3 Mistakes You Can Make by Chasing the Shiny Object Syndrome

When’s the last time you managed to step into an electronics store and buy just what you came for? Usually, we go to the store with a list of things we need, and then completely neglect that list in favor of all the other, bigger, better, shinier things we see. This is called the shiny object syndrome, and giving into it is a great way to get yourself into a lot of trouble, both in business and in life. Remember, the secret to success is to unwaveringly keep your eye on the prize. The moment you decide to chase “shiny objects” instead of what you set out for, you lose. Here are three critical mistakes that come out of shiny object syndrome.

3 Mistakes You Can Make by Chasing the Shiny Object Syndrome

Abandoning the Plan

Just like we frequently walk into the store with plans to buy certain things that we never actually get, we frequently set out to accomplish certain things that never actually get done. This is because we develop a plan, for one thing, realize there’s something else we want to achieve, feel like that something else is better than the other thing we decided to chase, and then abandon the plan to accomplish the first goal. Now, if we achieved every new goal, this wouldn’t be so bad. Unfortunately, the process of developing a plan after plan continues, and we end up never accomplishing . . . Well, much of anything. Be sure not to abandon your plans just because some new one seems better.

Throwing Away Money

Another mistake people make is throwing away cash. Of course, they don’t literally throw it away. But, they might as well. Oftentimes, people will make investments in things that they don’t need (additional front-end offers, or fancy websites) but sound “shiny” or “flashy” just because those things are ‘shiny’ or flashy. This obviously never ends optimally, since you end up with extra stuff you don’t need, and less money to buy the things you do need. This can end up being disastrous for business, and even your personal life if you really make a mistake. So, be sure to be smart about where your cash ends up because once it’s gone, all you’ll have is a shiny thingamabob that’s not going to help you succeed in the slightest.

3 Mistakes You Can Make by Chasing the Shiny Object Syndrome

Self-Fulfilling Failure

Finally, if you consistently give into SOS, you’ll fail in business. This sounds harsh, but it’s true. Why? Simply because you won’t stick with any one plan long enough to see it succeed. Remember, persistence is key, but SOS is the antithesis of persistence. It drives you to do things on an impulse. Over time, this leads to your developing very bad habits that carry over to, and damage, your business. So be careful. In everyday life, be sure to be smart about your money, your plans, and your objectives, and keep your eye on the prize. The moment you stray, you lose, so get out there and keep this in mind today.

Now it’s your turn!

Have you ever fallen for the Shiny Object Syndrome?  What have you done to stay focused with your opportunity and not let that slip away?  Please leave your feedback in the comments section and I look forward to reading them!

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10 responses to “3 Mistakes You Can Make by Chasing the Shiny Object Syndrome”

  1. Adam Payne says:

    Great post Nate, though I expect nothing less these days 🙂

    If you can handle it, then it’s not necessarily a bad thing, but if it causes you to lose focus and ‘abandon the plan’, then you are bang on the money.


  2. We’re HUGE fans of Gollum! Just watched all the movies with my girls this summer. My youngest daughter does a great impression of him.

    I have fallen into the trap of #3 so many times. I come from a family that thrives on the negative…so I’ve spent many years overcoming the negative thought patterns that have been rooted in my mind.

    Awesome post Nate! Always so many golden nuggets of info. 🙂

    • Nate Leung says:

      I think most of us can relate to your story. It’s society and it’s the mindset and what has been put inside their minds.

      Awesome, thank you so much Stefani!

  3. Katrina says:

    I think everyone falls for the shiny object syndrome sometime! Sometimes the feeling of wanting to kick yourself is closely followed!

  4. Rayvin Nyte says:

    So true! but I do love shiny things!!

    Enchanting & Enhancing Your Life!
    ☆ Rayvin Nyte ☆

  5. pam schmidt says:

    I’ve been guilty of the SOS. After doing that kind of stuff and getting distracted for awhile, I realized I just don’t want to be spread so thin. It really becomes a matter of good or bad habits.

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