The Biggest Reason Of Failure And Steps That Should Be Taken To Avoid It

The performance of any undertaken activity is measured in terms of its effectiveness and efficiency. No matter how efficiently an activity is performed, if it does not achieve its respective objectives then it is not effective, making efficiency is of no use. The same thing happens with most of us who struggle hard in life to achieve success.

The majority of us are efficient towards our success goal and objective, however, very few of us are effective in achieving the goal. There can be many reasons for not being able to achieve the set goal successfully and failing during the struggle, however, the lines below give the single biggest factor behind failure and how it can be avoided.

The Biggest Reason Of Failure And Steps That Should Be Taken To Avoid It

Biggest Reason Behind Failure

The biggest reason behind failure is the fact that most of us fail to take action. Thus, when the tasks are not performed in sequence with respect to their importance, the ultimate result is that the tasks lose effectiveness. Therefore, no matter how quickly you complete your tasks, if the sequence of tasks is not properly aligned, the tasks cease to be effective, hence the inevitable failure strikes. Hence, in order to be successful, the one thing that you need to more than anything else is to learn to take action and prioritize your tasks and identify the most important ones, so that the tasks are performed with due emphasis and importance ensuring success.

Here are some tips on how to prioritizing tasks to achieve success.

Identify Them

The first thing you need to do in order to avoid failure and complete your important task in an order that brings effectiveness is identifying the important tasks. If you don’t know which tasks are important for you to achieve success then how can you possibly achieve it. Therefore, the first and foremost important step in the ladder of success is identifying the list of important tasks you need to perform to be successful in whatever venture you are going to undertake.

Shortlist the Most Important Tasks

Once you have identified the important tasks which you need to perform in order to achieve success, the next thing you need to do is to make a list of the most important tasks out of the important ones. To be successful in whatever objective you are pursuing, there would definitely be some tasks that are way important than the others, therefore, make a list accordingly by bringing the most important tasks at the top.

The Biggest Reason Of Failure And Steps That Should Be Taken To Avoid It

Tackling the Tasks

Once the most important tasks are in front of you, the next thing that you need to do is to make a decision on how you are going to tackle the tasks as in which task will you tackle first and which ones would follow. In tackling of most important tasks, you must resolve in your mind that you are going to give 100% to one task at a time, and once it gets done, only then will you move to the next task.

Just Do It

There are people who would successfully prioritize their tasks, however, the problem such people would face is regarding the implementation of their priority plan because they think too much. Once you have sketched a plan on how you are going to tackle the tasks, then go on an do it. Thinking too much over it won’t do you any good, rather it will deprive you of the crucial time you have at your disposal to achieve your objective of success. Therefore, thinking is good, but thinking too much will make you refrain from taking action, hence the efficiency of your performance will suffer.

Now it’s Your Turn!

Do you face problems in prioritizing tasks? How do you solve the problems of prioritizing? How crucial is prioritizing of tasks in success according to you? Please share your insight in the comments section below and I look forward to reading your comments.

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34 responses to “The Biggest Reason Of Failure And Steps That Should Be Taken To Avoid It”

  1. I think breaking down something to task and then setting a priority is important. I also think that doing one thing at time is a key then to really get something accomplished. It is too easy these day to get drawn away from 1 task but interrupts and then it is the end of the day and task is still not completed.

    I’m getting better at it but I still struggle with managing distractions and creating real focus.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Heather,

      I believe that for many of us, the distractions will never go away. It’s how we deal with them and manage them. I think people tend to be too hard on themselves when they lose focus and in reality, you can never get rid of them all together. Thank you for your comments!

  2. Michael Bian says:

    Great article..Thank you for sharing this one..

  3. Jason Power says:

    Hi Nate,

    I see this a lot as well with entrepreneurs able to make a great plan of action but never fully engage themselves in implementing the plan. I think once you have the plan then it is important do do no procrastination at all and get to work on implementation right away. By doing this it is still fresh in your mind as to how you visualized it and you decrease the chance that you will put things off.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Taking action is the key! It eliminates procrastination. Thanks Jason!

  4. Coach Donna L. Ward says:

    Great post Nate and I am feeling the overwhelm as I start to put a new VA into place – getting the work done is a great feeling – and the little things still need to be done for marketing, so passing it onto my VA now so I can move into more successful activities! And, Yes Heather interruptions take a huge amount of time – staying focused to get it done by the end of the day is the reward 🙂

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Donna,

      Having a VA does wonders! It’s a very wise investment. You can let the VA do the mundane tasks, while you focus on what’s important. Glad to see that you’re moving in that direction!

  5. Great post Nate. I know I think too much sometimes or just get distracted but I am getting better!

    • Nate Leung says:

      As long as you’re aware and consistently getting better at becoming more focused!

  6. Susan Evans says:

    I definitely agree with you that many people don’t achieve what they want out of life because they don’t prioritize what is important and act on it. I accomplish a lot because I do these two things.

  7. Arleen says:

    I set my goals with an outline of the top goals and then add in the smaller goals that it will take to get to the top goal. Taking a little at a time works for me instead of attacking the largest goal. I guess you would call it baby steps. By doing it this way I don’t find the larger goal overwhelming.

    Your points are well taken. I can tell from reading your posts you are very organized and that is a wonderful attribute to have.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Arleen,

      Baby steps are better than ‘no steps’. Baby steps that lead you to bigger steps. The only thing that matters is that your progressing. Thank you for the comments!

  8. Great post. It’s important to take action and get things done properly!

  9. Hi Nate!

    Great job on setting us straight by taking our tasks seriously and taking action on it. I use the term “Eat the Frog” as many marketers are familiar with.

    You write down your tasks to achieve the goal. Every day you do the most difficult task first! ergo: eating the frog. After that, all other tasks fall in place.

    I’ve set up a DMO (Daily Method of Operation) and try to stick to it as much as possible. Hey…life does interrupt sometimes lol.

    When a task is not completed it stays in the back of your mind and can drive you crazy! That’s why I like to take action.


    • Nate Leung says:

      Hi Donna,

      Having a DMO and sticking to it is probably the best way you can get results and get things done. Thanks Donna!

  10. Mike Marryat says:

    Great post Nate! I was actually just thinking about this today. I need to start making a list of the activities I need to do every day. Taking action is key. No action = no results!

  11. Cindy Eidahl says:

    Great Post! I get distacted easily so the night before i make a to do list for the next day and check it off as I go. It helps me stay on track for the day! thank you for sharing

  12. Ryan Biddulph says:

    Hi Nate,

    Move into action. A tough step but if you have enthusiasm it become easier to do. Know why you wish to act and failure will be your slave.


  13. Krystle says:

    I love your motto on “Just do it”. I think a lot of time we try to do this and it doesn’t work or we try to do that and it doesn’t pan out. We are mentally setting ourselves up for failure. I believe you got to put one foot in front of the other and just do it. The results will be amazing.
    Thanks for sharing!

  14. Stacie says:

    I love this list, especially number 1 Failing to take action. This is so true for so many. So often, people have dreams but they dont take steps to achieve it.

  15. Vince says:

    Nate, great post as usual. Totally enjoy reading them. You have tons of value here. Taking action is key and sometimes you may fail but keep taking action and then more and success will follow.

  16. Over time I came to realize that sometimes it was the more important tasks that I kept putting off for some odd reason. I recognized it as a pattern, and once I saw that, I was able to re-prioritize and then was finally able to get things done. Know what you need to do, then do it.

    • Nate Leung says:

      Glad to see that you were aware of it. Most do not recognize this pattern. Thanks for sharing Jeanne!

  17. Esha says:

    Adding so much value here, Nate 🙂

  18. one of my biggest challenge would have to be “just do it”. I’m working on that though. I’m working on getting things done when they need to be done and stop putting things off for tomorrow.

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