro!
hey Nate,
These are some great tips about Pinterest. I haven’t been taking advantage of what this site can do and this post was a great introduction. Thanks for sharing and I’ll definitely look into it some more.
You’re welcome. Let me know what your thoughts are when you get onto Pinterest.
Great advice, Nate! More and more people are using Pinterest daily! It’s a fantastic site!
Thanks Katrina!
Oh how I love Pinterest! Not only for the hours of wasted time I’ve spent in it, lol, but because it’s in the top 3 sites that drive traffic to my blog. Pinterest is super powerful. It’s not just for housewives who are pinning recipes, photos of sofas and outfits, or kids crafts. (Yes those are all of the things I repin!) Bloggers and businesses need to harness the power of Pinterest!
Awesome post Nate!!!
You’re right Stefani, Pinterest is powerful! It’s growing faster now at an alarming rate than Facebook did when it first started. Yes, it’s an awesome site to backlink to your site! 😉
Great information here Nate. I have been a little laxed when it comes to pinterest. This article is my wake up call.
Thanks again for sharing Nate!
You’re welcome Steve!
Great tips Nate. My blog gets decent traffic from Pinterest but you are so right about being more social and active on there.
Thanks Adam!
Hi Nate,
Another solid post by you!
My thought to add to this is to use Pinterest to come at your business sideways!
What I mean is this, do people visit pinterest and type in “your MLM name here” (whatever your company is) to search? typically not.
So once again we have to think like marketers and figure out – what are our customers/future team members looking for?
Create a board with that. If it’s weight loss, then weight loss success stories. Travel? Then exotic locations.
Those are the type of images that will get re-pinned and ultimately drive some traffic to you as well!
Exactly, and enter some text in the box, possibly a URL that backlinks to your site. Great tips Jon!
Good suggestions. I really don’t want to pin all my products as there are over 15,000 products on my website. I guess you would do any site like you suggest for MLM business sites. There are so many social media available it is hard to know which one works the best.
Yes, pick and choose which of your product sells the best. At least that way you can start getting some traffic and the great thing about Pinterest is that you can scale up to get even more traffic. Thanks for the comments!
Pinterest is definitely a great tool, the great thing is it is visual, which is so powerful these days.
Absolutely. It’s a great tool. A must for any marketer. Thanks for chiming in Luke!