If this your first time here on my website, let me be the first to welcome you to my website!
If you have been here before, welcome back!
Let me ask you a question…
How would you like to consistently attract boatloads of super high-quality prospects without making phone calls, begging your friends, or posting on social media around the clock?
I’m referring to prospects with a credit card in hand, who are ready to buy your product, or who are fired up about joining your downline.
And would you like to do it fast… literally with a push of a button?
If the answer is a resounding YES, then keep reading.
More information on how to automate your efforts will be at the end of this post.
You landed on this blog because you may be struggling in Mary Kay and you want to become a top earner in your business.
Before I continue, I have no relationship with this company. I stand neutral in the current development of the Mary Kay business. This blog post was created to help you build your business.
With that said, let’s dive in!
The vast majority of Mary Kay reps are bending over backward to get someone to sign up for their auto-ship… there are scores of new-age digital network marketers who are enrolling people with ease.
And they’re doing it…
- Without having to make lists of friends and family.
- Without dragging people to meetings.
- Without doing home parties.
- And without endlessly posting on Facebook about their product or business (which usually doesn’t produce much.)
There’s a better way, and you can do this without chasing friends and family every day, without spamming social media, without using the same cookie-cutter replicated websites.
Plus you can set it up in a way that is duplicatable and actually creates residual income…
How to automate an explosion of sales in your Mary Kay business
I know, it sounds like a big lofty over the top promise, but it’s not.
I call it the greatest recruiting shortcut in the history of network marketing.
Let’s face it, leads are the name of the game when it comes to building a thriving and successful Mary Kay business, and there’s no better tool out there to get those leads than the internet.
But it can also be pretty challenging trying to figure out what to do and how to do it. That’s why I created this blog post and why I’m sharing it with you now.
This applies to you if you are:
- Brand-spanking’ new
- Been around a while
- Have struggled to get your business off the ground
- Figure out another way to make more sales
I’m going to show you how to open the flood gates wide open with more prospects, customers, and team members than you’ve ever seen before.
The online Mary Kay sales funnel
To the traditional Mary Kay distributor… they do not have to deviate from the “plan.”
Offline, you go to someone’s house as a party, but how do you replicate that online?
Take the same proven concepts here in this post that have worked in network marketing for decades and applied them to the digital age.
It is the exact thing that got people who are so excited, who are already interested in what you’re selling.
- Finally, they became leads
- They became customers
- They became distributors
This is what we call the three lost funnels:
The online Mary Kay sales funnels mimics:
- The effectiveness of person-to-person selling
- Through automated systems where leads come to us then we convert them into customers
- More importantly, we can duplicate
The Bridge Funnel (aka the three-way call)
The first funnel, also called the 3-way call funnel, focuses on communication with potential customers.
When you first join Mary Kay, you don’t know the products, the comp plan, how to sell, etc…
Whether you are a new marketer or an experienced one, cold calls will mostly land negative responses, and it will affect your business significantly.
On the contrary, sharing messages will let customers know about the products or services even if they don’t want it. The more you try, the better the chances you create to build a strong customer base.
The bridge funnel is the equivalent to the old school three-way call.
Get your Mary Kay bridge funnel here
If you’re already a ClickFunnels member, it will upload directly into your account.
You simply bring a prospect to your upline leader, they tell their story, explain the offer, and do all of the selling for you…
After going through a few three way calls, you can then plug in your own story or script and share your experience with your prospects…
These three-way calls are an excellent way to duplicate your team. New people can plugin, have a team leader handle the heavy lifting of sales/recruiting, and learn the ropes as they build their downline…
The Home Party
Home parties work because people can see the products and opportunity in a non-pressurized sales setting. Plus when people at the party buy products, it creates fear of missing out (fomo) and encourages others to buy.
This strategy also duplicates, because guests learn they can earn free products for hosting a party… or earn even more benefits by joining TraVerus themselves.
This is known as the home party funnel, where you need to convert your targets to potential customers.
I’ve been able to help people on my team:
- Re-create the home party online
- How to set everything up
- Dig into the mechanics of why they’re so effective
Get your Mary Kay home party funnel here
If you’re already a ClickFunnels member, it will upload directly into your account.
The Hotel Meeting
The hotel meeting is effective in the real world because it introduces prospects to the products, business, and actual top earners in the company. Plus it gives new distributors a duplicatable system to build their downline…
Just bring your prospects to the next meeting, and the top earner will stand in front of the room and do the selling.
To make this funnel effective you will need to know how to craft your hook, your story, and your message.
Get your Mary Kay hotel meeting funnel here
If you’re already a ClickFunnels member, it will upload directly into your account.
Speak to the right avatar for your Mary Kay business
In order for you to attract the right avatar, these are the questions you need to ask:
- What are their aspirations?
- What steps do they need to do in order to hit the goals they’ve set for themselves?
- What is holding them back? What are they afraid of, or excuses that they must overcome to achieve their goals?
- What solution can you give them to help them with their problem? What value, can you offer them?
This is what an avatar looks like
- Susie is 40 years old
- She has two kids and is a stay at home mom
- Her husband is working full-time while she takes care of the household and the kids, but she is worried about their finances
- She’s currently not making any income and wants to contribute to the household
- She has searched on Google endlessly on how to make an income online but has left her confused, and overwhelmed
- She doesn’t know how to get started with an online business
- She doesn’t have any kind of structure in terms of how to start a business
- She’s starting to second guess herself to see if starting a business is worth it
Know your audience like you the back of your hand
Step 1: Identify the audience you are speaking to – Speak to one group of people. In my example, I like to speak to other females that are just like Susie.
Step 2: Identify their problems – What are their pains and frustrations? What keeps them up at night?
Step 3: Understand their desires – This is important because you want to know their wants, needs, and desires. Know this and you can make lots of money.
Step 4: Understand their dreams – What outcome are they looking to get out of this experience?
Step 5: Understand their fears – What is holding them back from achieving their goals?
Step 6: Your solution – What will you recommend to them? How can your solution help them?
My final thoughts
I’m shocked that some network marketers are still taught old-school outdated prospecting and recruiting methods.
I’m stunned that I still see people writing down their top 100 lists. Doing home and hotel meetings. Cold prospecting. And now using social media to push their products and opportunity on their prospects.
Sadly, many network marketers who are still using these outdated methods, don’t know any better. They were never taught differently.
And it pains me to break the news… but with these old-school methods, most don’t have a snowballs chance of ever making it in this business. Especially in today’s digital era.
It is not easy to be successful in the Mary Kay business and which is why more than 95% fail.
If you feel the person you are going to sign up with is not going to be able to give you the necessary tools to help you succeed…
I would suggest that you check out my number #1 recommendation.
This solution is the reason why so many people are having success with a ‘work from home business’.