The telephone was a great modern-day device for communication. Little did many people know how it would turn mobile, enabling people to be reached at a moment’s notice–at the gym, at home, or even on the toilet. But with the advent of the internet, soon people were communicating in many more ways that didn’t involve picking up the cell phone or using the landline telephone.
Skype calls, Messenger, email, and even social media has taken the place of that honest one-on-one telephone conversation. New employees are even being hired today, without even stepping foot in an office, or being given a hand-shake. Modern technology has replaced that personal touch.
While that personal element may be missing in internet communication, there are certainly many more ways to communicate with people–individually–or as part of a group.
If you’re part of a team, you can learn how to build rapport with prospects, without even talking to them. Then one day, you get a query to buy your product. The next thing you know, you’re making a sale! And you never had to be introduced one-on-one with your potential customer.
Here are 12 ways you can build up a rapport with strangers, potential customers, or even friends, without even needing to talk to them at the beginning. Each tip is going to be business-focused. The ultimate goal is to sell your product and make a profit.
Spend time regularly implementing these ideas to your own social media pages. Often people try only one method, then neglect the value of others.
1. Post Positive Quotes to Social Media
You may have already noticed on Facebook how quickly a quote and photograph can spread throughout the net. You may also see how it returns back to you after months of traveling back and forth. You can copy these quotes for your own business needs, or, you can create your own, using stock photos, or your own photographs.
Positive quotes should have a business focus. “You Can Do It!” Make Money Not Stress”, and other types. These quotes may attract potential business partners to your business. These quotes will give the reader a glimpse into what your business is about.
You can also make quotes that will attract new customers. “Clean Living for Life” or something along those lines, along with a photograph of a serene landscape, can make people take a break from their hectic lives and wish they were within the scene. You’re selling them an experience, after all.
2. Motivation
People need to be motivated to do things, otherwise, they’ll just on the couch all day doing nothing. Hunger and the wheedling of others can be good motivation for going out and finding a job, but motivation needs to go beyond that, to get someone to step outside their comfort zone.
Motivation should get people to do something they wouldn’t normally consider doing. Perhaps it’s the motivation to eat better or take healthy supplements. It may be to find a better job instead of just settling at where they’re working.
3. Inspirational Posts
Inspirational posts on social media will help people to think up new and creative ways to do things. Perhaps they need to find more time in the day to do the things they enjoy. Or perhaps they need some inspiration for a new business idea.
Inspiration is using creativity to making something new. Perhaps you need to be inspired to try a new craft, but you’re not quite sure what it is. Post specific inspirational posts on your social media. People may see them and realize that they’d like to be inspired by that too.
4. How-To’s On Marketing
In the past, marketing was associated with telephone marketing. No one wanted to do it, and no one wanted to be the person making the call. Today, marketing can be so much more than that.
Social media marketing is a field in itself. You can help people by giving them tips on how it works, or how to do it. Marketing can also include tips on how to do traditional forms of marketing such as newspaper or magazine ads, television and radio commercials.
Business owners are always curious as to what types of marketing will work for them, and what types of marketing are a waste of time and money.
5. Personal Adventure or Your Family’s or Team’s Adventures
You’d be shocked to learn this, but people are actually interested in the face behind the website, blog, Facebook Page, etc. You can post your name, and let them know that a real person runs the show.
The best way to engage with your readers is to post some funny stories. These can be based on your own personal adventures. Perhaps they can be about a family trip. Or, maybe they’ll be business-focused and you’ll post about one of your team’s adventures.
This provides a change from the usual offers or shares that you normally have on your page. People want to read real content.
6. Use Comedy
People have to deal with serious topics in their working life, so they don’t want to read about serious topics when they take a break to visit their social media accounts. Use humor to give them a good chuckle. If your page, blog, or site has been fun to them they’ll be sure to return the next day for more.
The world can definitely use more humor than seriousness. You can make up your own comedy, or search around the net for sources of inspiration.
7. Post Interesting Trivia
You don’t want to be the Encyclopedia Brittanica for your membership but most people do appreciate some interesting facts and trivia. When it’s about pets, animals, nature, or science, the odds are good that people will learn something from it. Ensure that you post the facts to the best of your ability, as you don’t want to lose the trust of your audience by posting something questionable.
You can always back up your trivia with an authoritative source so people can look up more information for themselves. It also says that you did some research, rather than making up your own trivia.
Trivia can literally be about any topic known to man. You can tie it into your marketing campaign, or it can be something completely unrelated. You can even run a trivia contest and offer a prize. People love to participate in online social media contests and promotions.
8. Use Controversy
Have you ever seen on your favorite Facebook page how an argument is started? There can be controversy over nearly every topic. If it’s of interest to humans, you won’t get two people to ever agree on everything.
But there are some topics more contentious than others. Politics, religion, animal and human rights, and the economy are all way up there on the scale of things that are going to cause arguments.
So, what’s the best way of using controversy? Perhaps you’re a business that sells supplements. Perhaps you post a story about a man who cured his cancer by taking one type of supplement and eschewed traditional chemotherapy. So far, so good. Soon, you’ll find that people are posting about this topic. You’ll have people who think it’s legit, you’ll have people who won’t believe the story, and there may be others who’ll believe half of it.
You’d be surprised at how you can engage your readers into interacting with each other. People will create entire thread streams about this topic. But you may find that you have to do a bit of moderation. Your controversy can result in swearing and threats. You may need to delete some comments. But, you certainly got the topic started about how supplements can be beneficial, and they are certainly here to stay.
9. Provide Social Proof On Your Success
When you’re managing your business, it can be good to share your social success as well. People like to know that they’re a member of a positive group. You can do this by sharing screenshots that you are celebrating, such as 2000 Followers, or even provide a story about how happy your customers are.
Some Facebook Pages have a separate section where people can post reviews about your business. Some businesses may not be suited to this, but others that may have more positive than negative may benefit. You can also moderate these should you feel some aren’t fair. This is another method of providing social proof of your success. It’s all in the ratings and rankings.
You can also share stats from other sites that do rankings, such as Google or Yelp. Anything that you can provide concrete evidence of your success can be posted to your accounts. The more successful a business is, the more people will stop and take notice.
10. Provide Social Proof of Your Team’s Success
If you’re part of a business team you may also wish to provide social proof of your team’s success. You can share the number of Likes or Follows that your business social media accounts have.
If someone posts something good about your business, you can post underneath and thank them. Not only is it good business practice, but it may encourage other happy clients to do so as well too.
Other ideas to promote to your social accounts may be business social functions. Perhaps someone is having a birthday, or you’re out at a bar or restaurant. You can take photos of the members at the event, and then share them on your social media accounts. Just make sure that everyone looks tidy and not completely drunk, as you don’t want to post the wrong image about a professional team.
11. Use Piggyback Marketing
Piggyback marketing can be another effective way to get your products into the marketplace without having to spend any extra money. Usually, it is done between two companies, but can be up to three or more. Let’s say company one has a water filtration system they are selling, while company two is selling supplements. Each of these products is not in direct competition with the other, and both can complement each other.
Piggyback marketing can enable the water company to promote supplements, while the supplement company can offer water filtration system promotions to provide fresh pure water to take with the supplement.
Have a look around to see if there are any other potential businesses you could try piggyback marketing with.
12. Promote Value-Based Webinars
If you’ve been in business for any length of time then you are an expert in your field. Webinars are an inexpensive way to offer how to teach the masses about your expertise. You can provide them for free, or for a subscription-fee. You can promote them through your website, blog, or social media channels.
The benefits are that other people will want to learn from your success so that they can implement these methods in their own business plans. It’s an experience worth paying for.
After you use one of the above twelve methods to build rapport with your audience you may begin to see other methods too. Ideally, you’ll want to try something a little bit different each week. Keep your social media, blog, website, or business exciting, and your potential and existing customers will keep on returning to find out what new and exciting topics you have for them today.
Remember, it’s all about keeping the masses entertained. If you bore them, or force them to work at it, they’ll give up on you before you even have a chance to send them a message about your latest business offer. But keep them engaged, and make them your friend because people are more likely to purchase products and services from people that they care about.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post as much as I enjoyed writing about. If you feel you found value, be sure to let me know by dropping your comments section below and don’t forget to share this with others on your social media if you feel that others can benefit from this blog post. Until next time!
thanks Nate. very great sharing here. Before this i just applied one of the point above. That is motivation post. What I found is, my friend request had gained with so many people like business minded people with me.
Hi Nate,
Well I must say you have shared a detailed post on building rapport with facebook. To be honest I’m kind of newbie interms of building rapport.
Thanks for sharing